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Portugal is most surely included. I do not want to seem disrespectful to portuguese friends, but Portugal is a very small market (11 million vs. 46 million), and probably with a console market not as evolved as the spanish one.

I've been reading Diomedes' post, and I do not agree with him in all his ideas. I do not think Microsoft's XBOX360 is seen as he describes. XBOX games are receiving higher ratings on every spanish magazine, and I've met many angry customers who bought a PS3 months before its price was dropped.
It is also important to say that the most important videogame magazine in Spain, Hobby Consolas, has been hyping Sony products for a very long time.

Nintendo's sales, considering all my previous thoughts, are simply amazing. And Microsoft has experienced a growth in sales anyone expected. But Sony is just too strong to be beaten, yet.
By the way, I currently own a Wii and a XBOX360.