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PS3 vs N64

N64 292 46.65%
PS3 332 53.04%

This was a hard one lol


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huaxiong90 said:

Well yeah, it's the root of multiplayer gaming on consoles, that was my point. I am fully aware it did nothing new that PC shooters haven't.

That's undeniable, lol. I remember some brilliant times on 4-player Goldeneye! Although Oddjob was bloody annoying :P

Sadly I didn't have a ps1 or N64 so I missed out on a generation of gaming.  I did get to play some at friends houses but would always loose at golden eye or mario cart so those games weren't fun for me.  Mario 64 looked fun but never did play it.  I did play some Spyro games and think I'd probably enjoy them a bit more. Ocarnia of Time is the one game from the 64 I really want.

But this is comparing the Library of the PS3 to the N64.  Having a ps3 it's obvious I'd favor it.  Even if I didn't have a ps3 that can play all ps1 and ps2 games I still think that the ps3 has enough good games to compare with what many cosider some of the best games of all time.  I didn't like shooters before and now there have been many that I've enjoyed on the PS3 as well as there sequal.  I've finished more games several times than I have with other systems and not because of a lack of other games but because I really enjoyed them. 

Maybe if I had had an N64 before i would think differently, but considering there isn't a console that I have had that I like the Iibrary of more I doubt it.

Easily the PS3, and that too by a light year!!

The Ps3 exclusive called METAL GEAR SOLID 4 is alone better than anything on the N64

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

ofcourse n64 easily.its games is incomparable and will always be remembered unlike ps3

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PS3 easily.

I had a N64 and it was a great console. Ocarina of Time is still one of my favourite games of all time, but there are many games on PS3 that I consider better than anything on N64.

2012 - Top 3 [so far]

                                                                             #1                                       #2                                      #3



Gahh, N64 may very well be my most favourite console ever. I love it to bits.

Nintendo Network ID: Cheebee   3DS Code: 2320 - 6113 - 9046


Well, if you are asking wich console has the best games, quality over quantity:

Ocarina of Time & Majoras Mask >>> Everything on PS3, XBOX360 and Wii


Proud to be the first cool Nintendo fan ever

Number ONE Zelda fan in the Universe

DKCTF didn't move consoles

Prediction: No Zelda HD for Wii U, quietly moved to the succesor

Predictions for Nintendo NX and Mobile

Nintendo 64 is probably one of the worst consoles ever made...

Yes im being serious...

Compared to other consoles the PS3 is mediocre...but the N64 is terrible...

The only decent game was Ocarina of Time...and still that was extremely overated...dull plot...lack of polish...tedious dungeons...absolutely no indication of what you have to do...Even the Sega Saturn which was considered a great failure is better than the N64...