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PS3 vs N64

N64 292 46.65%
PS3 332 53.04%
Pavolink said:

Well, if you are asking wich console has the best games, quality over quantity:

Ocarina of Time & Majoras Mask >>> Everything on PS3, XBOX360 and Wii


Yes but two games do not a good console make.  What if N64 only had those two games made for it, nothing else.  Still better than PS3?  Metal Gear Solid 4 and Uncharted 2 are some of hte best games ever made.  Yet there are many many more that are of comparable or slightly lesser greatness.  Even the PS1 was better imo.  That says more about the PS1 than N64 though, N64 was still a beastly console.

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NYANKS said:
Pavolink said:

Well, if you are asking wich console has the best games, quality over quantity:

Ocarina of Time & Majoras Mask >>> Everything on PS3, XBOX360 and Wii


Yes but two games do not a good console make.  What if N64 only had those two games made for it, nothing else.  Still better than PS3?  Metal Gear Solid 4 and Uncharted 2 are some of hte best games ever made.  Yet there are many many more that are of comparable or slightly lesser greatness.  Even the PS1 was better imo.  That says more about the PS1 than N64 though, N64 was still a beastly console.

As I understand de OP, he's asking us which console has the best games, no which console has more best games. I'm not saying that this 2 games alone are better than the library for the actual consoles.

What I'm saying is that IMO Ocarina of Time & Majoras Mask are best quality games. Yeah, MGS4 and U2 are one of the best games ever made, but OoT too. :/

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Pavolink said:
NYANKS said:
Pavolink said:

Well, if you are asking wich console has the best games, quality over quantity:

Ocarina of Time & Majoras Mask >>> Everything on PS3, XBOX360 and Wii


Yes but two games do not a good console make.  What if N64 only had those two games made for it, nothing else.  Still better than PS3?  Metal Gear Solid 4 and Uncharted 2 are some of hte best games ever made.  Yet there are many many more that are of comparable or slightly lesser greatness.  Even the PS1 was better imo.  That says more about the PS1 than N64 though, N64 was still a beastly console.

As I understand de OP, he's asking us which console has the best games, no which console has more best games. I'm not saying that this 2 games alone are better than the library for the actual consoles.

What I'm saying is that IMO Ocarina of Time & Majoras Mask are best quality games. Yeah, MGS4 and U2 are one of the best games ever made, but OoT too. :/

Oh ok no worries.  I guess it's just depends how you take the op.  OoT is awesome, I agree.  Two of the best non first place consoles EVER.

AngelosL said:

Look what N64 did for games. What I want to say is,  you can't doubt the quality of games such as Ocarina, Goldeneye and Mario64...

Awesome link. But it's slightly broken. But I fixed it when I quoted you!

Snesboy said:
AngelosL said:

Look what N64 did for games. What I want to say is,  you can't doubt the quality of games such as Ocarina, Goldeneye and Mario64...

Awesome link. But it's slightly broken. But I fixed it when I quoted you!

Hadn't realized!Thanks, many people need to see those lists...

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Scoobes said:
huaxiong90 said:
Scoobes said:

Whilst I agree the platforming mechanics of Mario 64 were revolutionary, I'm not sure what either Zelda or Goldeneye were doing that was particularly revolutionary. They were great games but other games on PC and PS were far more influential.

Not sure I can explain Zelda. But Goldeneye? It pretty much brought shooters to consoles successfully. Can you name me a PS1 shooter that matches it? I mean, games like Disruptor and especially Medal of Honor were great, but they didn't replicate the success of Goldeneye.

OT: It's funny. I think the PS3 has a great variety in its exclusive library. But in terms of just quality titles, N64 wins by a mile.

It showed FPS' can be popular on consoles, but it did virtually nothing for the FPS genre beyond that and certainly not in gameplay mechanics. The controls (on consoles) were superceded by dual analog, the single player was nothing special, the health system was simply a sideways evolution of the health and armor bar in PC FPS' etc.

What it did well was a superb split screen multiplayer unmatched by anything at the time (and actually I can't think of anything that's really matched it). Revolutionary and influential though? Other than showing FPS' can be popular not so much. A revolutionary game in the genre would probably be Halo which came a generation later but which greatly influenced the mechanics, and gameplay experience of many FPS' after it.

Perfect Dark was a better FPS then Goldeneye 007 from what i remember because Rare took what they had Learned  with Goldeneye 007 and expanded on it. 

Japanese Pop Culture Otaku

heres the fact:

if ps3 existed in n64 days, the n64 would have been the equivelent of webbrowser gaming of would have failed as a console.

if n64 existed today (which they do and sell for extremely low prices online) theres still more people playing ps3 while the n64's are in the loft with a thick layer of dust (ok there always happens to be one guy saying "i still play mine")

so how the f*** is the n64 better?

i love ps3 but will i say its better than a console after a few decades? NO because it wont be.

n64 probably has lots of fans because they all grew old and now they cant compete with the new generation in competitive gaming and their big ego has died out so they wish they could go back in time..........anyone got a better explanation (keeping in mind what i said at the beginning)

fps_d0minat0r said:

heres the fact:

if ps3 existed in n64 days, the n64 would have been the equivelent of webbrowser gaming of would have failed as a console.

if n64 existed today (which they do and sell for extremely low prices online) theres still more people playing ps3 while the n64's are in the loft with a thick layer of dust (ok there always happens to be one guy saying "i still play mine")

so how the f*** is the n64 better?

i love ps3 but will i say its better than a console after a few decades? NO because it wont be.

n64 probably has lots of fans because they all grew old and now they cant compete with the new generation in competitive gaming and their big ego has died out so they wish they could go back in time..........anyone got a better explanation (keeping in mind what i said at the beginning)

There is no need to insult people I preferred the PS1 to the N64 like a lot of people but I still played N64 at friends. the PS3 in my opinion as I have stated previously on this thread is that Ps3 has a better library of Game then the N64 but the N64 has some of the best Games ever made in its library. at the end of the day that is what is imported Games not system horsepower.      

Japanese Pop Culture Otaku

I say the PS3 because it is made by Sony CE and has Playstation in the name.


Besides, that N64 controller was an abomination.






Easy choice: N64 > PS3

I myself enjoyed the PS1 more than the N64 back in the day, but you have to remember that the PS3 is NOT the PS1. The PS3's library lacks significantly compared to the PS1 (and PS2).

starcraft: "I and every PS3 fanboy alive are waiting for Versus more than FFXIII.
Me since the games were revealed, the fanboys since E3."

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