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Scoobes said:
huaxiong90 said:
Scoobes said:

Whilst I agree the platforming mechanics of Mario 64 were revolutionary, I'm not sure what either Zelda or Goldeneye were doing that was particularly revolutionary. They were great games but other games on PC and PS were far more influential.

Not sure I can explain Zelda. But Goldeneye? It pretty much brought shooters to consoles successfully. Can you name me a PS1 shooter that matches it? I mean, games like Disruptor and especially Medal of Honor were great, but they didn't replicate the success of Goldeneye.

OT: It's funny. I think the PS3 has a great variety in its exclusive library. But in terms of just quality titles, N64 wins by a mile.

It showed FPS' can be popular on consoles, but it did virtually nothing for the FPS genre beyond that and certainly not in gameplay mechanics. The controls (on consoles) were superceded by dual analog, the single player was nothing special, the health system was simply a sideways evolution of the health and armor bar in PC FPS' etc.

What it did well was a superb split screen multiplayer unmatched by anything at the time (and actually I can't think of anything that's really matched it). Revolutionary and influential though? Other than showing FPS' can be popular not so much. A revolutionary game in the genre would probably be Halo which came a generation later but which greatly influenced the mechanics, and gameplay experience of many FPS' after it.

Perfect Dark was a better FPS then Goldeneye 007 from what i remember because Rare took what they had Learned  with Goldeneye 007 and expanded on it. 

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