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Forums - Sony Discussion - Are you truly a Gran Turismo fan? (a rant, sorry)

Kasz216 said:

So you are saying people shouldn't be pissed that they willingly sat on their asses to wait for development, because they were waiting for a bigger userbase?

Blizzard works around the concept of releasing a game whenever they damn please?  How so.  Becaues they just released Starcraft 2?   There was never even real mention they were working on starcraft 2 until like... a year ago.

I see you aren't familiar with Blizzard at all. Starcraft 2 was announced 3 years ago, had already been in development since 2003, and was a direct sequel to a game that released a decade ago. This actually represents a decrease between time of announcement and launch of the game. World of Warcraft also represents how slow they are with about 5 years between release and announcement, including a beta that lasted over a year. The current trend of releasing an expansion every 2 years is also glacialy slow as the MMO market typically has 1-2 per year with all kinds of incremental content patches in the middle. Compare WoW and EQ2 patch count, and expansions to get a concept of this as they were released side by side. They are notorious for making you wait. Believe me, or look into it yourself and see that I am right. Your call.

 And again, you are misrepresenting my argument. I wish I could still quote myself easily on these new fangled forums but I will settle for a paraphrase. If someone wants to say they lost interest in GT5 somewhere along the way then I get it. No one is bitching about that. This is about the people throwing up their hands because the game has been delayed once.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229

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Gnizmo said:
Kasz216 said:

So you are saying people shouldn't be pissed that they willingly sat on their asses to wait for development, because they were waiting for a bigger userbase?

Blizzard works around the concept of releasing a game whenever they damn please?  How so.  Becaues they just released Starcraft 2?   There was never even real mention they were working on starcraft 2 until like... a year ago.

I see you aren't familiar with Blizzard at all. Starcraft 2 was announced 3 years ago, had already been in development since 2003, and was a direct sequel to a game that released a decade ago. This actually represents a decrease between time of announcement and launch of the game. World of Warcraft also represents how slow they are with about 5 years between release and announcement, including a beta that lasted over a year. The current trend of releasing an expansion every 2 years is also glacialy slow as the MMO market typically has 1-2 per year with all kinds of incremental content patches in the middle. Compare WoW and EQ2 patch count, and expansions to get a concept of this as they were released side by side. They are notorious for making you wait. Believe me, or look into it yourself and see that I am right. Your call.

 And again, you are misrepresenting my argument. I wish I could still quote myself easily on these new fangled forums but I will settle for a paraphrase. If someone wants to say they lost interest in GT5 somewhere along the way then I get it. No one is bitching about that. This is about the people throwing up their hands because the game has been delayed once.

To say it's been delayed once is silly... when you yourself are admitting the game was delayed because of userbase issues in the first place.

As for Blizzard, generally yeah... don't know much about them, never really liked Warcraft that much... too simple.  And I don't pay monthly fees  on MMO's.  They're ripoffs.

Nobody was talking about Starcraft 2 on here till like, last year, so i figured that's when it was announced.

Either way though, people have PLENTY of reason to be pissed and give up if that's the case.

Or like Valve with the Half life... if a lot of people say "you know what valve, fuck it, where's the new halflife 2 episode or halfife 3... I don't want any DOTA, Zombie or whatever games... after a 1 day delay..."

They'd perfectly be in their right to do that.  Heck in that case you wouldn't even need an announcement because it's a continueing story.

And Valve is a legendary development company. 


"Hidden delays" are no less valid as "announced delays".   They're the same thing when you can tell a hidden delay has happened.  So adding a "hidden delay" onto it, and the small announced delay being the final thing that makes someone say bullshit.

That's perfectly reasonable.

The answer is yes, I am a Bon Jovi fan.  I am attending one of his concerts in December, for a copiously large fee, on the night of my work's MASSIVE, FREE Black Tie Christmas Party.

I didn't get past the first line of the OP, but I assume that's what you wanted to know?

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

i mean, it's like you've never had a friend who did a couple of really assholish things, and you were kinda pissed at him for whatever reason or something, then he does something really minor, that if someone else did, you'd just kinda be upset for like a second... but because it's this guy, your friend who's kinda been stringing you along for a while with this stuff and annoing you... you blow up and your just like... you know what... "screw this and screw you!"

It doesn't really matter if what pushes you over the edge is a final huge event or someone just saying they think your jeans make you look fat... it's a cumalative effect... and it's totally valid.

Kasz216 said:

To say it's been delayed once is silly... when you yourself are admitting the game was delayed because of userbase issues in the first place.

As for Blizzard, generally yeah... don't know much about them, never really liked Warcraft that much... too simple.  And I don't pay monthly fees  on MMO's.  They're ripoffs.

Nobody was talking about Starcraft 2 on here till like, last year, so i figured that's when it was announced.

Either way though, people have PLENTY of reason to be pissed and give up if that's the case.

Or like Valve with the Half life... if a lot of people say "you know what valve, fuck it, where's the new halflife 2 episode or halfife 3... I don't want any DOTA, Zombie or whatever games... after a 1 day delay..."

They'd perfectly be in their right to do that.  Heck in that case you wouldn't even need an announcement because it's a continueing story.

And Valve is a legendary development company.


"Hidden delays" are no less valid as "announced delays".   They're the same thing when you can tell a hidden delay has happened.  So adding a "hidden delay" onto it, and the small announced delay being the final thing that makes someone say bullshit.

That's perfectly reasonable.

Blizzard is kind of like Valve but fewer games released in-between. Between 2005 and 2009 they released zero full games and 2 expansions. Well done expansions, but still it gives you an idea of what their release times are like. They have had at least 3 different games in full development during that time too, and some started before 2005

But I am done with you. It saddens me that it comes to this, but I have to just stop. You are obviously not reading what I am actually typing so this is not even remotely entertaining. It will be you mis-stating my stance, then me correcting it to have you quote me and still mis-represent what I am actually saying.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229

Around the Network
starcraft said:

The answer is yes, I am a Bon Jovi fan.  I am attending one of his concerts in December, for a copiously large fee, on the night of my work's MASSIVE, FREE Black Tie Christmas Party.

I didn't get past the first line of the OP, but I assume that's what you wanted to know?

i hate you forever.

where is he performing? i hate you so much.

I was already pissed before the most recent delay.

Though I'm probably not the most hardcore GT fan, since I only own GT1 and GT2 (and GT5P...).

Still buying it first week, but yeah the last delay isn't really that much of a big deal. At least if  you're not caring that much anymore like I do

Gnizmo said:
Kasz216 said:

To say it's been delayed once is silly... when you yourself are admitting the game was delayed because of userbase issues in the first place.

As for Blizzard, generally yeah... don't know much about them, never really liked Warcraft that much... too simple.  And I don't pay monthly fees  on MMO's.  They're ripoffs.

Nobody was talking about Starcraft 2 on here till like, last year, so i figured that's when it was announced.

Either way though, people have PLENTY of reason to be pissed and give up if that's the case.

Or like Valve with the Half life... if a lot of people say "you know what valve, fuck it, where's the new halflife 2 episode or halfife 3... I don't want any DOTA, Zombie or whatever games... after a 1 day delay..."

They'd perfectly be in their right to do that.  Heck in that case you wouldn't even need an announcement because it's a continueing story.

And Valve is a legendary development company.


"Hidden delays" are no less valid as "announced delays".   They're the same thing when you can tell a hidden delay has happened.  So adding a "hidden delay" onto it, and the small announced delay being the final thing that makes someone say bullshit.

That's perfectly reasonable.

Blizzard is kind of like Valve but fewer games released in-between. Between 2005 and 2009 they released zero full games and 2 expansions. Well done expansions, but still it gives you an idea of what their release times are like. They have had at least 3 different games in full development during that time too, and some started before 2005

But I am done with you. It saddens me that it comes to this, but I have to just stop. You are obviously not reading what I am actually typing so this is not even remotely entertaining. It will be you mis-stating my stance, then me correcting it to have you quote me and still mis-represent what I am actually saying.

It's just a matter of what your actually saying not being what anybody is actually doing.  Your argueing a strawman point.

bugrimmar said:
starcraft said:

The answer is yes, I am a Bon Jovi fan.  I am attending one of his concerts in December, for a copiously large fee, on the night of my work's MASSIVE, FREE Black Tie Christmas Party.

I didn't get past the first line of the OP, but I assume that's what you wanted to know?

i hate you forever.

where is he performing? i hate you so much.

In one of Sydney's biggest stadiums.

I have some of the best seats in the house.

No big deal.

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

Kasz216 said:

It's just a matter of what your actually saying not being what anybody is actually doing.  Your argueing a strawman point.

We have an example of it in this very thread. It absolutely is happening. I could link you to any game news source and have dozens of examples of it. I am not trying to strawman anyone here. In fact, I have gone out of my way to acknowledge that there are valid reasons for people to throw their hands up in disgust. Not everyone is as ungodly patient as I am so while I really don't get it, I can at least respect that it can be reasonable. I don't know how I can more plainly state that my only issue is with the typical group of drama queens that pop up every time anything bad happens relating to a game.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229