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Forums - Sales Discussion - Gran Turismo 5 will fail to sell...


Gran Turismo 5 will fail to sell...

Best Selling Gran Turismo 939 37.95%
2nd Best Selling Gran Turismo 494 19.97%
3rd Best Selling Gran Turismo 389 15.72%
4th Best Selling Gran Turismo 116 4.69%
The Worst Selling Gran Turismo 536 21.67%

It will only reach the 10 million mark if Sony bundles it with every PS3 until the end of this generation coupled with it selling like hotcakes these holidays. Too much time has lapsed between GT4 and GT5 leaving other games such as God of War, Uncharted, Metal Gear Solid and others to define the "Playstation experience" absent Gran Turismo.

I have predicted 425,000 in it's opening week and 4 million lifetime (I assume it will be bundled to give it the legs it otherwise would not have standalone retail).

As of the latest preorder charts, GT5 is at 260,000 total. No way it breaks the 1 million mark it's first weekend unless it magically adds another 100,000-200,000 preorder between now and Black Friday.

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Killiana1a said:

It will only reach the 10 million mark if Sony bundles it with every PS3 until the end of this generation coupled with it selling like hotcakes these holidays. Too much time has lapsed between GT4 and GT5 leaving other games such as God of War, Uncharted, Metal Gear Solid and others to define the "Playstation experience" absent Gran Turismo.

I have predicted 425,000 in it's opening week and 4 million lifetime (I assume it will be bundled to give it the legs it otherwise would not have standalone retail).

As of the latest preorder charts, GT5 is at 260,000 total. No way it breaks the 1 million mark it's first weekend unless it magically adds another 100,000-200,000 preorder between now and Black Friday.

So less than Prologue?

"Naturally the common people don't want war: Neither in Russia, nor in England, nor for that matter in Germany. That is understood. But, after all, IT IS THE LEADERS of the country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is TELL THEM THEY ARE BEING ATTACKED, and denounce the peacemakers for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. IT WORKS THE SAME IN ANY COUNTRY."  --Hermann Goering, leading Nazi party member, at the Nuremberg War Crime Trials 


Conservatives:  Pushing for a small enough government to be a guest in your living room, or even better - your uterus.


FinalEvangelion said:
Killiana1a said:

It will only reach the 10 million mark if Sony bundles it with every PS3 until the end of this generation coupled with it selling like hotcakes these holidays. Too much time has lapsed between GT4 and GT5 leaving other games such as God of War, Uncharted, Metal Gear Solid and others to define the "Playstation experience" absent Gran Turismo.

I have predicted 425,000 in it's opening week and 4 million lifetime (I assume it will be bundled to give it the legs it otherwise would not have standalone retail).

As of the latest preorder charts, GT5 is at 260,000 total. No way it breaks the 1 million mark it's first weekend unless it magically adds another 100,000-200,000 preorder between now and Black Friday.

So less than Prologue?

Good catch. I am fully aware of Gran Turismo 5 Prologue and it's 3.99 ( Turismo Prologue) sales since it was released in 2007.

Prologue's lifetime numbers are in line with my GT5 lifetime predictions. My estimate of 4 million is a tad higher.

The biggest spats I have been reading here mainly concerns GT5 vs. past GT games lifetime sales and first week sales.

There is nothing in Gran Turismo 5's preorders, currently, to make me believe there is more hype beyond the 260,000 preroders for Gran Turismo 5 to break the million barrier in it's first week.

I could be wrong, only time will tell.

Kasz216 said:
Blue3 said:
Kasz216 said:
Blue3 said:
Kasz216 said:

I still say the 7 million for first shipment number is BS though.

I woulnt given what some games have been selling in their first day lately add the fact WHEN GT5 is coming out.  All the stores in my area are balls out holidays.

Also a demo did 400k in march in one day In Europe alone on a 4 million user base. 

Have many games even the huge ones done 6 million on one platform day 1?  Cause that's the kind of numbers that would merit a 7 million shipment.

I like how everyone is calling prologue a demo now, when back when prologue was all there was any GTA fan would curse you out for calling it a demo.

Maybe the fact its the biggest shopping season of the year, thats what merits it.  They know they will sale it be in first day 5 days first week whatever.  Given they delayed all their other big games KZ2 LBP2, GT5 is their only huge holiday release.

Two way to see it, compared to most games yahh  GT5p is a real game.  Comapred to what GT5 will offer, Prologue is a demo.

So, the biggest shopping season of the year is going to cause 6 million copies of a game to be sold on one console... in one week.

When the biggest record currently is 5.6 over 4 systems?

Seems... very unlikly.

Unlikely but who knows with europe, we might be looking at the best-selling GT game ever or a game that would sell less/equal to GT4. But i'm pretty sure it'd do well enough to give Polyphony a profit...O wait, they already did with GT5P... :P

6 mio first week is insane 3,5 max

2,5 more likely

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OMG I can't belive that theres actually a person who thinks GT5 wont break 1m first week and will only sell 4m!

Fuckin BET PLZ!!!! such an easy win.

few more days and I'll be having a blast re visiting threads like this!

Blue3 said:


phenom08 said:

Michael-5 said:
Blue3 said:
Michael-5 said:

6 million is possible if the game gets low ratings. Unlikely, but if GT5 goes the way of GT PSP, it's very possible. Freiza also said 6-8 million, and 8 million is definatly not troll job (60% better sales then GT5P is low, but understandable). Your doing no different then Freiza, just oposite ends of the spectrum (Freiza thought 15m predictions were just utterly ridiculous).

Saying comments such as Freiza having "mental deficiency" or that my points "lack knowledge" are not funny, and if you think they are then I think you have a very sick sence of humor. Maybe even a mental deficiency yourself. You only make these types of points to discredit my arguement, and this is the type of posts that get people Frieza in a frits. Arguements are not one sided, I hope you understand that.

I never said to respect Freiza, I only said it's not entirely his fault. Freiza, and those who debated with him, resulting in his ban, should all learn to respect each others opinions. There is not correcting opinions, you may disagree, but who the heck is anyone here to tell someone that they are wrong? The game isn't out yet, no one knows exactly the outcome of the game. If they did, they would make a fortune in stocks, and I'd like to know how they could fortell the future.

Anyway it is a public forum, so do as you like, I've made my comment, and supported it. Any further debate is meaningless.

P.S. Your right, it's not grade school, but u shure doo spel leik it is.

You are right one thing, it is meaningless.  But even meaningless discussions should be expected to include intelligent thoughts cause any fool has an opinion, don't you prefer there to be intelligent opinons/guesstimates. 

p.s. debating with you sure is like grade shcool, all the paragraphs you post have little logic and little intelligent counter argument to anything.  You never actually make a rebuttal you just go of in a differant direction or cry wolf. 

Just because you disagree with Freiza's opinion, doesn't mean it's ungrounded. Just because in our debate, your unhappy with the result, doesn't mean you should resort to insult. It's these rude comments that ruin the forums..

P.S. guesstimates isn't even a word...

let it go michael, he really doesn't see how both 6 million and 15 million are unrealistic, so be it we know it won't be anywhere near 15 million, closer to 6 million though lol

1 -  a GT DEMO sold 5 million. 6m for the FIRST FULL GT release of a gen is beyond  "Special"

2 - the average sales of GT are 11.4m in case you don't know that puts 15m mathematically closer then 6M, no opinion no bias just math and facts.  

3. -  the highest selling GT is 14.7, just shy of my 15m while lowest selling one is 9.39 quite far from 6m.  So history shows Gt is capable of selling 15m, while showing a low 6m is higly unlikely.  


I see a even a little bit of intelligence is to much to ask for. 

Thats how the past GTs performed on extremely high selling consoles(something the ps3 is not). GT3 made it that far thanks to the highest selling console in history and heavy bundles and the PS3 selling power has already proven 10 million is  a pretty tall task for it, im certain one of the call of dutys will remain the highest selling on the ps3. 10 million is what im predicting and im being pretty optimistic. 10 million is closer to 6 million than 15 million.

Someone said that he can't see GT5 crossing 1M first week because its pre orders are at 260k... so America = the world now... because 260k is only in America I can't understand these kind of statement seriously, and we all know that EMEAA is where GT5 will have its greatest impact, I'm sure through the whole EMEAA the pre orders are easily over 1M currently.

So Freiza has an alt?

Killiana1a said:
FinalEvangelion said:
Killiana1a said:

It will only reach the 10 million mark if Sony bundles it with every PS3 until the end of this generation coupled with it selling like hotcakes these holidays. Too much time has lapsed between GT4 and GT5 leaving other games such as God of War, Uncharted, Metal Gear Solid and others to define the "Playstation experience" absent Gran Turismo.

I have predicted 425,000 in it's opening week and 4 million lifetime (I assume it will be bundled to give it the legs it otherwise would not have standalone retail).

As of the latest preorder charts, GT5 is at 260,000 total. No way it breaks the 1 million mark it's first weekend unless it magically adds another 100,000-200,000 preorder between now and Black Friday.

So less than Prologue?

Good catch. I am fully aware of Gran Turismo 5 Prologue and it's 3.99 ( Turismo Prologue) sales since it was released in 2007.

Prologue's lifetime numbers are in line with my GT5 lifetime predictions. My estimate of 4 million is a tad higher.

The biggest spats I have been reading here mainly concerns GT5 vs. past GT games lifetime sales and first week sales.

There is nothing in Gran Turismo 5's preorders, currently, to make me believe there is more hype beyond the 260,000 preroders for Gran Turismo 5 to break the million barrier in it's first week.

I could be wrong, only time will tell.

Ok, first of all the preorder charts are just for America.  Dragon Quest IX only had 35k preorders, yet it did ~2.5 million first week.  You can't judge worldwide sales from just one region.

Prologue is at 5.09 million shipped plus PSN sales as of September 2010.  Prologue also did 655k in its first week, yet you think GT5 will do less both first week and lifetime.  I find it hard to believe you really think this.