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Kasz216 said:
Blue3 said:
Kasz216 said:
Blue3 said:
Kasz216 said:

I still say the 7 million for first shipment number is BS though.

I woulnt given what some games have been selling in their first day lately add the fact WHEN GT5 is coming out.  All the stores in my area are balls out holidays.

Also a demo did 400k in march in one day In Europe alone on a 4 million user base. 

Have many games even the huge ones done 6 million on one platform day 1?  Cause that's the kind of numbers that would merit a 7 million shipment.

I like how everyone is calling prologue a demo now, when back when prologue was all there was any GTA fan would curse you out for calling it a demo.

Maybe the fact its the biggest shopping season of the year, thats what merits it.  They know they will sale it be in first day 5 days first week whatever.  Given they delayed all their other big games KZ2 LBP2, GT5 is their only huge holiday release.

Two way to see it, compared to most games yahh  GT5p is a real game.  Comapred to what GT5 will offer, Prologue is a demo.

So, the biggest shopping season of the year is going to cause 6 million copies of a game to be sold on one console... in one week.

When the biggest record currently is 5.6 over 4 systems?

Seems... very unlikly.

Unlikely but who knows with europe, we might be looking at the best-selling GT game ever or a game that would sell less/equal to GT4. But i'm pretty sure it'd do well enough to give Polyphony a profit...O wait, they already did with GT5P... :P