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Forums - General Discussion - Belief in God produces Hell on Earth

sapphi_snake said:


where and when did I or my church say that gay people were an abomination?

It says so in the Bible. If you guys don't follow the Bible then I have to do a research about that book of yours to see if it mentions anithing like that.

Please, draw me a picture of how our views are comparable to the klans views of non whites.

The Klan thinks that non-whites are primitive and inferior to whites. You people consider that being gay is a sin, that gays will burn in (the fictive place you call) hell, that gays are against nature, and that gays should "change" and be "normal", because only heterosexuals are "normal" and "right". The Klan cosiders that non-whites should stay far away from whites (in other words segregation and marginalisations). You people support laws that surpress gays, that marginalise them (opposing same sex marriage, or their right to serve in the military openly).

To they use slurs and derogatory speech against them?

You want me to search for quotes? Also, just saying that being gay is a sin is derogatory and hate speech. That's no different than saying that being a woman is a sin or being left handed is a sin.

Mormons are not a hate group.  Mormons do not hate gay people.

How exactly do you not hate them?

It isn't limited to Mormons

True, but it is Mormons that we are talking about, no? I wasn't expecting your group being any better than any other religious group, but you can't use it as an excuse.

Just don't compare us to a freaking hate group, because frankly, they are not connected at all and it is pretty insulting. 

I doubt my rant to you is even close to what gays go through because of people like you who tell them things like "you're going to hell", "what you're doing is a crime against nature" or "marriage is between a man and a woman". So stop complaining!

Well, this conversation is just going in circles.  I'll just end it with this.  I know and respect lots of gay people.  I have several friends that are gay.  Contrary to you what you may think, mormons don't go around finding gay people, telling them they are abominations and they are going to hell.  

So, while you continue feeling hate and anger against religions.  I will continue being friendly with all my friends that are gay and enjoy the time I spend with them.  have a nice day.  

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gergroy said:
sapphi_snake said:


where and when did I or my church say that gay people were an abomination?

It says so in the Bible. If you guys don't follow the Bible then I have to do a research about that book of yours to see if it mentions anithing like that.

Please, draw me a picture of how our views are comparable to the klans views of non whites.

The Klan thinks that non-whites are primitive and inferior to whites. You people consider that being gay is a sin, that gays will burn in (the fictive place you call) hell, that gays are against nature, and that gays should "change" and be "normal", because only heterosexuals are "normal" and "right". The Klan cosiders that non-whites should stay far away from whites (in other words segregation and marginalisations). You people support laws that surpress gays, that marginalise them (opposing same sex marriage, or their right to serve in the military openly).

To they use slurs and derogatory speech against them?

You want me to search for quotes? Also, just saying that being gay is a sin is derogatory and hate speech. That's no different than saying that being a woman is a sin or being left handed is a sin.

Mormons are not a hate group.  Mormons do not hate gay people.

How exactly do you not hate them?

It isn't limited to Mormons

True, but it is Mormons that we are talking about, no? I wasn't expecting your group being any better than any other religious group, but you can't use it as an excuse.

Just don't compare us to a freaking hate group, because frankly, they are not connected at all and it is pretty insulting. 

I doubt my rant to you is even close to what gays go through because of people like you who tell them things like "you're going to hell", "what you're doing is a crime against nature" or "marriage is between a man and a woman". So stop complaining!

Well, this conversation is just going in circles.  I'll just end it with this.  I know and respect lots of gay people.  I have several friends that are gay.  Contrary to you what you may think, mormons don't go around finding gay people, telling them they are abominations and they are going to hell.  

So, while you continue feeling hate and anger against religions.  I will continue being friendly with all my friends that are gay and enjoy the time I spend with them.  have a nice day.  

And you have a nice evening.

"I don't understand how someone could like Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky, but not like Twilight!!!"

"Last book I read was Brokeback Mountain, I just don't have the patience for them unless it's softcore porn."

                                                                               (The Voice of a Generation and Seece)

"If you cant stand the sound of your own voice than dont become a singer !!!!!"


axumblade said:

I'll only keep this open because hearing a British persons conspiracy theories on American History is rather amusing...

It's getting bad though. I honestly want numonex to come visit the US. Even moreso where I live, as I'm sure the South is the hotbed for religious fundamentalist assasins whose sole goal is to elect Sarah Palin and kill Obama.

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

Check out MyAnimeList and my Game Collection. Owner of the 5 millionth post.

outlawauron said:
axumblade said:

I'll only keep this open because hearing a British persons conspiracy theories on American History is rather amusing...

It's getting bad though. I honestly want numonex to come visit the US. Even moreso where I live, as I'm sure the South is the hotbed for religious fundamentalist assasins whose sole goal is to elect Sarah Palin and kill Obama.

Reading most of his posts, and how he usually words them, don't you think that numonex may be some weird malfunctioning AI?

"I don't understand how someone could like Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky, but not like Twilight!!!"

"Last book I read was Brokeback Mountain, I just don't have the patience for them unless it's softcore porn."

                                                                               (The Voice of a Generation and Seece)

"If you cant stand the sound of your own voice than dont become a singer !!!!!"


sapphi_snake said:


Our religion defines marriage as between a man and a woman and any sexual activity out of marriage is a sin.

And who cares how your religion defines anything, other than yourselves? Sorry, just because your religion doesn't allow same sex marriage doesn't mean you should push your beliefs on others by supporting laws that force others to follow what your religion dictates. And also, your beliefs about gays are no different than what the Klu Klux Klan believs about non-whites.

Not all Christians or religious support anti-gay legislation. Heck, there are 3-4 denomiations that have homosexual pastors and layity. So to pidgeonhole all religious people as having an anti-gay bias is a very uninformed opinion, and you are no worse than those to demean.

As for being homophobic (fear or contempt for gay or lesbians), I think he made it pretty clear that he doesn't feel either of those feelings towards them.

From his post it seems like he holds gays at great contempt. Read his post again. Not to mention that he has no respect for religious freedom.

People like to throw out these terms at mormons, and it really isn't fair.  While we don't support same sex marriage for the above reason, we are probably some of the most friendly and tolerant people there is. 

Really? Doesn't your religion say that it's better to be dead than to be gay? Don't you persecute homosexuals by supporting laws that treat them like freaks who have no place in society (and in the process pushing your religious mores on others)? Don't you people support "coversion" therapy, which is nothing more that medieval torture and brainwashing? You people disgust me!

Again, pidgeonholding 2 billion people because of the comments of a few thousand isn't the best way to make your case. I'm a fundementalist Christian, but support gay marriage, and would gladly vote for whatever legislation arises to support it. Yes, the majority are against it, but fewer are against it in a way tha they'd put laws to hurt them.

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.

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lolmandude said:

"A mission from God" last person who really was on a mission from God died more than a thousand years ago and if a person claims so now is either born with a brain damage or on drugs. accusing religions for a mans psychological prolems or insecurity is not really effective to prove your ridiculous point    

I am on a mission from God to love and do good works, and prudently manage what I have so I can serve more effectively.  I hope this doesn't offend anyone, or seen as a problem.  I also hope having a desire and do good works is a NOT sign of brain damage.  I would hate to think that sanity and intelligence is measured by how little love and desire to do good works one has.  I also happen to believe the world would be a better place if more loved and did good works.

For some reason, this clip from the Fifth Element seems to fit somewhat at least:

The thing is, as much as it annoys me that certain churches oppose gay marriage, and I will debate with them all day about it, I don't care that much aslong as they don't oppose secular law that would allow gay people not members of their congregation to marry.

What gets me are people that force their own religious morality onto people thats its simply not applicable to.

What next, I can't marry because I'm an athiest? Or Muslims can't marry because they aren't Christian?

This is exaclty why the secular state exists, its impossible (or at least extremely hypocritical) to be a state that allows multiple ethnicities, religious demoninations and religions, non-believers etc unless that secular separation of church and state exists.

I'm sorry to say to the OP, athiests have been just as violent as religious leaders. Look at every country where Athiesm is the official religion of the state. China for example or the old Soviet Union. Both killed hundreds of thousands that we know of Christians and alot of other faiths. Probubly millions if we count those who were killed in secret.

Richard Dawkins himself in an interview said that religion should be wiped off the face of the earth. Thats alittle extreme don't you think whats he suggesting, how does he think we should wipe out religion?

Fact is their are extremists in all faiths and beliefs regardless of whether they are religious people or athiests. We just live in a sick day and age. You also forget all the athiest murderers have you been in a prison? No I bet you haven't but alot of the murder inmates are Athiests.

Their are to many extremists around, including everyone here who claims the world should be rid of religion. Their are so many nice relgious people. Muslims in Afghanistan welcoming our soldiers in for tea, I heard just a little while ago that a Canadian convoy got attacked near a farm, the Taliban came out of nowhere and the nice muslim man who owned the farm came outside risked his own life to bring the Canadians into his house so that they could defend themselves.

What about the thousands of charities that are promoted by religion. They are the reason Haiti and Pakistan are being helped. I have never heard of a single athiest organisation doing shit to help others in need. What about Martin Luther King and other great Christian, Muslim , Jewish leaders who promote peace and prosperity?

There are good and bad people and religion doesn't make a good person go bad, its like the morons who say guns kill people. People kill people not guns (Religion).


"In God We Trust - In Games We Play " - Joel Reimer


Joelcool7 said:

1. I'm sorry to say to the OP, athiests have been just as violent as religious leaders. Look at every country where Athiesm is the official religion of the state. China for example or the old Soviet Union. Both killed hundreds of thousands that we know of Christians and alot of other faiths. Probubly millions if we count those who were killed in secret.

2. Fact is their are extremists in all faiths and beliefs regardless of whether they are religious people or athiests. We just live in a sick day and age. You also forget all the athiest murderers have you been in a prison? No I bet you haven't but alot of the murder inmates are Athiests.

3. What about the thousands of charities that are promoted by religion. They are the reason Haiti and Pakistan are being helped. I have never heard of a single athiest organisation doing shit to help others in need. What about Martin Luther King and other great Christian, Muslim , Jewish leaders who promote peace and prosperity?

1. Atheism isn't a religion. Whilst atheists have been violent and commanded other to do violent acts it is never in the name of atheism; it's for a political/national/other ideaology. Religion on the other hand offers an easy tool of manipulation (much like political and national ideaologies). That tool doesn't exist with atheism and requires another to take its place.

2. Statistically, the vast majority of inmates are actually religious and not atheist. Whilst some may be atheists the majority are religious and to suggest otherwise is false. One could equally say (for the sake of debate) that a lot of Christians are homophobic. Some are, but it isn't indicative of Christianity or anything in general.

3. Non-religious charities exist and continue to do good work. No charity will ever do anything in the name of atheism (unlike religious charities) in the same way atrocious acts from Hitler and Stalin were not done in the name of atheism. Cancer Research would be one charity that does very good and important work without need of religous input/guidance.

mrstickball said:
sapphi_snake said:


Our religion defines marriage as between a man and a woman and any sexual activity out of marriage is a sin.

And who cares how your religion defines anything, other than yourselves? Sorry, just because your religion doesn't allow same sex marriage doesn't mean you should push your beliefs on others by supporting laws that force others to follow what your religion dictates. And also, your beliefs about gays are no different than what the Klu Klux Klan believs about non-whites.

Not all Christians or religious support anti-gay legislation. Heck, there are 3-4 denomiations that have homosexual pastors and layity. So to pidgeonhole all religious people as having an anti-gay bias is a very uninformed opinion, and you are no worse than those to demean.

As for being homophobic (fear or contempt for gay or lesbians), I think he made it pretty clear that he doesn't feel either of those feelings towards them.

From his post it seems like he holds gays at great contempt. Read his post again. Not to mention that he has no respect for religious freedom.

People like to throw out these terms at mormons, and it really isn't fair.  While we don't support same sex marriage for the above reason, we are probably some of the most friendly and tolerant people there is. 

Really? Doesn't your religion say that it's better to be dead than to be gay? Don't you persecute homosexuals by supporting laws that treat them like freaks who have no place in society (and in the process pushing your religious mores on others)? Don't you people support "coversion" therapy, which is nothing more that medieval torture and brainwashing? You people disgust me!

Again, pidgeonholding 2 billion people because of the comments of a few thousand isn't the best way to make your case. I'm a fundementalist Christian, but support gay marriage, and would gladly vote for whatever legislation arises to support it. Yes, the majority are against it, but fewer are against it in a way tha they'd put laws to hurt them.

"Sorry, just because your religion doesn't allow same sex marriage doesn't mean you should push your beliefs on others by supporting laws that force others to follow what your religion dictates."

Why shouldn't I support my beliefs by voting for legislation that I agree with?  That would make my belief system pretty pointless if I spoke one way and acted another.  Why are you bashing my freedom to not support gay marriage?  You are being the oppressive one.  Because you think they should have the right?  You are entitled to have that belief.  That's what makes America great.  It was the majority of the vote of the state of California that was the difference.

"From his post it seems like he holds gays at great contempt. Read his post again. Not to mention that he has no respect for religious freedom."

What in my post led you to belive that I have contempt for gays?  They have every right to fight for their beliefs just as I do.  My belief that they should not be able to marry has nothing to do with bigotry or hate.  The Bible does state that Homosexuality is an abomination before the Lord.  He destroyed 2 cities with that being one of the main reasons.  God sets the "standards" you want to argue about.  My religion does not.  I don't know whether you believe in a God or not, but if you don't than everything I just said will mean nothing to you.  I just want you to at least know the facts.  Please do not put words in our mouths.

"Some of you are thinking that you won't fight. Others, that you can't fight. They all say that, until they're out there."