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I'm sorry to say to the OP, athiests have been just as violent as religious leaders. Look at every country where Athiesm is the official religion of the state. China for example or the old Soviet Union. Both killed hundreds of thousands that we know of Christians and alot of other faiths. Probubly millions if we count those who were killed in secret.

Richard Dawkins himself in an interview said that religion should be wiped off the face of the earth. Thats alittle extreme don't you think whats he suggesting, how does he think we should wipe out religion?

Fact is their are extremists in all faiths and beliefs regardless of whether they are religious people or athiests. We just live in a sick day and age. You also forget all the athiest murderers have you been in a prison? No I bet you haven't but alot of the murder inmates are Athiests.

Their are to many extremists around, including everyone here who claims the world should be rid of religion. Their are so many nice relgious people. Muslims in Afghanistan welcoming our soldiers in for tea, I heard just a little while ago that a Canadian convoy got attacked near a farm, the Taliban came out of nowhere and the nice muslim man who owned the farm came outside risked his own life to bring the Canadians into his house so that they could defend themselves.

What about the thousands of charities that are promoted by religion. They are the reason Haiti and Pakistan are being helped. I have never heard of a single athiest organisation doing shit to help others in need. What about Martin Luther King and other great Christian, Muslim , Jewish leaders who promote peace and prosperity?

There are good and bad people and religion doesn't make a good person go bad, its like the morons who say guns kill people. People kill people not guns (Religion).


"In God We Trust - In Games We Play " - Joel Reimer