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*Sound Of Rain said:
leo-j said:
DrPollit0 said:
leo-j said:
DrPollit0 said:

Some weeks Wii in 3rd place then Wii is already dead? It's hilarious.

I think Move(Sports Champions) will go down next week as PS3 hardware and 360 will continue to slow down next weeks, so in October the 3 consoles will be with very similar numbers.

and the wii wont slow down?

No. Wii is already down, while PS3 is in Move wave and 360 is in Slim Reach wave.

And Wii has Wii Party in 1-2 weeks, it might up sales.

move is hardware though... with a growing line up of games.. and it's one reason why to get  a ps3 over a wii if a person doesn't know which to get..

I wouldn't be suprised if wii drops sub 130k...

If Wii drops below 130K why is that so bad? Last time I checked the PS3 dropped below 90K before correct? Also remember Wii has had nothing to sell consoles since May.

because it's the lowest the wii has ever dropped in this generation...


Around the Network
leo-j said:
M.U.G.E.N said:

lol WOW! 20 k ahead of da Wii? Niceeeee :D and Fifa 11 and GT5 are coming out soon too..great numbers for ps3

and Sports Champions is doing great over there...word of mouth must be really helping the sales, as sony wanted it to be

Wii is free falling? might turn around fast in the holidays but for now lol

not with kinect coming out...

which is why I made my prediction... I saw this coming... which is why I predicted... because I saw it coming... if I didn't see it coming... I wouldnt's have predicted...such... a... thing...

predictions predictions



gay sex




Can I watch?

Edit: No homo, of course.

DrPollit0 said:
leo-j said:
DrPollit0 said:

Some weeks Wii in 3rd place then Wii is already dead? It's hilarious.

I think Move(Sports Champions) will go down next week as PS3 hardware and 360 will continue to slow down next weeks, so in October the 3 consoles will be with very similar numbers.

and the wii wont slow down?

No. Wii is already down, while PS3 is in Move wave and 360 is in Slim Reach wave.

And Wii has Wii Party in 1-2 weeks, it might up sales.

Wii Party didnt do anything to move hardware in Japan why will it move hardware elsewhere?

Its libraries that sell systems not a single game.

thismeintiel said:
darthdevidem01 said:

viStaR said:

So whats a realistic opinion ?? Ps3 had is peak year on 2009 with Slim u wont see sales over 11M anymore... 360 has Game changer Kinect that will drive Sales in 2011 and Wii will allways be Wii and i expect big hardware Boosts on holidays this and next year.

So its pretty realistic my opinion and should be up with the true but we will see... it will if Kinect Changes Xbox in Japan but only time will tell...

Ps3 wont do better than 11M ... No more killer aps aka GT5 , no more Slim only a price cut can save it and even if they cut the price Microsoft and Nintendo will follow next year.

Remember that Microsoft doesnt cut the price to 360 since 2008 so its all but lost for Sony this and next year. Maybe next gen but i doubt , Nintendo is way too smart this days.



Ps3 had its peak year at a price of $299?


Yea, I think some people are going to shit bricks once they see the sales following the PS3's drop to $199.

yep =D




Loving the HDomination! LOVING IT.

Great numbers for : F12010, Move games.

Dead Rising = Dissapoint.

I'm Back! - Proud owner of the best doomed handheld of all time!

Around the Network
thismeintiel said:
leo-j said:
M.U.G.E.N said:

lol WOW! 20 k ahead of da Wii? Niceeeee :D and Fifa 11 and GT5 are coming out soon too..great numbers for ps3

and Sports Champions is doing great over there...word of mouth must be really helping the sales, as sony wanted it to be

Wii is free falling? might turn around fast in the holidays but for now lol

not with kinect coming out...

which is why I made my prediction... I saw this coming... which is why I predicted... because I saw it coming... if I didn't see it coming... I wouldnt's have predicted...such... a... thing...

predictions predictions



gay sex




Can I watch?

Edit: No homo, of course.

lets do it together...


*Sound Of Rain said:
Carl2291 said:
*Sound Of Rain said:

If Wii drops below 130K why is that so bad? Last time I checked the PS3 dropped below 90K before correct? Also remember Wii has had nothing to sell consoles since May.

Because it will be its lowest sales... Ever.

It's had nothing to sell a console in YOUR opinion. To the "casuals" though, it's had plenty.

Actually I don't consider myself a "core" gamer...Wii Fit and Wii Sports>Metroid and Zelda. I am more of a bridge gamer.

Anyway name me some games that could be considered system sellers besides for S.M.G.2 and maybe if you count M.O.M which I don't as far as Others go.

Every game is a system seller, as every game has some sort of appeal to someone. As I said, a game might not appeal to you, but it sure as hell appeals to some people out there.

All I would have to do is point you to new releases on Wii starting May. Doesn't matter if they're multi-million sellers or 100k sellers.

I'm fed up of hearing excuse after excuse for why the Wii is down by so much.

If you're complaining about nothing to move systems, complain to Nintendo to come up with something new instead of releasing another Mario and another Metroid.


kowenicki said:

wii....... weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

360 just keeps on keeping on.

Hopefully it hangs on until Kinect, then watch it go even higher.



yeah but I think GT5 will make ps3 sales higher then xbox360 even with kinect

thx1139 said:
DrPollit0 said:
leo-j said:
DrPollit0 said:

Some weeks Wii in 3rd place then Wii is already dead? It's hilarious.

I think Move(Sports Champions) will go down next week as PS3 hardware and 360 will continue to slow down next weeks, so in October the 3 consoles will be with very similar numbers.

and the wii wont slow down?

No. Wii is already down, while PS3 is in Move wave and 360 is in Slim Reach wave.

And Wii has Wii Party in 1-2 weeks, it might up sales.

Wii Party didnt do anything to move hardware in Japan why will it move hardware elsewhere?

It will move some hardware, but nothing significant.

Wii is already flooded with party games.


alic18 said:

I agree. A suprise, but a nice one.

At least Sony are staying true to their mantra: Quality over Hype.

FYI: Here in New Zealand the move feels like it's getting some good traction with the public. Haven't seen much TV, but radio has been going hard and plenty of advertising at the movies etc. Maybe that Kevin Butler shout out to NZ helped!

Quality over hype? One mans hype is another mans quality.

Anyway as for Move, the entirety of in store advertising I have seen is a couple of dummy boxes. Definately not the complete marketing push.
