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*Sound Of Rain said:
leo-j said:
DrPollit0 said:
leo-j said:
DrPollit0 said:

Some weeks Wii in 3rd place then Wii is already dead? It's hilarious.

I think Move(Sports Champions) will go down next week as PS3 hardware and 360 will continue to slow down next weeks, so in October the 3 consoles will be with very similar numbers.

and the wii wont slow down?

No. Wii is already down, while PS3 is in Move wave and 360 is in Slim Reach wave.

And Wii has Wii Party in 1-2 weeks, it might up sales.

move is hardware though... with a growing line up of games.. and it's one reason why to get  a ps3 over a wii if a person doesn't know which to get..

I wouldn't be suprised if wii drops sub 130k...

If Wii drops below 130K why is that so bad? Last time I checked the PS3 dropped below 90K before correct? Also remember Wii has had nothing to sell consoles since May.

because it's the lowest the wii has ever dropped in this generation...

