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CGI-Quality said:
Pyro as Bill said:

Seece, just imagine if MS or Sony had to rely on first party alone and then tell us who's worked harder this gen. When MS or Sony can create multiple 20M sellers EVERY YEAR instead of killing great GAMING companies like Rare, they might get a look in.

MS and Sony haven't worked hard, Bobby Kotick did all the hard work.

Even you can't believe such foolishness.

Yeah, I wouldn't go that FAR. But is obvious that Nintendo is the one actually working their ass lately. They have to rely mostly on their games, because third parties pretend the wii doesn't exist.... is like they are trying to drive nintendo out of the bussiness O.o

Ms and Sony, mostly MS, have work in this generation, not as much as Nintendo, but they have done their thing. MS has done a lot.. Sony, well.... can't really say the same about them. But no questions, Nintendo is the one trying to innovate in the industry

CGI-Quality said:
Pyro as Bill said:

Seece, just imagine if MS or Sony had to rely on first party alone and then tell us who's worked harder this gen. When MS or Sony can create multiple 20M sellers EVERY YEAR instead of killing great GAMING companies like Rare, they might get a look in.

MS and Sony haven't worked hard, Bobby Kotick did all the hard work.

Even you can't believe such foolishness.

I'm sorry, who's delivered a 10M seller every year for MS?

MS or Activision?

Nov 2016 - NES outsells PS1 (JP)

Don't Play Stationary 4 ever. Switch!

Ok I tried to edit my post but it just keeps getting worse >< mod feel free to delete it.


This forum is somewhat broken..

Buying in 2015: Captain toad: treasure tracker,

mario maker

new 3ds

yoshi woolly world

zelda U

majora's mask 3d

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Pyro as Bill said:
CGI-Quality said:
Pyro as Bill said:

Seece, just imagine if MS or Sony had to rely on first party alone and then tell us who's worked harder this gen. When MS or Sony can create multiple 20M sellers EVERY YEAR instead of killing great GAMING companies like Rare, they might get a look in.

MS and Sony haven't worked hard, Bobby Kotick did all the hard work.

Even you can't believe such foolishness.

I'm sorry, who's delivered a 10M seller every year for MS?

MS or Activision?

Neither? Pretty difficult on that size userbase and with the amount of competition they have, something Nintendo 1st party titles don't enjoy.


  This Year Last Year Difference
X360 156,249 74,681 81,568 (109%)
Wii 67,938 79,322  -11,384 (-14%)
PS3 65,063 83,225 -18,162 (-22%)
PS2 9,687 28,176 -18,489 (-66%)
DS 146,104 153,320 -7,216 (-5%)
PSP 29,063 31,803 -2,740 (-9%)

@ Seecee: So you are telling me the wii was the ONLY choice they got? Motion controllers were not even something in the industry, how is that the only option? They have to come up with that....

Their main focus was motion controllers, that was the risky part of the bussiness. How is that an obvious way to go? How is that the only option?

I mean, if by "only option" you mean they had to innovate, and come out with something that would blow the competition away and take the industry by surprise...

Yeah, that was the only option.That's why it was a risky move, and Nintendo was the one coming into this gen risking the most.

Another choice was trying to compete with the HD's soly on graphics. It was an option, nintendo never lost a penny on the Game Cube/Game Boy era. I think they could have afford something like that...

It wasn't a good option, but it was another option. Saying Nintendo didnt have options is stupid.... but if you say they went for the RIGHT option, well that's different.

darthdevidem01 said:
Beuli2 said:
kowenicki said:
wholikeswood said:

Oh man, Wii in fourth (and will stay that way post-Japan numbers).


Its hard to look at the Wii as anything other than a console in a rapid decline now...

I call it a console without games launched for the year, but can call it whatever you want.

*is confused*

Those images of delusion don't ilude me! None of those games were system selles, as the Wii was riding in last year's software. Clever what you did there just to hack up your VGCpoints, but I can do that too!

Above: still the best game of the year.

Maynard_Tool said:
CGI-Quality said:
Pyro as Bill said:

Seece, just imagine if MS or Sony had to rely on first party alone and then tell us who's worked harder this gen. When MS or Sony can create multiple 20M sellers EVERY YEAR instead of killing great GAMING companies like Rare, they might get a look in.

MS and Sony haven't worked hard, Bobby Kotick did all the hard work.

Even you can't believe such foolishness.

Yeah, I wouldn't go that FAR. But is obvious that Nintendo is the one actually working their ass lately. They have to rely mostly on their games, because third parties pretend the wii doesn't exist.... is like they are trying to drive nintendo out of the bussiness O.o

Ms and Sony, mostly MS, have work in this generation, not as much as Nintendo, but they have done their thing. MS has done a lot.. Sony, well.... can't really say the same about them. But no questions, Nintendo is the one trying to innovate in the industry

Yes, it's all one big conspiracy against Nintendo. How's that tin foil hat working out for you? Hope it's not too tight.

Seriously, Maynard_Tool has to be the most incredible poster on the site: he criticises Seece for "redundantly" talking about the 360 topping the Wii for yet another week running, despite the fact that Maynard has been "redundantly" posting "Ouch @ PSP!!" in weekly sales threads for the last 18 months.

Dios mio...