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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The PS3 with Move, in my view, is the Wii HD system

According to Take- Two.


"What Sony and Microsoft have really done with Kinect and Move, especially Move, is provide a bridge for guys that are used to playing the Wii system with the wand and bringing them over to a HD system," Feder explained. "The PS3 with Move, in my view, is the Wii HD system. I think maybe Mom isn't playing, but the kids are 'graduating,' and Microsoft and Sony have both provided a bridge to bring them over.

"I do believe Nintendo did widen the audience; I can't tell you how many people are going to 'graduate,' but I do believe they raised a generation of kids to play videogames that are now growing up and wanting a true HD experience."

You can read the rest at the link below.



its been confirmed today that GT5 has a weather system, track editor and go karts! seriously i think this is going to be the best selling in the series even beating GT3 sales of 14 million plus!

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I don't really see it being all that successful.  It just costs too much right now.


fwap said:


IGn wrote the artice but it came directly out of Bem Fender the CEO  of Take- Two's mouth.Sucks for wii owners.


its been confirmed today that GT5 has a weather system, track editor and go karts! seriously i think this is going to be the best selling in the series even beating GT3 sales of 14 million plus!

Umm like Take 2 has ever cared for wii owners :P

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FlyingLotus said:
fwap said:


IGn wrote the artice but it came directly out of Bem Fender the CEO  of Take- Two's mouth.Sucks for wii owners.

And why exactly does it suck for Wii owners? This from the mouth of Take 2, the maker/publisher of renowned Wii games such as Red Dead Redemption, GTA, Mafia2. Oh wait... I meant Carnival Games, Dora the Explorer, Birthday Party Bash and NBA 2k10. ZOMG, will the Wii lose Carnival Games to the Move? I take it back, you are right, sucks for all Wii owners

Currently Playing: Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor Overclocked, Professor Layton and the Curious Village

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whatever said:

I don't really see it being all that successful.  It just costs too much right now.

I didn't think they meant that PS3 Move will be as successful as the Wii, but rather that PS3 Move feels similar to playing a massively improved Wii.

When I was finally able to try Sports Champions for the first time yesterday, I got quite a similar feeling.

I played Wii Sports Resort table tennis for quite some time, so when I tried Sports Champions table tennis yesterday I was instantly reminded of Wii Sports Resort table tennis - but it was just so much better in every respect! While the graphics for example did not set any new standards, they still felt like three generations ahead of Wii Sports Resort.

And the controls! Even though Wii Sports Resort is one of the very few games that makes use of WiiMotion to massively improve the precision, playing Sports Champions table tennis made clear that Wii Sports Resort table tennis is still pretty much just stupid waggling. Sports Champions table tennis in comparison is so incredibly realistic in silver mode and above!

Disc golf was a similar experience. I was instantly reminded of Wii Sports Resort disc golf, but in comparison to that it felt just so improved... I had fun playing Wii Sports and Wii Sports Resort, but after playing Sports Champions, I don't think I'll be able to really enjoy these games again.

I was a bit sad I could only play Sports Champions though. I would have been interested to try a more EyeToy-like game like "Start the party" as well.

to make things clear, i do think that the move is impressive(more than the Wii. But does it have the software to compel me to buy it, no... not yet at least. I dont think it will bridge a gap between wii and PS3, i just think it will satisfy those that have been disappointed with the lack of hardcore wii games to use motion technology. 

No Nintendo software = not "Wii-HD"

it might be "similar to Wii but with HD" though ;)

I didn't get the Wii for motion control, I got it because I knew it would be the only place I could get the best quality games that I enjoy.

Untill Sony announce Mario, Brawl, Metroid and Zelda on the move it aint nothing but a clone without the best software IMO



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The best quote I've seen this year:

Angelus said: I'm a moron