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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Pokemon Starter Evolutions Leaked!? * SPOILERZ*..just in case it was needed

Rumour: These Could Be Pokémon Black & White’s Starter Evolutions

By Ishaan . September 5, 2010 . 3:02pm

Long story short — a trio of Black & White starter evolution pictures that originated on 2ch picked up steam as a legitimate rumour. Following the “scoop,” a number of trusted Pokémon sites on the net got on the case, and have been trying to verify it, all in their own ways, and most are of the opinion that these are indeed the evolved forms of Pokémon Black & White’s starters.


Keep in mind, there’s a chance they could all be wrong. But in the event they aren’t, here’s what you can look forward to:



[Sources: Serebii, Pokebeach]


*This makes me alittle more happy! they all look really cool

EDIT: actually im lieing... the Pig still lookes stupid, this will probally be the first time I start with non fire elemented starter

Around the Network

i hope they are thats the lamest fire evolution ever. though the water starters evoution is pretty cool.

Those look realistic to me. I normally don't get the Grass starter, but that last form of the Grass one looks awesome. I hope these are real

 Been away for a bit, but sneaking back in.

Gaming on: PS4, PC, 3DS. Got a Switch! Mainly to play Smash

I don't like Tsutaja's 2nd stage evolution.

Too bad I'll likely start with Tsutaja. :

Pokabu's evolutions look weird.

Pixel Art can be fun.

The fire one's final evo looks pretty good but the other two's final forms look extremely strange and almost nothing like their beginning states

Around the Network

Awful. Just awful.

I like the final Water and the final Grass evolutions, but not the others.

The final water and grass ones look awesome. I'll be starting with the grass it seems.

This is the first time I won't be picking Fire as my first choice; I find the final fire evolution completely disgusting.

God that fire starter evolution is just AWFULLLL! Jesus what an ugly thing. Guess I will be picking Tsutaja for me! That's one beast evolution there.

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Agree with most, the water pokemon is the only one that looks ok. But seriously all of them dont compare to the previous iterations. And unlike most, i actually think the grass pokemon are repulsive :S