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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Why PS Move will fail

sigh this is TOO boring man....I mean it's not even gonna create a good heated argument even

kinect will it sell well? without a doubt

will move sell well? yep without a doubt

which has the best line up that..

oh wait thread made by dirtyP? ooooooooooooooooooooooh gotcha....go on then nvm...

move is doomed...cuz it was sony not ms made it....

the end.


In-Kat-We-Trust Brigade!

"This world is Merciless, and it's also very beautiful"

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you had me at "IMO"

Slimebeast said:
Carl2291 said:

Why isn't he replying to anything anyone is putting to him anymore?

Why, are you sitting there with a bag of popcorn in your lap?

If he's going to make a thread based on his "opinion" of how something will fail for stupid reasons then I expect him to at least reply to what people have to say about his "opinion".


no time fellow babys. grandmas birthday is waiting. :D

Imagine not having GamePass on your console...

Do you really want me to take out the logic hammer like I did in the preorder thread? Microsoft has an innate disadvantage with Kinect in that they don't have Japanese support. Move will likely outsell it 10 to 1 in that region and based on space requirements they're in a similar boat in much of Europe where Move is being bundled essentially for free and hype for it is significantly higher. And with some cool looking RTS games in the line-up they have the potential to corner the Asian market.

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DirtyP2002 said:

This whole post is of course IMO.

First of all Move is not that big of an innovation. Sony decided to play it safe and copy the Wiimote. Sure it is more precise, but the overall experience is not that different. Check the picture in my sig. Copying the Wii is not a bad thing anyway. It clearly outsold its competitors, so why not do what the cool guy does.

Sony is doing a big mistake with the games for the move. They are making hardcore titles move compatible. Did anyone actually ask for this? When you played Killzone 2, did you say to yourself 'Damn, I would love to play this with a device similar to the Wiimote'?

Do you remember soccer moms, grandpa and the kids asking for a Wiimote? That's what marketing is for. It would surprise you there's actually a lot more potential casual owners interested/buying PS3s than say the 360, people who care about blu-ray for example and would be eager to also have a machine where they can download movies, tvs shows and play some family games. They can't get that just with a Wii or a 360.

Killzone 2 players are a very hardcore audience. They play the game with the regular controller anyway. Casual players that might like the Wii don't want to play a game like Killzone 2. The same goes for Socom IV. Core titles like madworld, Conduit and others proofed that the Wii and its controlls is not the best for FPS or different core titles. It surely has its strengths in different areas and some crazy sales for some games proof that.

Sony needs to make software that is perfect for the hardware. They created a more casual device but make core-titles for it. You can say, they made the same mistake with the PSP. Outside of Japan, the PSP is not that relevant these days. Sony made and secured core titles for a handheld a lot of people wanted to play on big screen. God of War, Metal gear solid peace Walker are two perfect examples. Great games, no doubt, but they just work better on the big screen. Nintendo on the other hand did the right software for the hardware. Ninetndogs, Pokemon, Scribblenauts, Mario Kart, Brain Training work very well on a handheld, because you can play for 5 minutes, have fun, turn the device off and keep doing what you did before.

Sony and third parties are preparing tons of Move games, and I mean MOVE-REQUIRED games, built from the ground up and not just "adjusted" for Move as an option. And some games could be play with Move as an option but are better with it. Why are you so negative if you barely know anything about Move upcoming library? It's full of casual games and more will come, and hopefully deliver quality.

MS developed Kinect and made Casual games for it. Kinect is a casual device, and they deliver the software for it. There is nothing wrong with that. So far, Kinect is not my most wanted device ever, because I am a core gamer, but I see the potential and might pick it up as soon as core games are available. I will pick one up for my mother though. She wants to use Video on Demand and maybe she will play some titles like Yourshape or Kinect Adventures, too.

You want Kinect and call yourself a "core gamer". So you MIGHT pick it up as SOON AS CORE GAMES ARE AVAILABLE? are you serious when you say "this is your most wanted device ever"? Please... Let me break it down to you. You will never buy Kinect if you keep waiting for core games. You did say something that is true, and as far as I can see it's a fact : Kinect is a a causal device. It's all it is. Don't wait for the "core games", you won't get any.

So saying Move is more a hardcore, so it will have more legs, sell more or whatever is actually not a good thing. Motion Controlls are very social and very casual, a Killzone 3 is not a game that works this way. Core player will prefer the controller (or keyboard / mouse) any day. Sony just failed to deliver the perfect software for the hardware. Nintendo and so far MS did.

Sony failed with software already? So absolutely no game coming for Move is good enough, but that "stuff" shown for Kinect is?.....ok...Oh, and  you keep bringin up Killzone know the Sony strategy is actually more focused than Microsoft's. Sony has 37 million plus potential buyers and counting, why would you alienate most of your base- LIKE MICROSOFT HAS- when you are introducing such an important ADD-ON to your system? It sure sounds like good rational thinking to appeal to the fanbase I already spent so much effort and money to build. 

On the other hand, the Microsoft userbase -where I'd say you're very attached to in a very fanatical way- is no secret that it is the MOST HARDCORE of them all. This generation there's not a fanbase more hardcore than the X360's. FACT. Look at the games that sell on the 360, and the attach ratio, Xbox gamers buy lots of games. Look at how much they buy from the marketplace, LOOK AT HOW THEY PAY FOR ONLINE GAMING. Hardcore to the very core. So let me ask you..who's buying Kinect among the 360's fanbase? Microsoft clearly didn't have the means (not financially speaking) to provide a product that could deliver to their fanbase, or maybe they just didn't intend to. So now you got Kinect, an add-on solely intended to pursue an audience that doesn't exist among the Xbox owners.

Let me be straight to you here, both Move and Kinect will fail in what should be their ultimate goal "capture a significant part of Nintendo's money". The Wii still exists, it's still getting strong software support, and it costs $200. The PS Move will have a lukewarm reception, and most of the sales will come from its actual userbase, but at $400, even when the value in that bundle is just ridiculous (a year ago before the slim debuted, you would buy a PLAIN PHAT 80GB PS3 for the same price!) the MASSES will not bite into it. But I do see more potential casual gamers going to the Sony side, just not that many as to make Nintendo flinch. But Kinect? the sole mention of 360 brings up the image of a bunch of teens shooting the shit out of each other on Live. You think now this console will grab a significant casual userbase based on what? Dance games?

If anything -try- to answer this question : "who's buying Kinect?" .... You know, $150 buys you COD Black Ops Medal of Honor Halo Reach (if you take into account Amazon discount coupons) can also get RockBand 3, use the money to buy one of those "real" can renew your Annual Gold Suscription, buy Halo Reach and COD Black Ops. $150...Halo Legendary Edition or Kinect? hmmm.... $150 COD BO Prestige Edition or Kinect? mmmm...

So yeah, Microsoft REALLY hopes new customers will buy those $300 Kinect bundles with Kinect Adventures. Oh, they will get their customers don't get me wrong, but not nearly the kind of business they hope.

No one seems to have a concrete measure of success or failure for Kinect or Move. Is everyone just waiting for the first month of sales for both so they can then spin it which ever way they want??

Killiana1a said:

Sony's hand was forced to make the Move. Once we started hearing all the brouhaha about Natal, which became Kinect, Sony had to show it was jumping into the controller-free gaming market.

Imagine the market as the public swimming pool:

Nintendo showed up first, learned  to swim first, and is swimming like Michael Phelps compared to all the others.

Microsoft said, "Ooooh! Wowzers! Mommy can I learn that?! Can I, can I, can I!?" Went out got the best trainers and is now attempting to learn how to plunge into that pool in a way better than Nintendo was when Nintendo first dived in.

Sony showed up last and thought, "What a bunch of losers, I would rather be at home hanging out with my emo hipster friends listening to obscure music from a Tarantino movie and playing games no one else plays." So Sony shows up with water wings and a paddle board, jumps in and swims with this whole half-bored, "when can I go home Mom?" look.

This is my take on the Sony Move.

Sony showed up last....? Is this your first generation of gaming or something, or are you just blinded by MS fanboyism? Your opinion comes out as totally ridiculous. TOTALLY MORONIC... Try get more educated, before you start spouting shit...

Oh, and I stopped taking this thread seriously after reading the name "DirtyP2002". Classic anti-Sony material as usual. why is this allowed to go on and on and on... Sigh...

postofficebuddy said:

Do you really want me to take out the logic hammer like I did in the preorder thread? Microsoft has an innate disadvantage with Kinect in that they don't have Japanese support. Move will likely outsell it 10 to 1 in that region and based on space requirements they're in a similar boat in much of Europe where Move is being bundled essentially for free and hype for it is significantly higher.  

What's that supposed to mean?

Slimebeast said:
postofficebuddy said:


Do you really want me to take out the logic hammer like I did in the preorder thread? Microsoft has an innate disadvantage with Kinect in that they don't have Japanese support. Move will likely outsell it 10 to 1 in that region and based on space requirements they're in a similar boat in much of Europe where Move is being bundled essentially for free and hype for it is significantly higher.  

What's that supposed to mean?

That there are some cities around the world (excluding Japanese cities like Tokyo) where space requirements will be an issue...not sure which cities and areas he is referring to here tho...

In-Kat-We-Trust Brigade!

"This world is Merciless, and it's also very beautiful"

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