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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Why PS Move will fail

MakeAmazing said:

I know what you are trying to say, but i think thats the wrong way to look at it personally. You need to take Move as a whole, what works with it and what doesnt, what is only a mini game, what is full support. So to exclude Socom and KZ3, LP2, RE Gold because they are not move only is folly.

The fighting game actually looks pretty good, and the video i saw the other day, it seemed pretty accurate/fast.

Yes the other games are not my cup of tea, but why spend 1 year making a total hardcore game that will be move only, that would be a mistake, while making a AAA game support Move is a much better business decision and will make the current owners of the PS3 happier about buying Move.

While Kinect at the moment is ignoring the current user base and going straight for casual users, either thats a mistake from MS, they dont care, or they just cant figure out how to get it into a core AAA game.

The harry potter game is using a normal controller and has (as far as i understand it) a level/area that uses kinect so its not the whole game (again as far as i know)... though its not a pretty sight at the moment- - note the sound is very quiet on it.

I do not "exclude" Resi gold, socom and KZ3. I just believe they're not enough to make Move attractive to more than a few hardcore Sony fans.

The fighting game, there's a recent thread about it here on VGC, it's not very pretty either when it comes to lag.

"Also the delay is definitely extensive. You feel it even more when playing it, but even just watching the fight the latency is well over the generally considered "acceptable" latency of 100ms."

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Slimebeast said:
MakeAmazing said:

I know what you are trying to say, but i think thats the wrong way to look at it personally. You need to take Move as a whole, what works with it and what doesnt, what is only a mini game, what is full support. So to exclude Socom and KZ3, LP2, RE Gold because they are not move only is folly.

The fighting game actually looks pretty good, and the video i saw the other day, it seemed pretty accurate/fast.

Yes the other games are not my cup of tea, but why spend 1 year making a total hardcore game that will be move only, that would be a mistake, while making a AAA game support Move is a much better business decision and will make the current owners of the PS3 happier about buying Move.

While Kinect at the moment is ignoring the current user base and going straight for casual users, either thats a mistake from MS, they dont care, or they just cant figure out how to get it into a core AAA game.

The harry potter game is using a normal controller and has (as far as i understand it) a level/area that uses kinect so its not the whole game (again as far as i know)... though its not a pretty sight at the moment- - note the sound is very quiet on it.

I do not "exclude" Resi gold, socom and KZ3. I just believe they're not enough to make Move attractive to more than a few hardcore Sony fans.

The fighting game, there's a recent thread about it here on VGC, it's not very pretty either when it comes to lag.

"Also the delay is definitely extensive. You feel it even more when playing it, but even just watching the fight the latency is well over the generally considered "acceptable" latency of 100ms."

for crying out the damn link I posted. It's the latest build from GC! and again please do not get into this latency issue cuz almsot all the kinect games come very very short on the matter..even on GC builds

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I really hate to post and run but im on my lunch break, but As CGI and many other level headed posters have pointed out, failure is subjective but in terms of living up to expectations......MSFT has firmly stood pat in claiming Kinect is revolutionary, thus anything less is disappointment. Sony has stood pat on claiming Move is supplemental, a companion device if you will....its obvious, to me, regardless of sales, which has a bigger chance to "fail" based on the intended impact of the product.

Hint: It isnt Move.

But thank goodness its almost time for these things to launch and we can begin to argue because if Move doesnt catapult the PS3 to Wii levels the usual suspects will be making failure/disappointment threads and if Kinect doesnt do the same, vice versa. YAY!!!!

steverhcp02 said:

But thank goodness its almost time for these things to launch and we can begin to argue because if Move doesnt catapult the PS3 to Wii levels the usual suspects will be making failure/disappointment threads and if Kinect doesnt do the same, vice versa. YAY!!!!

Haha, I'm looking forward to those.

DirtyP2002 said:

Sony is doing a big mistake with the games for the move. They are making hardcore titles move compatible. Did anyone actually ask for this? When you played Killzone 2, did you say to yourself 'Damn, I would love to play this with a device similar to the Wiimote'?

I think this is actually where the move will shine.  If it is 1:1 you will be able to get the aim on someone faster than using an analog stick - IMO.

It's like comparing playing MW2 on a console to a PC, the mouse is much more accurate and fast.

I predict a lot of people using a controller will be dominated by people using move if move is as good as Sony is making it out to be

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Move is a terrible decision, listen to Clayton Christensen father of disruption theory had to say on the issue:


Rumors indicate that it is planning on following the first approach, sticking a new, motion-sensitive controller onto an existing console. Our perspective is that this is the worst of the three options. 

While this would be the quickest path to market, it has some real risks. Nintendo’s system has been optimized around its controller. Simply sticking a motion-based controller onto an existing system could result in a highly disappointing product. The controller would remain an afterthought, as opposed to an integral part of the product. 

When you already know by reading their names the post is gonna be extremely and unreasonably negative, it tells a lot on the neutrality of those posters. Those guys hate everything from a specific side, if we were to reverse the company releasing Move and Kinect we could surely reverse their opinions as well. To whom the hat fit!

At least, state a good reason for hating it, like: " motion control dont appeal to me" or "the games dont appeal to me" or "I find it too expensive". "IMO" is different from saying nonsense that doesnt reflect the reality at all.

Icyedge said:

When you already know by reading their names the post is gonna be extremely and unreasonably negative, it tells a lot on the neutrality of those posters. Those guys hate everything from a specific side, if we were to reverse the company releasing Move and Kinect we could surely reverse their opinions as well. To whom the hat fit!

At least, state a good reason for hating it, like: " motion control dont appeal to me" or "the games dont appeal to me" or "I find it too expensive". "IMO" is different from saying nonsense that doesnt reflect the reality at all.

It's not like one has to go through certain individuals' post history to know which platform or company they're trying to plug, or what to expect from their ridiculously predictable and biased posts that often border on propaganda. 

At least some are quite up front about it and even have a sense of humor about it. The annoying ones are those who still try to present themselves as maintaining some semblance of objectivity as if that somehow validates their opinions. 

Like you said, if the hat fits; wear it.

I actually believe Move will be a large success for Sony.  It's actually a very intuitive strategy.  


It works on multiple levels and it also is technology that has been floating around their company for years.  They aren't re-inventing the wheel (Like Microsoft is attempting to do)  and they are taking solid technology and improving upon it (Something that Sony is excellent at doing). 

The Move has a Kinect-lite camera attached to this bundle (Which on top of being related to the functionality of the product, finally gives PS3 users a true reason to own a PSEYE.  It also uses the wand/motion control concept formula and has maximized the results of it.  

This creates a scenario where Wii games / PS3 games can be created together or ported from one or the other (Most likely PS3 <<< Down to Wii).  PS3 will no longer miss out on third party Wii games because of lack of motion controls.  This also creates a scenario where the non-shovelware quality third party Wii titles will make their way over to the PS3.  Kinect cannot say the same thing.


By not re-inventing the wheel mid generation, Sony has not asked developers to jump through hoops in the same manner that Microsoft is asking them to do.  Also, with Microsoft's lack of first party studios it will be damn near impossible to garner the software support that Kinect will need to succeed.   Third party developers will not jump through the Kinect hoops and come up with legitimate game experiences at this point in the generation in my opinion. 

This will continue to bode well for Sony / Nintendo.  The motion control market for waggle wands will now shift to 48% of the market for the Wii to 48% (24% Maximum PS3 Potential of the market currently).  Which will clearly give the advantage to the wand based motion control. 

This doesn't even begin to factor in the first party efforts by Sony which will be extensive and vast.  Sales for these games will more than likely be high chiefly because of their $39.99 price tag.  An absolute sweet spot for games, assumming they have any layer of depth.  Judging by other Sony first party efforts this generation,  I would gladly put faith into several First party Move titles being superb games.

Let's face it,  Nintendo really has one direction to go for their next console and that is improving it's visual fidelity.  They also owe it to their fans to at the very minimum keep motion controls on their next home console. Sony knows this fully. Nintendo needs an upgrade, the 360/PS3 will stand tall against any product Nintendo puts out on the market next.  

If you can get a Blu-Ray player /  HD Graphics / 3D Graphics / Motion Controls / Large Library of games for let's say $200 - $250 (An assumed price point of the PS3 by next year) and you either don't own a Wii yet or have a Wii and are looking for 2nd console?    The PS3 has positioned itself well in regards to that market. 

greenmedic88 said:
Icyedge said:

When you already know by reading their names the post is gonna be extremely and unreasonably negative, it tells a lot on the neutrality of those posters. Those guys hate everything from a specific side, if we were to reverse the company releasing Move and Kinect we could surely reverse their opinions as well. To whom the hat fit!

At least, state a good reason for hating it, like: " motion control dont appeal to me" or "the games dont appeal to me" or "I find it too expensive". "IMO" is different from saying nonsense that doesnt reflect the reality at all.

It's not like one has to go through certain individuals' post history to know which platform or company they're trying to plug, or what to expect from their ridiculously predictable and biased posts that often border on propaganda. 

At least some are quite up front about it and even have a sense of humor about it. The annoying ones are those who still try to present themselves as maintaining some semblance of objectivity as if that somehow validates their opinions. 

Like you said, if the hat fits; wear it.

That wasnt was I was talking about. Take me as example, I prefer Sony and PS3, but Im not systematically bashing a Microsoft product because its a Microsoft product. Sometime Ill like it, other time Ill hate it, which is the same with my prefered console. The persons I was talking about simply hate everything from a specific side, I cant remember anyone being up front with that. Talking negatively or positively about something when your stating personals reasons (IMO), isnt the same as when your stating unfactual facts in order to praise your preferences. In my opinion, its the latter that is annoying, the difference between a fan of something VS a fanboy of something.