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I actually believe Move will be a large success for Sony.  It's actually a very intuitive strategy.  


It works on multiple levels and it also is technology that has been floating around their company for years.  They aren't re-inventing the wheel (Like Microsoft is attempting to do)  and they are taking solid technology and improving upon it (Something that Sony is excellent at doing). 

The Move has a Kinect-lite camera attached to this bundle (Which on top of being related to the functionality of the product, finally gives PS3 users a true reason to own a PSEYE.  It also uses the wand/motion control concept formula and has maximized the results of it.  

This creates a scenario where Wii games / PS3 games can be created together or ported from one or the other (Most likely PS3 <<< Down to Wii).  PS3 will no longer miss out on third party Wii games because of lack of motion controls.  This also creates a scenario where the non-shovelware quality third party Wii titles will make their way over to the PS3.  Kinect cannot say the same thing.


By not re-inventing the wheel mid generation, Sony has not asked developers to jump through hoops in the same manner that Microsoft is asking them to do.  Also, with Microsoft's lack of first party studios it will be damn near impossible to garner the software support that Kinect will need to succeed.   Third party developers will not jump through the Kinect hoops and come up with legitimate game experiences at this point in the generation in my opinion. 

This will continue to bode well for Sony / Nintendo.  The motion control market for waggle wands will now shift to 48% of the market for the Wii to 48% (24% Maximum PS3 Potential of the market currently).  Which will clearly give the advantage to the wand based motion control. 

This doesn't even begin to factor in the first party efforts by Sony which will be extensive and vast.  Sales for these games will more than likely be high chiefly because of their $39.99 price tag.  An absolute sweet spot for games, assumming they have any layer of depth.  Judging by other Sony first party efforts this generation,  I would gladly put faith into several First party Move titles being superb games.

Let's face it,  Nintendo really has one direction to go for their next console and that is improving it's visual fidelity.  They also owe it to their fans to at the very minimum keep motion controls on their next home console. Sony knows this fully. Nintendo needs an upgrade, the 360/PS3 will stand tall against any product Nintendo puts out on the market next.  

If you can get a Blu-Ray player /  HD Graphics / 3D Graphics / Motion Controls / Large Library of games for let's say $200 - $250 (An assumed price point of the PS3 by next year) and you either don't own a Wii yet or have a Wii and are looking for 2nd console?    The PS3 has positioned itself well in regards to that market.