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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Why PS Move will fail

CGI-Quality said:
DirtyP2002 said:

no time fellow babys. grandmas birthday is waiting. :D

It's as if you made this thread knowing you'd get flamed and then ran away when you couldn't stand the heat. I'm not saying you aren't entitled to your opinion, but you have made similar topics before and took off then too. What's the sense in making a topic and not have the ability to keep up with it's participants questions/discussions/curiosities?

To me, both "Kinect will fail/Move will fail" topics are redundant and old. Let these things get a chance to even come out. Hasn't anybody learned their lesson with regards to pre-Wii days?

What the hell?!

Do I have to say I am sorry for being at my grandmas birthday and not being on VGC to respond to some people?

I will answer as soon as I can. It is 7:30 am right now and at 8 am I will get my new bedroom, so I have to disconnect my Internet connection.

And please link me where I started 'Flame topics' (This one wasn't even meant to be, people are way to sensitive),

Imagine not having GamePass on your console...

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DirtyP2002 said:
CGI-Quality said:
DirtyP2002 said:

no time fellow babys. grandmas birthday is waiting. :D

It's as if you made this thread knowing you'd get flamed and then ran away when you couldn't stand the heat. I'm not saying you aren't entitled to your opinion, but you have made similar topics before and took off then too. What's the sense in making a topic and not have the ability to keep up with it's participants questions/discussions/curiosities?

To me, both "Kinect will fail/Move will fail" topics are redundant and old. Let these things get a chance to even come out. Hasn't anybody learned their lesson with regards to pre-Wii days?

What the hell?!

Do I have to say I am sorry for being at my grandmas birthday and not being on VGC to respond to some people?

I will answer as soon as I can. It is 7:30 am right now and at 8 am I will get my new bedroom, so I have to disconnect my Internet connection.

And please link me where I started 'Flame topics' (This one wasn't even meant to be, people are way to sensitive),

I think he meant topics in which you only look at the negative things of Sony and their products. And everytime you make a comment on a Sony topic it sounds like you're happy that they failed or wish that they fail. I think I'm not the only one who gets that impression of you. Anyway, this thread shows a lot of bias, that's it, so it can be considered a flame topic, too.

Oh, and by the way, your sig could also be easily considered trolling, you know?

2012 - Top 3 [so far]

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you said: "I am not writing this out of fanboyism. There's no damage control or hidden agendas. It's just obvious reading comments from console fans, when you read between the lines. Deep within us we all (the majority) know that Kinect will be a success while we're very sceptical about Move."


How you come up with those conclusions??? Who is "us" (the xbox fans?), the majority?? (within xbox fans you mean?)

Where do you base your thoughts?

"These are friends that are aware of games, play them now and again but aren’t what you’d call hardcore (and probably far better off for it) – the speed at which they grasped the concept of Move and the ease at which they dived into the games was incredible, and the slight disappointment my jaded self had with (for example) Start The Party dissolved immediately – in the right hands, so to speak, it’s brilliant."

Apparently, Start the Party is quite a winner with the more casual audience.

Cthulhu said:


you said: "I am not writing this out of fanboyism. There's no damage control or hidden agendas. It's just obvious reading comments from console fans, when you read between the lines. Deep within us we all (the majority) know that Kinect will be a success while we're very sceptical about Move."


How you come up with those conclusions??? Who is "us" (the xbox fans?), the majority?? (within xbox fans you mean?)

Where do you base your thoughts?

I think that most of the xbox fans hope that kinect will fail.

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"Why move will FAIL"

Just like HOW you ppl said Heavy rain will fail right?

GOD same FUD over and over again...........don't worry I'll save this thread as I will be creating similar thread to the link I just posted when all is said and done.

I love the PS Move. It's so bad!

I know... my english sucks

DirtyP2002 said:
CGI-Quality said:
DirtyP2002 said:

no time fellow babys. grandmas birthday is waiting. :D

It's as if you made this thread knowing you'd get flamed and then ran away when you couldn't stand the heat. I'm not saying you aren't entitled to your opinion, but you have made similar topics before and took off then too. What's the sense in making a topic and not have the ability to keep up with it's participants questions/discussions/curiosities?

To me, both "Kinect will fail/Move will fail" topics are redundant and old. Let these things get a chance to even come out. Hasn't anybody learned their lesson with regards to pre-Wii days?

What the hell?!

Do I have to say I am sorry for being at my grandmas birthday and not being on VGC to respond to some people?

I will answer as soon as I can. It is 7:30 am right now and at 8 am I will get my new bedroom, so I have to disconnect my Internet connection.

And please link me where I started 'Flame topics' (This one wasn't even meant to be, people are way to sensitive),

Mmm, no, not sensitivity at all. I don't have anything against people speaking their opinion, I strongly believe people should speak their mind freely. But if you're going to make a topic like this, you have to at least give objective reasoning and take every single detail into account, because let's be honest, there's quite a few holes in your arguments, and big ones.

If you really have some business IRL to attend to (most of us do ), then just go to it without telling us, it's more important. But to actually tell people something like that AFTER they call you out on some things, then it sounds like the kindergartner's excuse of "I have to go to the bathroom" just to escape class.

Rockstar: Announce Bully 2 already and make gamers proud!

Kojima: Come out with Project S already!

Of course its not gonna fail


DirtyP2002 said:

This whole post is of course IMO.

First of all Move is not that big of an innovation. Sony decided to play it safe and copy the Wiimote. Sure it is more precise, but the overall experience is not that different. Check the picture in my sig. Copying the Wii is not a bad thing anyway. It clearly outsold its competitors, so why not do what the cool guy does.

Sony is doing a big mistake with the games for the move. They are making hardcore titles move compatible. Did anyone actually ask for this? When you played Killzone 2, did you say to yourself 'Damn, I would love to play this with a device similar to the Wiimote'?

Killzone 2 players are a very hardcore audience. They play the game with the regular controller anyway. Casual players that might like the Wii don't want to play a game like Killzone 2. The same goes for Socom IV. Core titles like madworld, Conduit and others proofed that the Wii and its controlls is not the best for FPS or different core titles. It surely has its strengths in different areas and some crazy sales for some games proof that.

Sony needs to make software that is perfect for the hardware. They created a more casual device but make core-titles for it. You can say, they made the same mistake with the PSP. Outside of Japan, the PSP is not that relevant these days. Sony made and secured core titles for a handheld a lot of people wanted to play on big screen. God of War, Metal gear solid peace Walker are two perfect examples. Great games, no doubt, but they just work better on the big screen. Nintendo on the other hand did the right software for the hardware. Ninetndogs, Pokemon, Scribblenauts, Mario Kart, Brain Training work very well on a handheld, because you can play for 5 minutes, have fun, turn the device off and keep doing what you did before.

MS developed Kinect and made Casual games for it. Kinect is a casual device, and they deliver the software for it. There is nothing wrong with that. So far, Kinect is not my most wanted device ever, because I am a core gamer, but I see the potential and might pick it up as soon as core games are available. I will pick one up for my mother though. She wants to use Video on Demand and maybe she will play some titles like Yourshape or Kinect Adventures, too.

So saying Move is more a hardcore, so it will have more legs, sell more or whatever is actually not a good thing. Motion Controlls are very social and very casual, a Killzone 3 is not a game that works this way. Core player will prefer the controller (or keyboard / mouse) any day. Sony just failed to deliver the perfect software for the hardware. Nintendo and so far MS did.

Sorry, I didn't know Mario Galaxy, Zelda, DK, Metroid were casual games. Also, who said motion controlls are casual? Games are casual, not motion controls.

Are Mario Galaxy, Zelda, Metroid, Madworld, Monster Hunter, RE4 casual games?
I don't think so.

Sorry for bad English.