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Slimebeast said:
MakeAmazing said:

I know what you are trying to say, but i think thats the wrong way to look at it personally. You need to take Move as a whole, what works with it and what doesnt, what is only a mini game, what is full support. So to exclude Socom and KZ3, LP2, RE Gold because they are not move only is folly.

The fighting game actually looks pretty good, and the video i saw the other day, it seemed pretty accurate/fast.

Yes the other games are not my cup of tea, but why spend 1 year making a total hardcore game that will be move only, that would be a mistake, while making a AAA game support Move is a much better business decision and will make the current owners of the PS3 happier about buying Move.

While Kinect at the moment is ignoring the current user base and going straight for casual users, either thats a mistake from MS, they dont care, or they just cant figure out how to get it into a core AAA game.

The harry potter game is using a normal controller and has (as far as i understand it) a level/area that uses kinect so its not the whole game (again as far as i know)... though its not a pretty sight at the moment- - note the sound is very quiet on it.

I do not "exclude" Resi gold, socom and KZ3. I just believe they're not enough to make Move attractive to more than a few hardcore Sony fans.

The fighting game, there's a recent thread about it here on VGC, it's not very pretty either when it comes to lag.

"Also the delay is definitely extensive. You feel it even more when playing it, but even just watching the fight the latency is well over the generally considered "acceptable" latency of 100ms."

for crying out the damn link I posted. It's the latest build from GC! and again please do not get into this latency issue cuz almsot all the kinect games come very very short on the matter..even on GC builds

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