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Forums - Sony Discussion - What happen to "Heavy rain will flop and AW will outsell it easily"?

darthdevidem01 said:
Carl2291 said:
darthdevidem01 said:
Carl2291 said:
darthdevidem01 said:


I blame carl2291

Who is this carl2291?

And how dare he copy my name, with a LOWER case!

Carl2291 > carl2291!!

carl2291 is Carl2291's alt account!


dsister is my alt account. Trust me. Search his name.


So you have a sister, Obi-Wan was wise in hiding her from me. Obi-Wan's failure is now complete, If you will not turn to the dark side, then perhaps she will!

I have several. They have all been struck down though, so they are more powerful than you can possibly imagine.


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Well, life is unfair, so I was wrong :P

I still believe that HR is much more of a movie (far from the best one) than a game, and it's puzzling me why so many copies of this crap were sold. Probably, probably it's just that a target audience of HS3 is in perfect fit with PS3 owners tastes, I myself wouldn't be suprised if some of those who owns PS3 for Blu Rays suddenly bought HR, even due to some sort of mistake j/k

As for AW, basically Remedy was bunkoed by M$, and I was basing the infamous prediction from OP upon marketing campaign of epic scale they were promised. This and RDR certainly killed the sales, it's not just damage control though you fanboys can disagree as some certainly will.


Serious_frusting said:

and you will also notice that non of them will enter this thread and just pretend it does not excists

I hope you will enjoy eating the crow together with me then? xD

Unless you'll pretend you didn't post such a prediction... xD

MDMAniac said:

Well, life is unfair, so I was wrong :P

I still believes that HR is much more a movie (far from the best one) than a game, and it's puzzling me why so many copies of this crap were sold. Probably, probably it's just that a target audience of HS3 is in perfect fit with PS3 owners tastes, I myself wouldn't be suprised if some of those who owns PS3 for Blu Rays suddenly bought HR, even due to some sort of mistake j/k

As for AW, basically Remedy was bunkoed by M$, and I was basing the infamous prediction from OP upon marketing campaign of epic scale they were promised. This and RDR certainly killed the sales, it's not just damage control though you fanboys can disagree as you'll certainly will.


Like a dog chasing its tail.......

MDMAniac said:

Well, life is unfair, so I was wrong :P

I still believes that HR is much more a movie (far from the best one) than a game, and it's puzzling me why so many copies of this crap were sold. Probably, probably it's just that a target audience of HS3 is in perfect fit with PS3 owners tastes, I myself wouldn't be suprised if some of those who owns PS3 for Blu Rays suddenly bought HR, even due to some sort of mistake j/k

As for AW, basically Remedy was bunkoed by M$, and I was basing the infamous prediction from OP upon marketing campaign of epic scale they were promised. This and RDR certainly killed the sales, it's not just damage control though you fanboys can disagree as you'll certainly will.


Serious_frusting said:

and you will also notice that non of them will enter this thread and just pretend it does not excists

I hope you will enjoy eating the crow together with me then? xD

Unless you'll pretend you didn't post such a prediction... xD

Your wrong about a lot of things. I swear, people should stop making any threads relating to Alan Wake because the answers from the over enthusiastic 360 fans are making me like the game less and less. 

If someone could report this guy, I'd be extremely grateful. I'd do it, but I don't like to get my hands dirty.

Bet with Conegamer and AussieGecko that the PS3 will have more exclusives in 2011 than the Wii or 360... or something.

steverhcp02 said:

Like a dog chasing its tail.......

Oh yeah. I made mistake and I fully admitted it. And here came you, so righteous and so impeccable, proud too much?.

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Is there really any need for a thread like this just trying to call out posters?  You're not persuading anyone, it was just predictions, some were wrong simply because they had a different opinion, some did it to piss off the other camp or whatever, but if you want to call someone out it's best to do with them and not trying to publicly shame them with a thread.

There's predictions that many people have made that they could be called out for and it hasn't just been against Sony but Microsoft and Nintendo too, all three camps need to chill out with the predictions to piss others off, yes that gets annoying, but you can't make a shame thread trying to just call out one side, period.


MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"

Wii Friend Code - 5882 9717 7391 0918 (PM me if you add me), PSN - MaxwellGT2000, XBL - BlkKniteCecil, MaxwellGT2000

MDMAniac said:
steverhcp02 said:

Like a dog chasing its tail.......

Oh yeah. I made mistake and I fully admitted it. And here came you, so righteous and so impeccable, proud too much?.

You fully admit it.....while then insulting anyone who disagreed, then get hot and bothered, again, when someone points out how funny that is. Again, going in circles, chief. Nice.

Hey it happens: People are wrong. I to myself said Alan Wake would sell better, it looked to be in the bag with Microsoft and Remedy behind a possible AAA exclusive for the 360. Then this game called Red Dead Redemption was released in the same month and destroyed it in sales. Honestly if Alan Wake released in a slow month, or hell any month RDR wasn't in it would have done a lot better. But I'm sure over the long run Alan Wake will be a slow burner and hit a million copies sold.

Kudos to the makers of Heavy Rain, they made a great game and doing quite well on the sales front.

It's just that simple.