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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - MP3 would have sold better if it had online play.

Why in the world would an excellent game like MP3, a final part of an incredible trilogy, need online multiplayer support? That has nothing to do with the game. Suddenly, at the end of the series, deviate to a frag-fest ?? Maybe it if was called "Metroid Hunters Wii" I'd except that. But, MP3 is not geared towards an all out "Arena" style game.. it is an exploration, puzzle solving, and shooting game. It stands on its own merits and Nintendo did a 100% completely awesome job on it. Shouldn't have changed a thing.. (well, MORE would be good.. MP4 would be welcomed) Sorta like wishing Mario Galaxy had FPS elements to it, or that it had a deep story line... just doesn't make sense because it isn't that sort of game.

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Metroid Prime's gameplay style does not lend itself well to a multiplayer experience at all. The options would be

A) Abandon Multiplayer completely
B) Create a completely different style of gameplay just for the multiplayer mode, but the two modes wouldn't be much alike at all (which would anger a LOT of people)
C) Change the single player gameplay to play completely like a traditional FPS (a lot of people complained that it did this too much already)
D) Create it as a multiplayer-focused experience and ignore the first 2 games of the series as a result.

Nobody is crazy enough to accuse me of being sane.

In these troubled times the Wii and third party developers are forced to press on to resolve issues previously never before encountered. This generation has presented a dillemma for many unlike any other.

BlueVette said:
Why in the world would an excellent game like MP3, a final part of an incredible trilogy, need online multiplayer support? That has nothing to do with the game. Suddenly, at the end of the series, deviate to a frag-fest ?? Maybe it if was called "Metroid Hunters Wii" I'd except that. But, MP3 is not geared towards an all out "Arena" style game.. it is an exploration, puzzle solving, and shooting game. It stands on its own merits and Nintendo did a 100% completely awesome job on it. Shouldn't have changed a thing.. (well, MORE would be good.. MP4 would be welcomed) Sorta like wishing Mario Galaxy had FPS elements to it, or that it had a deep story line... just doesn't make sense because it isn't that sort of game.

Why can't it have a better storyline?  Why must Nintendo be constantly forgiven for not advancing certain aspects of their games?  Online multiplayer, voices, story.  Oh well.

Orange Box, UT3, Resistance, CoD4 all had great single player and multiplayer.  At least Brawl and Kart will be online finally. 

windbane said:
HappySqurriel said:

Yeah, its also unfortunate that Mario Galaxy doesn't have an online Capture the Flag mode ...


Why not?

 You are so lost.

Wii Code 8761-5941-4718-0078 

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Metroid + Online Multiplayer

*Looks at Metroid Prime Hunters*


yeah, and pokemon needs to be remade as an fps

And when is Grand Theft Mario coming out?

ClaudeLv250 said:
No, sales would have declined because everyone would have been reminded of how Hunters sucked - and exactly why Metroid should never have online play.

 I really wonder if people have even played Hunters multiplayer, because I love playing it, and online is fun too.


Mario Online Multiplayer exists as Smash, Kart, etc... for a reason....SMG with online multiplayer would suck UNLESS it was online co-op...that would be pretty cool...but not head to head MP...which would suck hard....almost as hard as the idea itself.

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