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Forums - General Discussion - Where would the world be right now if religion never existed?

WessleWoggle said:
pizzahut451 said:
sapphi_snake said:


You talk of rubbish such as "souls"and "breath of life" and "spirit', as if they were facts. Please present proof that this nonsense is a "fact".



Wow, you really dont believe in souls??? Seriously now?? I can see how someone can not believe in God or jesus or heaven but how can man not believe in soul???


Also, existance of a human soul is a PROVEN FACT.

A fact huh? Unless you're talking about that study they did when they figured out a minute amount of weight leaves the body upon death(this study is flawed btw)... There's no proof for a human soul.

Yeah but don't you take a crap when you die? Wouldn't that account for it?

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FaRmLaNd said:
WessleWoggle said:
pizzahut451 said:
sapphi_snake said:


You talk of rubbish such as "souls"and "breath of life" and "spirit', as if they were facts. Please present proof that this nonsense is a "fact".



Wow, you really dont believe in souls??? Seriously now?? I can see how someone can not believe in God or jesus or heaven but how can man not believe in soul???


Also, existance of a human soul is a PROVEN FACT.

A fact huh? Unless you're talking about that study they did when they figured out a minute amount of weight leaves the body upon death(this study is flawed btw)... There's no proof for a human soul.

Yeah but don't you take a crap when you die? Wouldn't that account for it?

The crap would still be on the scale with the body.

Got ya :)

pizzahut451 said:
novasonic said:
pizzahut451 said:
novasonic said:
pizzahut451 said:
novasonic said:

There would have only been like 1/5th the wars, and a lot less sickness and death... Less raceism.. less everything bad. Religions are outdated concepts that work great in small anchient communities, but cause hatered and war on a large scale.

i love how people blame relgion for mankind's faults...

Religion caused many of man kinds faults. It's also man kind's biggest faults. It's slaughtered more people than any other person or country ever has or will.

i agree, papers in bible were so sharp they caused lot of paper cuts killed so many innocent people...

The millions of people slaughtered over ignorant religious beliefs would really appreciate that.

Yes, Jesus was very supportive about killing people and raping women..oh wait, HE WASNT. The only ones who are responsible for people's deaths were people (the greedy and corrupted ones) themselfes. Some people use religion as a tool to blind other people to go to war for them. This isn't however, religion itself's fault. . Its PEOPL'S fault. im sick of explaining this in evry off topic thread. How can you possibly believe that humans are totally innocent and that religion is to blame for everything is really beyond me.

Last time I checked Jesus doesn't equal religion. People kill people over religious beliefs. Those particular deaths would not have happened if it wern't for religion. You can bend it any way you want, but it's still the truth. Hundreds of thousnads of millions of people died because of the God they believe in. No way around it.

8th gen predictions. (made early 2014)
PS4: 60-65m
WiiU: 30-35m
X1: 30-35m
3DS: 80-85m
PSV: 15-20m

Morals are not about self-preservation, they can be self-less... thinking about it, it sounds contradictary... I'll do what's right and good so I can survive... there's self-ishness in that. You do what's good and right because it's good and right, even if it means not surviving. That's why such way of thinking could'nt have been possible without G-d and doesn't fit very well in your example because it's about survival.

I already told you, morals are for the preservation of the group. Living within a group is necessary for an individuals survival, hebce the individual respect follows certain rules to assure that the group survives and people can coexist within the group. This also brings him/her a personal advantage.

You don't either... and that's why it's something to be accepted or denied. My dog's name is Happy... do you believe me?

I've never seen such a lack of reasoning ever. Your dog's name is whatever you say it is. If you say your dog's name is Happy, then it's name Happy. If you say your dog's name is X-345 then it's name is -345. A name is an abstract notion. Why do you beleive that that thing you call "truth" is true? You say you have to accept or deny it, but before you reach the accepting/denying you have to go through a process of resoning to determine if what you call "truth" is in fact true. Sounds to me like you've skipped that part and blindly accepted something.

It's beyond me to prove it to you. It's something you accept or deny.

No reasoning whatsoever on your part.

Were getting no-where... and I honestly never wanted to argue

I knew we would get no where the first moment I read your post. Don't know why I even tortured my keyboard's buttons typing this.

"I don't understand how someone could like Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky, but not like Twilight!!!"

"Last book I read was Brokeback Mountain, I just don't have the patience for them unless it's softcore porn."

                                                                               (The Voice of a Generation and Seece)

"If you cant stand the sound of your own voice than dont become a singer !!!!!"


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Slimebeast said:

It's troublesome to argue with you. You twist the message.

Did I say anything was wrong with Amsterdam? Do I have to spell it out for you again? U had to bring out Amsterdam as a place with liberal views on drugs, which only shows how dogmatic the general view against drugs in the world is.

Like Highwaystar you bring change and fluctuation of opinions into this. It's irreleveant. There is dogmatic views and it's spelled being politically correct.

If you won't acknowledge that there's mental rape and oppression of alternative opinions in our modern society, be my guest.

I didn't argue against that as such. I'm arguing that in organised religion it's much worse.

pizzahut451 said:
sapphi_snake said:


You talk of rubbish such as "souls"and "breath of life" and "spirit', as if they were facts. Please present proof that this nonsense is a "fact".



Wow, you really dont believe in souls??? Seriously now?? I can see how someone can not believe in God or jesus or heaven but how can man not believe in soul???


Also, existance of a human soul is a PROVEN FACT.

Oh really now. Link please. Or at least a detailed explanation.

"I don't understand how someone could like Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky, but not like Twilight!!!"

"Last book I read was Brokeback Mountain, I just don't have the patience for them unless it's softcore porn."

                                                                               (The Voice of a Generation and Seece)

"If you cant stand the sound of your own voice than dont become a singer !!!!!"


I m not going to read all this threat, but back to OP, if the religion did not exist, it would be created as a way to support the people's bad times.


As i said before: "The church is a institution i preffer the most, compared to any other activity the human weakness can do"

You may find a mirror trying to find the other side of the world


Even if most people here seem to be non-religious, they still have a very colorful way of seeing things. No religion would definitely not mean less war.

Wake up and smell the coffee. Human race would find another excuses to kill themselves like they always did.It's a miracle our species still exist considering how uncooperative, physically unprivileged and violent we are compared to almost anything else in this world.






haxxiy said:


Even if most people here seem to be non-religious, they still have a very colorful way of seeing things. No religion would definitely not mean less war.

Wake up and smell the coffee. Human race would find another excuses to kill themselves like they always did.It's a miracle our species still exist considering how uncooperative, physically unprivileged and violent we are compared to almost anything else in this world.

One of the best posts here. This is of course assuming that the human race has a tendency to be evil. I think that because throughout history most war were fought for power which also involved religion as its backbone causes people to think the world would be peaceful without religion. People would still fight over power if religion did not exist. Also living life for power in money could be just like a religion. In the end, I agree that the human species is selfish and has to be for its survival as individuals or groups so there would always be war.