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Forums - Sales Discussion - Its time to admit it. PS3 will NEVER overtake 360.

Solid_Snake4RD said:
Kynes said:
Solid_Snake4RD said:
kowenicki said:

ok... well tell me in numbers sold per year how you see it panning out over the next 3 years... (new consoles will def be out in the next 3 years from ninty and MS)

so Ps3 and 360 sales numbers in total for





You clearly have a very set view on how this will happen and are fairly certain it will, so it shouldnt be too difficult.

2010           15mPS3                11M360

2011           17mPS3                10m360(depending upon no new console is launched)

2011            15mPS3                8m360(depeding upon a new console is launched)

2012            13mPS3                6m360(MS will launch a new console and go behind it,PS3 will go to $199 or under by this time)


i would like to see your sales

Pure comedy. No, really, do you really believe this? Maybe the problem is that you're more disconnected from reality than I thought.

i would really love to see your Comedy SALES prediction

Stalemate. I think when the generation ends, the difference in number of sold consoles will be over/under 7 million. I don't think there will be great differences, as all the generation.

Around the Network
Kynes said:
Solid_Snake4RD said:
Kynes said:
Solid_Snake4RD said:
kowenicki said:

ok... well tell me in numbers sold per year how you see it panning out over the next 3 years... (new consoles will def be out in the next 3 years from ninty and MS)

so Ps3 and 360 sales numbers in total for





You clearly have a very set view on how this will happen and are fairly certain it will, so it shouldnt be too difficult.

2010           15mPS3                11M360

2011           17mPS3                10m360(depending upon no new console is launched)

2011            15mPS3                8m360(depeding upon a new console is launched)

2012            13mPS3                6m360(MS will launch a new console and go behind it,PS3 will go to $199 or under by this time)


i would like to see your sales

Pure comedy. No, really, do you really believe this? Maybe the problem is that you're more disconnected from reality than I thought.

i would really love to see your Comedy SALES prediction

Stalemate. I think when the generation ends, the difference in number of sold consoles will be over/under 7 million. I don't think there will be great differences, as all the generation.

i didn't say everybody would release new consoles,my above numbers only show new XBOX releasing

i agree that when everybody releases then the numbes will go down


still why not predict

SMC said:

It's more likely that the PS3 will overtake the 360 once new consoles hit the shelves - but still - it is still more likely that the PS3 will overtake the 360.

...which is what this topic is about.

Also, Snake is right. It's gona take a while to see how the PS3 really plays out for Sony.

There's only two ways I see the PS3 overtaking the 360. 1) Another price cut or 2) MS decides to stop making money and invest in a new console. But there is no reason for MS to rush into a new console and the Playstation brand is reeling financially.

How can the PS3 possibly play out? Best case scenario its less of a failure than the original Xbox.

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Solid_Snake4RD said:
Kynes said:
Solid_Snake4RD said:

i would really love to see your Comedy SALES prediction

Stalemate. I think when the generation ends, the difference in number of sold consoles will be over/under 7 million. I don't think there will be great differences, as all the generation.

i didn't say everybody would release new consoles,my above numbers only show new XBOX releasing

i agree that when everybody releases then the numbes will go down


still why not predict

Because is stupid to make predictions in a forum four years in advance, no one will remember it when we could check if it was truth or not. It's different if someone of the staff makes a news report predicting the sales trend, because there are thousands of people reading it, it affects the site's reputation... but it's cheap to make absurd predictions in the anonymousness of this forum, no one will care if you're right or wrong due time.

kowenicki said:
Solid_Snake4RD said:

2010           15mPS3                11M360

2011           17mPS3                10m360(depending upon no new console is launched)

2011            15mPS3                8m360(depeding upon a new console is launched)

2012            13mPS3                6m360(MS will launch a new console and go behind it,PS3 will go to $199 or under by this time)


i would like to see your sales

Well... can you tell me how the PS3 is going to sell over 2m more than last year from now until the end of the year. 

(its actually 1m more, but you need to deduct about 1.2m for the slim boost of sept and oct last year)

these are FY predictions not calender year


and i still need to see your predictions,it was difficult ot predict still i its your time

Around the Network
Mr Puggsly said:
SMC said:

It's more likely that the PS3 will overtake the 360 once new consoles hit the shelves - but still - it is still more likely that the PS3 will overtake the 360.

...which is what this topic is about.

Also, Snake is right. It's gona take a while to see how the PS3 really plays out for Sony.

There's only two ways I see the PS3 overtaking the 360. 1) Another price cut

you don't think another PS3 price cut will happen??????????????

MS decides to stop making money and invest in a new console.

if they don't invest in a new consoles and  launch it with Nintendo and SONY new consoles then they will sink and everybody knows this

But there is no reason for MS to rush into a new console and the Playstation brand is reeling financially.

SONY reeking in financially does mean they won't release a new console

How can the PS3 possibly play out? Best case scenario its less of a failure than the original Xbox.


Kynes said:
Solid_Snake4RD said:
Kynes said:
Solid_Snake4RD said:

i would really love to see your Comedy SALES prediction

Stalemate. I think when the generation ends, the difference in number of sold consoles will be over/under 7 million. I don't think there will be great differences, as all the generation.

i didn't say everybody would release new consoles,my above numbers only show new XBOX releasing

i agree that when everybody releases then the numbes will go down


still why not predict

Because is stupid to make predictions in a forum four years in advance,

its not four years in advance but 2 years

and yeah i agree.most of my predictions are rough but MS will launch a new console do PS3 will overtake 360

no one will remember it when we could check if it was truth or not. It's different if someone of the staff makes a news report predicting the sales trend, because there are thousands of people reading it, it affects the site's reputation... but it's cheap to make absurd predictions in the anonymousness of this forum, no one will care if you're right or wrong due time.

its not cheap.we are just discussing our views

if you don't have a predictions then don't make fun of other

Solid_Snake4RD said:
Kynes said:
Solid_Snake4RD said:
Kynes said:
Solid_Snake4RD said:

i would really love to see your Comedy SALES prediction

Stalemate. I think when the generation ends, the difference in number of sold consoles will be over/under 7 million. I don't think there will be great differences, as all the generation.

i didn't say everybody would release new consoles,my above numbers only show new XBOX releasing

i agree that when everybody releases then the numbes will go down


still why not predict

Because is stupid to make predictions in a forum four years in advance,

its not four years in advance but 2 years

and yeah i agree.most of my predictions are rough but MS will launch a new console do PS3 will overtake 360

no one will remember it when we could check if it was truth or not. It's different if someone of the staff makes a news report predicting the sales trend, because there are thousands of people reading it, it affects the site's reputation... but it's cheap to make absurd predictions in the anonymousness of this forum, no one will care if you're right or wrong due time.

its not cheap.we are just discussing our views

if you don't have a predictions then don't make fun of other

I've provided my predictions. Stalemate. I don't think in this point of the generation we will see great differences in the number of consoles sold by both manufacturers. I think Microsoft have more aces in their sleeve, Kinect can be an utter failure or game changer, but I'm sure move is going to be totally irrelevant. SCE needs to have benefits, so I don't think you'll see discounts in a short-middle term.

Solid_Snake4RD said:
Mr Puggsly said:
SMC said:

It's more likely that the PS3 will overtake the 360 once new consoles hit the shelves - but still - it is still more likely that the PS3 will overtake the 360.

...which is what this topic is about.

Also, Snake is right. It's gona take a while to see how the PS3 really plays out for Sony.

There's only two ways I see the PS3 overtaking the 360. 1) Another price cut

you don't think another PS3 price cut will happen??????????????

MS decides to stop making money and invest in a new console.

if they don't invest in a new consoles and  launch it with Nintendo and SONY new consoles then they will sink and everybody knows this

But there is no reason for MS to rush into a new console and the Playstation brand is reeling financially.

SONY reeking in financially does mean they won't release a new console

How can the PS3 possibly play out? Best case scenario its less of a failure than the original Xbox.


1) I mean soon... like right now. The 360 will probably see a $50 price cut first and that'll give a sales boost.

2) My point is they don't need to rush into it. It doesn't need to be released for another 3 - 4 years.

3) Ofcourse they will. Just not in the near future.

4) Like I said, that's the best case scenario. Its been a huge disaster for Sony. It actually hurt the brand.

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Mr Puggsly said:
M.U.G.E.N said:

ps3 doomed? again? :S man that sounds familiar

I still say its doomed. I mean just bearing in mind its a horrible financial failure.

It's still slightly domed, but much less so than before.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective