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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - $199 New Xbox 360 coming soon to replace Arcade

If they give the new Arcade a HDD I'll get that instead.

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300$ bundled with kinect , thats a killer sale point for Microsoft...

This should not come as a surprise as Microsoft could not have a single SKU.

As for the $300 low-end bundles, that also should not be surprising since it was reported a week before E3 by CVG and others.

And as for guesses on Kinect prices, I will go with has been posted and reported until hearing otherwise. Notice that Microsoft has not told retailers NOT to post it at $150.


Mike from Morgantown


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Seece said:

Nah, the arcade has and always will be aimed at the lesser core crowd, they can afford to ditch wifi and put in a ethernet cable. I think a HDD will be added, but only enough to do basic things, so a 10GB or 20GB.

I think the lesser core crowd cares about WiFi, the HDD will be removed as incentive for someone to buy a more expensive SKU. There isn't much wholesale cost savings for MS between a small HDD vs a larger one. The main point of the re-design is lower cost of manufacturing. And they have pretty much milked the $199 introductory price for as long as they can.

Seece said:
BHR-3 said:
Seece said:
BHR-3 said:

So cheapest 360=$199 then 250gb=$299

cheapest PS3=$299=pretty much same prices we have since last year=pretty much the same sales for the rest of the year going on to next year?

also i believe kinect will cost over $100 when sold separately b/c if there charging $100 when bundled that would mean they want more to just go out and buy another 360 instead of just buying kinect on its own resulting in higher HW sold then if kinect was the same price as it is in the bundle

You wish.

They say $199 now, come christmas they'll drop it to $149.

Kinect could also be $69 - $149, my personal opinion on it is it'll be $99.99. Bundled with a 360 Slim Arcade for $199 if Microsoft are prepared to take a $50 hit.

If you think $299 will be the lowest priced bundle this xmas you're soooooooooooooooooo wrong.

the article crleary states new 360s arcade with kinect for $299 if the drop the console by 50 like you say wouldnt that mean $249? or are they planning on releasing kenict in november for $99 and then a few days later droping that also by 50 to get to your $199 price piont?

"Kinect will be available as a bundle with the new Xbox 360, and though there isn't any official pricing information on that one just yet"

Fuck what the article says, it's what Microsoft says that matters, and they don't mention any pricing on bundles OR kinect.

They're going to say Arcade slim is coming out at $199, why the heck would they say $149, just think of all the people that would stop buying $149 fat arcades, let alone $249 phat elites.

So ya $149 arcade along with my estimates Kinect costs $99. a $50 discount cos it's a bundle = $199.

This is the most favourable position for Microsoft and most likely IMO. However if Kinect is $149, that's still a $249 bundle. NOT the same price as a PS3 or anywhere near the $399 PS Move bundle the extra controllers that most people will want.

But the $149 Slim Arcade would already be sold at a loss (because until now the fat Arcade was sold at a loss even at $199 according to MS). And so would the $99 Kinect (that thing must cost more than $99 to build). So the total loss for Aracde Kinect bundle at $199 would be more than $50. :/

Thus I more believe in a $249 Arcade Kinect (and $349 Elite Kinect).

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Seece said:

"Kinect will be available as a bundle with the new Xbox 360, and though there isn't any official pricing information on that one just yet"

Fuck what the article says, it's what Microsoft says that matters, and they don't mention any pricing on bundles OR kinect.

They're going to say Arcade slim is coming out at $199, why the heck would they say $149, just think of all the people that would stop buying $149 fat arcades, let alone $249 phat elites.

So ya $149 arcade along with my estimates Kinect costs $99. a $50 discount cos it's a bundle = $199.

This is the most favourable position for Microsoft and most likely IMO. However if Kinect is $149, that's still a $249 bundle. NOT the same price as a PS3 or anywhere near the $399 PS Move bundle the extra controllers that most people will want.

50% discount b/c its bundled?

bundles are super elite new release game like FF13 or SSC they cost 399 350 for the console and 50 for a $60 game considering kenict is a new release device it will get the same treatment

i cant really argue you bout 360s going to 150 and 250 its possible that it will happen but to say that kenict will be bundled for $50 is arguable b/c its already being shown for pre order for 150 and rumors are in that it cost a shit load to produce

i like slime i think the cheapest possible kenict bundle will be 250 and 350 and thats pushing it


                                                                      Play Me

Seece, consider the $200 price tag to be the Arcade system with a harddrive and also WiFi built into it.  The HD would be smaller, but enough to do what is needed.  You keep the price but add more to the system.  There isn't a price drop.

There is the case of Kinect being available and how much it would sell for, and how much of a hit one takes buying the new 360 now.

richardhutnik said:

Seece, consider the $200 price tag to be the Arcade system with a harddrive and also WiFi built into it.  The HD would be smaller, but enough to do what is needed.  You keep the price but add more to the system.  There isn't a price drop.

There is the case of Kinect being available and how much it would sell for, and how much of a hit one takes buying the new 360 now.

thats what im saying same with the 250gb 360s it had a price drop at E3 announcing it at 299 b/c the last 250gb 360 was 349 so 50 drop and they added wifi, touch sensitive (so MS fans can rub it into Sony fans thats price less), and exrta 2 usbs and complete redesign what more do you what MS to do for you?

like ive said earlier the 360s arcade will come with the most shit ever im expecting it to be exactly like 250gb 360S except HDD size


                                                                      Play Me

Slimebeast said:

But the $149 Slim Arcade would already be sold at a loss (because until now the fat Arcade was sold at a loss even at $199 according to MS). And so would the $99 Kinect (that thing must cost more than $99 to build). So the total loss for Aracde Kinect bundle at $199 would be more than $50. :/

Thus I more believe in a $249 Arcade Kinect (and $349 Elite Kinect).

Where do people get this?  No way that the current Arcade sells at a loss.

Common senses tells you that MS will reduce price come this fall.

First off they want to introduce the Xbox 360 S at existing price and make a little profit.
Second they want to clear current SKU inventory without huge cuts.
Third they want to setup for the Kinect launch.
Fourth they will reduce Xbox 360 S price this fall and re-introduce the arcade SKU.

Keeping in mind this and you can see why they did not announce price of Kinect at E3.  They will in August which is the right time to make pricing changes.  When they announce price of Kinect they will announce price of bundle.  It would be stupid to announce price of bundle at say $399 (360 S and Kinect) only to reduce price before Kinect launch.  Think about what Sony did they announced the Move bundle price at $399. That virtually guarantees that PS3 price will not change this fall.  Certainly Sony wont reduce prices of PS3 of PS3 with Move before Move launches.  MS doesnt want to be in that same boat.

So launch Xbox 360 S now at $299 and clear inventory of existing 360s.
Come August announce/release new Arcade (No it wont have a smaller HDD, because they dont save $).
Come August announce Kinect pricing and 360 S bundle(s) pricing.

MS wont risk not having another holiday/year with PS3 at $299 and 360s at this same current price model. Next year Sony will be able to reduce PS3 price. MS wants to retain the $ advantage and take advantage of that this year.

Its libraries that sell systems not a single game.

JonnyAtlas said:
binary solo said:
Setting things up for a real showdown with the full feature 360 and PS3 being the same price

Actually, the 250Gig PS3 is $349, vs the 250Gig 360 for $299. Granted, the PS3 is a Blu-Ray player as well, so there's that. Still, you can't say the "full feature" versions of each system are the same price because, well, they're not.

Both PS3 skus are full feature. Extra memory space isn't a feature, well not in the way I think of feature; propbably coulda worded it better for clarity. "full feature" was meant to only apply to 360 as in the sku with the HDD and built in wi-fi (though maybe the $199 sku will have wi-fi g and smaller HDD, so all new 360 skus will also be full feature - see what I mean? it has all the same features therefore are full feature). I more or less expect the 120Gig PS3 to be phased out by the holidays roll around, so maybe there'll be a 250Gig sku and 500Gig sku for the holidays.

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