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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Microsoft: "It's ganna be a tough holiday for Sony"

So, are retailer's hugely excited about Kinect coming out of E3?  Us consumers sitting behind our keyboards don't know.  We can pretend we know but we don't.  So if he says that, it likely means that they are.

One thing that is pretty much fact is that all over the sites that reported on actual hands-on impressions with the Kinect games have consistently been overwhelmingly POSITIVE.

Excitement was big for Kinect before but now its even hotter among the mainstream and its only going to get hotter as marketing kicks in.  We also don't know 1) Most of what Halo Reach is going to offer 2) most of what Fable III is going to offer or 3) the price and upcoming 'core' experiences of Kinect.  These things will be shared in the months to come.

This is not cockiness or arrogance, folks.  This is confidence.  He knows things we don't ...

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WOW, wake up and smell the bitch slap Microsoft!


I don't see the ESPN partnership as meaning anything to my actual GAMING. I mean, I watch football on TV, but WTF, lol?

IMO, there was a lot bad about the conference, including pretty much every boring, goofy Natal part, and nothing good that I didn't already know.

In that sense, Sony's conference was just as bad, but they had Kevin Butler, so it was at least funny for a moment.

I had such high hopes for Microsoft this year. Such high hopes.

Maybe I was expecting too much. The redesign leak was a huge blow to my enjoyment of the show, because they just didn't leave me with anything. Nothing I'm really excited about. Bah!

The last two years, the freakin' shows were awesome. Where is my goddamn megaton Microsoft?..and Sony is starting to always suck at E3. People laud their "exclusives" but they never show anything new, and if they do, it sucks. FF14, ugh. MMORPShit. They just show the same games we already know about, and they leak every game as SOON as they possibly can.

Nintendo kept ALL of those games quiet for the show and blew everyone away. THAT is how to do E3. MS just had poor planning thie year when it comes to game announcements, and Sony can't keep everything from being instantly leaked, so we got what we got.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


RAZurrection said:
darthdevidem01 said:

lol I'm not even gonna bother with this. If GT is so "weak" now I wonder why GT5:Prologue a demo that even big GT fans like myeslef didn't buy has sold more than its closest competitor int he Racing Simulation genre and more than any other gran Turismo prologue (granted GT4:prologue wasn't released worldwide).

Is 3 million a lot? Because with regards to series like Halo and CoD, if either of those did 8-9 million lifetime it would be considered under par. 3 million wouldn't even appear on the radar. They would be epic failures.

Secondly I didn't say GT series was weak, i'm just wondering why you elate system sales to be higher with a series that hasn't really been a big deal at retail since the PS2. Has this ever happened before?

How did established MGS4 franchise fair against a brand new franchise like Gears of War?

How about the established god of war 3 against Assassins Creed?

Or Socom against Left4Dead?

In all these cases the most recent titles are vastly more popular then those "classic" franchises people were supposedly just waiting to buy new PS3's for, but haven't materialised into ...well, material on the system seller front.

Based on this logic a lot of 360 IPs are 'weak'. and games like Mass Effect, Fable & Alan Wake dont even exist on the radar, lol.

RAZurrection said:
darthdevidem01 said:

3.75 Million  is BIG at retail for a demo.

I wouldn't know, the only other game of this type with any current context would be ODST, which is on 5.25M in about 9 months at $20 more.


He corrected the number in a later post, but the point is, if you've played both games, I think you'd know that they can't be directly compared. Halo 3: ODST had its own campaign and online mode (firefight). GT5: Prologue's features will be available in the final release.

Rockstar: Announce Bully 2 already and make gamers proud!

Kojima: Come out with Project S already!

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thismeintiel said:
RAZurrection said:
darthdevidem01 said:

lol I'm not even gonna bother with this. If GT is so "weak" now I wonder why GT5:Prologue a demo that even big GT fans like myeslef didn't buy has sold more than its closest competitor int he Racing Simulation genre and more than any other gran Turismo prologue (granted GT4:prologue wasn't released worldwide).

Is 3 million a lot? Because with regards to series like Halo and CoD, if either of those did 8-9 million lifetime it would be considered under par. 3 million wouldn't even appear on the radar. They would be epic failures.

Secondly I didn't say GT series was weak, i'm just wondering why you elate system sales to be higher with a series that hasn't really been a big deal at retail since the PS2. Has this ever happened before?

How did established MGS4 franchise fair against a brand new franchise like Gears of War?

How about the established god of war 3 against Assassins Creed?

Or Socom against Left4Dead?

In all these cases the most recent titles are vastly more popular then those "classic" franchises people were supposedly just waiting to buy new PS3's for, but haven't materialised into ...well, material on the system seller front.

So, are you indirectly bashing Forza's and Project Gotham Racings numbers, as well?  Forza 2 sold just under 4 mil (3.99 mil).  And Forza 3 has done over 1 mil less than Forza 2 (even though some claimed that game would be HUGE) with 2.76 mil units sold.  GT5P has actually sold closer to 4 mil (3.76 mil).  And as of Dec '09, it has shipped 4.65 mil units.  You have to keep in mind that this game is merely a demo.  It also is almost 1/2 mil more units sold to customer than the sales of PGR 3 & 4 combined.  The point is that even for a glorified demo, GT5P has sold as well, if not incredibly better, than the competition's  full game offerings.  Proving that GT is still a big franchise today, even if you wish to downplay it.

It sold more than 3.76, that's just retail copies, not including download numbers.

Rockstar: Announce Bully 2 already and make gamers proud!

Kojima: Come out with Project S already!

tio_coyote said:

maybe it was the worst e3 ever for MS

leo-j said:

"we won e3 because of the feedback we are getting from the fans, and the retailers"

The Feedback is a LIE !!!

Comparison on the exclusives, I just don't see SOCOM 4, LittleBigPlanet 2, and Gran Turismo 5 outselling Fable 3, Crackdown 2, and Halo: Reach.

I disagree with this but what did you expect Microsoft to say. If they had d come out and said Nintendo had won E3 that would have practically confirmed that they we pulling out of the video games market