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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Microsoft: "It's ganna be a tough holiday for Sony"

To say that they have won e3 it's pure arrogance....still he has point when he says that for sony will be very tough this holiday, yes they have GT5 but microsoft will have a console re-branding, kinect looks more appealing for casual gaming than move and most important they'll have Halo and Gears Of War (those will sell alot), also Wii will be very stong this holiday with both impotant games for gamers (Like DKC/Goldeneye) and casuals (wiiparty).

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SecondWar said:

I disagree with this but what did you expect Microsoft to say. If they had d come out and said Nintendo had won E3 that would have practically confirmed that they we pulling out of the video games market

sums it all up.

darthdevidem01 said:
RAZurrection said:
snfr said:

Does Microsoft not now that GT5 will be released this holiday? And that it will probably sell more than any 360 exclusive? Then again, it's just PR talk...

No, they know that it will and Halo and Call of Duty games are just bigger ...if only games in these series were being released.

If only mainline games in COD and Halo hadn't already been released.

The top selling exclusive game of last generation on home consoles was Gran Turismo 3. (Yeah GTA:SA is but that went multiplat eventually)

I hope that adds perspective to things.

This adds distortion more than perpective. Can you actually compare the mainstream PS2 with the elitist PS3? Or the market in general some years prior?

of course he's going to talk up microsoft. lol

Hmmmm... exactly who decides the winner of E3 these days?

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If he's going to lie, and say MS won E3, I can't take him seriously.

Sony won... all they needed was one thing:

Kevin Butler...  But then, they showed Killzone 3, and Sweet Tooth even came in his ice cream truck.  There's also exclusive content coming to multi-plat games, and stuff...  Nintendo didn't do it for me, though....  Kirby and Micky...

LOL!!! this thread just proves the OP in this thread right.

A203D said:

Based on this logic a lot of 360 IPs are 'weak'. and games like Mass Effect, Fable & Alan Wake dont even exist on the radar, lol.

Yes, I would agree that all of those titles are not system sellers, good games. But they're filler and little more. You won't sell a console on anything but

1) The full breadth of it's library

2) A single game approaching 5 millions sales, BUNDLES NOT INCLUDED.

thismeintiel said:

So, are you indirectly bashing Forza's and Project Gotham Racings numbers, as well?

Well for a start i'm not bashing anything, it's just an observation and it's not limited to racing games, it's all genres on all systems.  We're talking about sales effects. If a game doesn't top 5 million or so, it's not going to sell systems to any meaningful degree. It could be the best or the worst game ever, it won't matter a jot if it has no significant power.

thismeintiel said:

  The point is that even for a glorified demo, GT5P has sold as well, if not incredibly better, than the competition's  full game offerings.  Proving that GT is still a big franchise today, even if you wish to downplay it.

I don't know, they've bundled it for a full 2.5 years now, that's no true measure of it's sales power (especially with GT5P's less than steller debut figures)

GT5P's sales are about as meaningful as Uncharted 1s sales were to Uncharted 2. They bundled the first game so much that in the end, the sequel they didn't bundle only did about as well. You could say the same for Forza 2 and 3, we may well say the same for GT5.

I watched that episode (still have it recorded on my DVR) and wow.  Even as a Microsoft fan, that spokesperson that they had when Geoff gave the guys one minute to explain why their respective company "won" E3 --That guy was an embarrassment.  Even Reggie seemed to fumble under the pressure of being put on the spot.

--Microsoft guy then went on to talk about Reggie's jacket and take jabs at Sony.  I just take it as one lone douchebag that can't improvise under pressure.