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Forums - Sony Discussion - inFamous 2 FIRST SCANS!!

I wish they would have improved on coles old model. Now he looks like he is 10 years younger and he came from Dawsons Creek.

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looks pretty good! another great game on the way no doubt. 

Gonna have to wait and see some footage to see what they have improved upon from the first game.

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axumblade said:
880user088 said:

WHY THE FUCK DID THEY CHANGE COLE ??? Damn he looks like Ben 10

the original one was BADASS !! This one is like ... chilling.


btw, cole didn't smile at all in the first game.

Given the situation he was in at the time, I wouldn't have smiled either.

I'd think that after part 1, Cole wouldn't be smiling for a veeery long time. Not new Cole Timberlake though, nothing can keep him down.


RafaelOrix said:

They have changed Cole too much, plus seems like inFamous lost all the gritty environment. That's big letdown, imo. I'm liking the new places, but not very fond of the "new"main character and overall art style, seems to be too far away from the original inFamous. The art style was one of the main reasons I loved inFamous.

THIS!!!! what was so wrong about cole in in the first place? I like his voice and overall good/bad personality

Awesome! Now a trailer please!

As I said in another thread, I like the "old" Cole more than this one. But the new character model doesn't look bad either. I'm definitly hyped for inFamous 2 now.

Anyway... I think there will be people who won't like the game just because they changed Cole (which is a very stupid reason to dislike a game IMO).

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now i wanna see a demo lol. i hope we will see one at E3 xD

this game better have romance in it since i am upset trish died =(

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I like the new look of Cole, seems sexy as hell. Yaoi fans can start working on new Cole right now

i hope they worked on the engine, and kept the gameplay intact, everything else matters little to me

“It appeared that there had even been demonstrations to thank Big Brother for raising the chocolate ration to twenty grams a week. And only yesterday, he reflected, it had been announced that the ration was to be reduced to twenty grams a week. Was it possible that they could swallow that, after only twenty-four hours? Yes, they swallowed it.”

- George Orwell, ‘1984’

SnakeEyez said:
thedaftman said:

this was probably done because of the way the first one ended, they'll tie it together. 

What exactly are you talking about? Why they changed Cole's look? The different location?

both reasons, I am sure that they have good reasons and because it is a sequel they'll tie it together. 

I am no good at grammar =) 

DAMN IT! This EP is such a good idea 

Loooks amaaaaaaaazing.

I hope they can get it out fast cause I want it now.