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Forums - Sony Discussion - inFamous 2 FIRST SCANS!!

Looks awesome!



Take my love, take my land..

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Riachu said:
thedaftman said:

this was probably done because of the way the first one ended, they'll tie it together. 

*cross my fingers*

*crossing my fingers with your crossed fingers*

thedaftman said:

this was probably done because of the way the first one ended, they'll tie it together. 

What exactly are you talking about? Why they changed Cole's look? The different location?

I like the visuals and the story,but I agree with almost everyone else: They shouldnt have changed Cole...

Holy shizzle. For rizzle...this game is going to be great!! I don't like the change in coles look though.

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Awesome, now give me a release date, and better images, and I will be all set.


WHY THE FUCK DID THEY CHANGE COLE ??? Damn he looks like Ben 10

the original one was BADASS !! This one is like ... chilling.


btw, cole didn't smile at all in the first game.

880user088 said:

the original one was BADASS !! This one is like ... chilling.

Good. Than the ice powers are justified

played the demo of the original, i still want to get it, i may still... but pumped for infamous 2, looks decent


Bet with Conegamer and Doobie_wop

why did they change cole anyway, isn't their a rule about these kinds of games #1 don't fix what aint broken

we should make a petition, maybe they will give us the old cole bcak, and who said he looks like drake, face wise yes, clothes wise no, he looks a little metro, drake has style, something which new cole lacks....