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Forums - Website Topics - The VGC 3.0 Complaint/Suggestion Thread

PDF said:

Will Prediction league be brought back???

Im a little sore about losing all mg VGC $$$

laugh out loud yeah i think most are mad about

my suggestions

bring back PL make pionts the new vgc$ and have top 50 pionts leaderboards in the profile section like we have in 2.0

notifications for threads wen quoted or posts also same wen you get a wall post

get rid of the feature in the wall that says in whoes wall i posted in and bring back wall to wall

get rid of the glare on profile pics too

easier nav. for forums like a tab at the top where i can click on any section at any time


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ioi said:
Final-Fan said:

But on the other side of the coin, you're encouraging people to isolate themselves in their own little worlds and discouraging exposing them to other forums -- that doesn't bother you? 

And what about My Recent Threads? 

No, maybe that way people will start talking more about games rather than using any excuse to just troll each other and derail threads.

lol, not to question your judgement here ioi, but have you ever seen any forum anywhere, that such a thing has happened without enforcement by strict and stifiling moderators?

I can't see strict and stifiling moderators being a good direction at any cost.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


I know you're tired of hearing it, but the white background/light green text combination really needs to change.  It is literally giving me a headache after just a few minutes.  It's less of an issue in a thread proper, but plenty of places are basically verbotten to my eyes at the moment.  I'll be happy to learn the new layout, but not if it requires downing aspirin.

Also ioi, know this. The site does look very professional, congratz to your coders. I want you to know that no matter HOW you change this site, people will hate it for the first couple of weeks, but they'll adapt, it's human nature, so keep up the good work brother, your site rocks.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.



I posted a lot of banners this morning and they were accepted but they didn't gave any points.

And what's strange is that I was once at 258 banners posted but it actually went down to 252...

Is someone stealing my banners (lol) or is that just a temporary problem?

Because I'd like to post more banners but I won't until the issue is fixed.

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ioi said:

Member comments are in the process of being added, info on how many members own the game is now removed in line with other big sites, boxarts will soon have a new dedicated page with full, scrollable images, score boxes are the prime focus which is why they are large, sales info will be added soon.

Forum is staying black on white since everybody moaned so much when we moved to white on black.

Hey Ioi,

I don't want to sound like I am beating a dead horse, but I was thinking about my earlier idea earlier for colors...

I think it would take maybe 1 - 2 hours to change it so that people can choose a different color scheme, let me go into detail:

I am assuming 2 things:

1)User preferences/settings are kept in a MySQL table, for how many posts per page, etc you want
2)The "pages" we see are actually passed through a PHP page before they are rendered to the browser

Step 1: Create a new column in the user table, call it color or something
Step 2: Create a new section in the settings page where you can update your color scheme
Step 3: When rendering the page through the PHP page for the css style sheet concatenate a number (stored from the User settings MySQL colum onto the CSS page - you will need more than 1 css sheet for this to work)

Step 1: Create a new column in user MySQL table, call it color, default it to "1" (without the quotes) this is the number of the current color scheme (black on white) - pretty selfexplanitory, time to complete - minutes

Step 2: Create a new sections page where we can choose color scheme - time to complete - 30 minutes.  When user changes the color scheme it will update the mysql table with the new color, to keep it easy, lets just to black text on white background and white text on black background - if they choose the latter, replace the "1" in the color column for the user with a 2.

Step 3: When you render the page through the PHP script just have the PHP script grab the column value from the users mysql row.. Been awhile since I did PHP but would be something like:

Select color from user_table where user = "tanstalas" (this would return a "2" for example if I had the setting for white text on black)

When it renders the CSS part going through the PHP table just concatenate the number onto the end of the css page.  Right now it looks like the following (assume this is the CSS page)

<link rel="stylesheet" href="" type="text/css" />

So basically you would just use PHP to concatenate the number from the color column of my settings to the css sheet so..

<link rel="stylesheet" href="" . $color .".csstype="text/css" />

Now you would have 2 different css sheets stored in the assets/css folder for a black on white and white on black master1.css and master2.css

You can add different combinations as well to settings, red on white for example would insert a 3 into the column and you would have to make another CSS sheet with a red on white - but once you have ti set up, adding new color schemes would be easy.

The most time intensive part of this would be doing a find and replace on the master.css page and replacing the text color and background color's and then saving the new sheet and uploading it..

I'm sure there is stuff I did wrong up there, been about 8 years since I graduated from college.. but you get the point..

Anyhow, this is the last you will hear from me on this idea, I know you said that the Black on white will stay, but I think the above is an easy to implement solution that would only take a couple of hours and will please a lot of people..

Also I realize this is a cosmetics thing, and you have more important things to worry about now, but just throwing this out there for the future :)

Unicorns ARE real - They are just fat, grey and called Rhinos

Hot topics needs to be added back like in 2.0, or something similar implemented, honestly I see your viewpoint with trollers ioi, but it doesn't seem like the correct choice, and its one that is hugely objected to by the community so far.

Don't try and change an intergral structure that is loved and cherished by the VGChartz community to lower the amount of trolling. Forgive me if I'm incorrect but isn't that what the Mods are there for? Let them do their job, if need be get some more mods to handle the influx of trolls.

Ok, after a little more time trying it, I wish hot topics were back, BADDDD, plus one more thing, is there a way to add my "recent posts" back to the left when I'm posting.

That is really messing up my mojo, I can't tell how to get to my old topics, and I can't see what the interesting or new topics's really annoying, lol, I feel very gimped here. It's like taking away a mages ability to cast magic in WoW and saying "L2P, working as intended, use your staff," lol.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


ioi said:
anmol111 said:

I have one major complaint and that is the removal of the Hot Topics box that used to be on the front page. That is how I saw forum topics and it was convenient to use instead of going back and forth between between forums eg. Sony and Nintendo and Microsoft. Please try to incorporate this into the new website.

Also I dont like how information is now spread into different categories as I think all of this should be displayed on the main page.

Personally I HATE this new design and would highly recommend changing it back to what it previously was.

The splitting of hot topics into the forums is intentional. The idea with the new site is to prevent cross-trolling in forums you shouldn't be in. If I create a topic in the xbox forum about a game I don't want it derailed by PS3 / Wii fans. By having seperated forums like this we split the discussion more - you only frequent the forum that is of interest to you. That said, we are working on some changes to the forum navigation to make things a little easier to move through.

ioi, you know I'm one of the reasonable ones. But this is a bad idea. If Hot Topics doesn't return in some way shape or form I can guarantee you forum activity will be WAY down. Worse still, our close-knit community will be divided!

--OkeyDokey-- said:
ioi said:
anmol111 said:

I have one major complaint and that is the removal of the Hot Topics box that used to be on the front page. That is how I saw forum topics and it was convenient to use instead of going back and forth between between forums eg. Sony and Nintendo and Microsoft. Please try to incorporate this into the new website.

Also I dont like how information is now spread into different categories as I think all of this should be displayed on the main page.

Personally I HATE this new design and would highly recommend changing it back to what it previously was.

The splitting of hot topics into the forums is intentional. The idea with the new site is to prevent cross-trolling in forums you shouldn't be in. If I create a topic in the xbox forum about a game I don't want it derailed by PS3 / Wii fans. By having seperated forums like this we split the discussion more - you only frequent the forum that is of interest to you. That said, we are working on some changes to the forum navigation to make things a little easier to move through.

ioi, you know I'm one of the reasonable ones. But this is a bad idea. If Hot Topics doesn't return in some way shape or form I can guarantee you forum activity will be WAY down. Worse still, our close-knit community will be divided!

I agree, really though, is it hard to right click the different forums and choose open in another tab?  

While I understand Ioi's POV it isn't going to stop trollers, I can have many tabs open at once, one for MS forum, Sony, Nintendo and CTRL-TAB through quickly.. actually I kinda prefer that, whereas hot topics you only got a couple threads from each forum, you can see the first page of all the topics in a forum â˜º

Unicorns ARE real - They are just fat, grey and called Rhinos