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Forums - Sony Discussion - Final Fantasy Versus XIII might not be on E3

Carl2291 said:
darthdevidem01 said:

Then rent it if its 5 years late on PS3 too.

Your whole reason for renting it is because its going to another console, thats IS ridiculous!

No. It's not. Stop trying to twist my words, or at least read the full conversation before you butt in.

I already said i don't care that the 360 is getting it. I already said i think the 360 SHOULD get it.

I already said my reason for renting it. Read the thread before you throw accusations around. I specifically said i would rent it because i'm sick of being fucked around. If they want to delay it just so they can release it at the same time for a console that as of this minute is NOT getting the game. Then i will take away 1 sale of the game for making me wait a lot longer than what i should have to.

You might disagree with my reasons. I couldn't care less. But don't try to spin what someone is saying.

Nobody is twisting your words, words are only twisted accidently if the person saying them in the first place fails to explain properly.

And in your paragraph your saying the same thing.

Again answer this question for me:

If it releases in 2011 on PS3 ONLY would you buy it? YES or NO

If at GDC they announce its Multiplat and it releases in 2011 on BOTH Xbox 360 & PS3 would you buy it? YES or NO


All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

Around the Network

I don't care if the game is being ported to the X360....What is really annoying is that they announced this game 4 or 5 years ago and we don't have the game yet. EPIC fail for Square Enix this generation, they saved their ash because of the Nintendo DS.

darthdevidem01 said:
Carl2291 said:


Nobody is twisting your words, words are only twisted accidently if the person saying them in the first place fails to explain properly.

And in your paragraph your saying the same thing.

Again answer this question for me:

If it releases in 2011 on PS3 ONLY would you buy it? YES or NO

If at GDC they announce its Multiplat and it releases in 2011 on BOTH Xbox 360 & PS3 would you buy it? YES or NO

I said specifically that i thought the 360 userbase SHOULD get the game. So yes. You did twist my words.

As for it not being clear. mtlca66 realised easy enough what i was saying.

And as for your question, i can't possibly argue it without knowing specific dates. It's easy enough saying the same year, but there could be an 11 Month difference between things...


if game goes to xbox i will be less hypd bt i will still buy th game, it wnt be th best game evr if it goes multiplt tho.

Carl2291 said:
darthdevidem01 said:
Carl2291 said:


Nobody is twisting your words, words are only twisted accidently if the person saying them in the first place fails to explain properly.

And in your paragraph your saying the same thing.

Again answer this question for me:

If it releases in 2011 on PS3 ONLY would you buy it? YES or NO

If at GDC they announce its Multiplat and it releases in 2011 on BOTH Xbox 360 & PS3 would you buy it? YES or NO

I said specifically that i thought the 360 userbase SHOULD get the game. So yes. You did twist my words.

As for it not being clear. mtlca66 realised easy enough what i was saying.

And as for your question, i can't possibly argue it without knowing specific dates. It's easy enough saying the same year, but there could be an 11 Month difference between things...

mtlca66 must be a genius, he's one of the only ones that did.

I never put forward a point saying you didn't want it to be on xbox 360.

You said in your own words in your first post in this thread the following

If it isn't at E3 then i will be pretty much convinced that they have delayed it even further to make a 360 version.

If true, then fuck you, Square Enix. You just lost a buyer. Will turn straight into a rental, if that.

1. You made 2 faulty assumptions followed by an outlandish statement with hateful tones

Your first assumption saying this means they have delayed it for xbox 360 is UNFOUNDED, I have proof* otherwise saying there were other reasons for the delay all the way back from February:


 Your second assumption was acting like the delay would be MASSIVE. 

You have waited for this game for 4 YEARS thinking its exclusive, now any delay cause by xbox 360 shouldn't exceed the 4 years you have already waited, in fact any delay caused by the 360 version shouldn't exceed 1 year.

And why aren't you answering my question, if you didn't know date specifics why did you make the first post you made in this thread?

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

Around the Network

Darth anc Carl fiercely arguing? What is about FF that gets ppl so harmonal?

I really didn't want this to turn into one of those Final Fantasy hate threads :S

And why does everyone think delay=Xbox 360 version in the works? :P

The game hasn't even been announced for that platform, lol. It says it's for PlayStation 3 on Final Fantasy Versus XIII's official site :P

A banner stolen from some site xD

Release Final Fantasy Versus XIII nowwwwwwwwww!!! lol :P

i just hope they dont take anything away from the game.

darthdevidem01 said:
Carl2291 said:
darthdevidem01 said:
Carl2291 said:


Nobody is twisting your words, words are only twisted accidently if the person saying them in the first place fails to explain properly.

And in your paragraph your saying the same thing.

Again answer this question for me:

If it releases in 2011 on PS3 ONLY would you buy it? YES or NO

If at GDC they announce its Multiplat and it releases in 2011 on BOTH Xbox 360 & PS3 would you buy it? YES or NO

I said specifically that i thought the 360 userbase SHOULD get the game. So yes. You did twist my words.

As for it not being clear. mtlca66 realised easy enough what i was saying.

And as for your question, i can't possibly argue it without knowing specific dates. It's easy enough saying the same year, but there could be an 11 Month difference between things...

mtlca66 must be a genius, he's one of the only ones that did.

I never put forward a point saying you didn't want it to be on xbox 360.

You said in your own words in your first post in this thread the following

If it isn't at E3 then i will be pretty much convinced that they have delayed it even further to make a 360 version.

If true, then fuck you, Square Enix. You just lost a buyer. Will turn straight into a rental, if that.

1. You made 2 faulty assumptions followed by an outlandish statement with hateful tones

Your first assumption saying this means they have delayed it for xbox 360 is UNFOUNDED, I have proof* otherwise saying there were other reasons for the delay all the way back from February:


 Your second assumption was acting like the delay would be MASSIVE. 

You have waited for this game for 4 YEARS thinking its exclusive, now any delay cause by xbox 360 shouldn't exceed the 4 years you have already waited, in fact any delay caused by the 360 version shouldn't exceed 1 year.

And why aren't you answering my question, if you didn't know date specifics why did you make the first post you made in this thread?

Yes you did.

Fair enough, that point was proven wrong. If it isn't at E3 it doesn't necessarily mean that it will be because of a 360 port. But the fact remains that if they DO make a 360 version, it will delay the release of the game. It's not like a 360 version would be made with a click of the finger.

And it's likely that the delay would still be... As you said. A delay. We don't know how long the delay would be, but it is STILL a delay. It would probably be a few months. Can i prove it? No. I don't need to. It's common sense. It took 15 weeks for 2 PS2 games to be ported to the PS3. That's close enough to 4 Months. For a couple of PS2 games. Nevermind a full HD Final Fantasy game to be ported!!

And you really want an answer to that stupid question? Fine.

If the PS3 version was to release here in January. I would buy it. If it was made Multiplat, and was to release in December. I would rent it. Happy?


Jdevil3 said:
I really didn't want this to turn into one of those Final Fantasy hate threads :S

And why does everyone think delay=Xbox 360 version in the works? :P

The game hasn't even been announced for that platform, lol. It says it's for PlayStation 3 on Final Fantasy Versus XIII's official site :P

Versus Xlll will going to 360 thatsinevitable. Its a question of when and how will it effect the development cycle.