It appears that Rockstar has obviously run out of room on the Blu Ray disc. I think we should commend them on making a great game which finally uses up 100% of the potential of a Blu Ray disc. I mean everyone here knows that its not how powerful your console is but the size of your disc which determines the typical rendering resolution on non-lazy ports.This has been confirmed by several web sources so I can barely contain my excitement!! Blu Ray finally and wholeheartedly vindicated!!!!!!!!! OMG yes yes yes yes.
I think we should all gather together and congratulate Rockstar on finally putting a nail in the coffin of all those Blu Ray doubters.
P.S. If you're fuming right now take a chill pill and relax, this is just a friendly jab at people who reckon rendering resolutions and disc space are somehow interlinked in order to educate them hopefully.