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Forums - Sony Discussion - Is Red Dead Redemption 640P because of Blu Ray maxed out?

I obviously don't share the same humour as a lot of you. Lol

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PakChiuCheng said:
I'm picturing Squilliam as a fat guy with hairy chest and he's eating pizza and laughing away as he's typing the post to this thread." border="0">


Ping_ii said:

Red Dead Redemption – PS3 Version Runs At 720p


There has been alot of rumours & various reviews & reviewers going around stating that the PS3 version is “Sub-HD”, & has a resolution of 640p & whatnot.. Even Veteran Beyond 3D technical forum member’s Al_Strong had a little go with finding out it’s true resolution.

Well.. I can now confirm right here & now that the PS3 version’s native resolution is indeed 720p!

Take a look at this screenshot here that was taken directly from the PS3 version:

Direct-Capture PS3 720p Screenshot

That direct-feed screenshot’s resolution is exactly 1280 x 720.. therefore the PS3 version runs at no less than 720p, my friends

So, I hope that clears things up & if you want, you can see even more direct-capture screenshots from the PS3 version by clicking here which are also in.. *gasp*, Don’t be suprised now.. 720p.

That just makes it look worse in my opinion. By taking a direct feed and then expanding the res on a computer does not make the game run at that rate. The photo he included looks horrible.

Sorry but i take Beyond 3d's word over this guy simply because Beyond are known for being pixel junkies and have got a load of firsts under their belt including GTA4. Which to me say's they have experience with these types of things. That just seems like a 5min mock up without any evidence but a picture which looks bad. If the guy wanted to do a comparison then he should explain his finidngs better.

Squilliam said:

It appears that Rockstar has obviously run out of room on the Blu Ray disc. I think we should commend them on making a great game which finally uses up 100% of the potential of a Blu Ray disc. I mean everyone here knows that its not how powerful your console is but the size of your disc which determines the typical rendering resolution on non-lazy ports.This has been confirmed by several web sources so I can barely contain my excitement!! Blu Ray finally and wholeheartedly vindicated!!!!!!!!! OMG yes yes yes yes.

I think we should all gather together and congratulate Rockstar on finally putting a nail in the coffin of all those Blu Ray doubters.

P.S. If you're fuming right now take a chill pill and relax, this is just a friendly jab at people who reckon rendering resolutions and disc space are somehow interlinked in order to educate them hopefully.

This thread was just intened to cause problems 'jab at people', friendly or not it's considered flamebait.

There are other ways to talk about a comparison

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