I'm normally not so interested in any of the conventions, but I kind of want to go to PAX East just to check out the demo.
I'm normally not so interested in any of the conventions, but I kind of want to go to PAX East just to check out the demo.
Btw, has anyone checked out any of the books? I think I might get them at some point.
r505Matt said: Btw, has anyone checked out any of the books? I think I might get them at some point. |
No I haven't, though I've been thinking about getting at least the first one. I just don't read a lot these days, or not reading that isn't for university anyway...
Sorry about the lack of updates! But we can celebrate having a bunch of knowledge about humans and about the norn, and it all looks awesome! I'm really excited about the norn right now actually.
http://www.guildwars2.com/en/the-game/races/norn/ plus small video of their home area:
Those environments look amazing!
http://www.guildwars2.com/en/the-game/races/human/ plus small video of their home area:
r505Matt said: Btw, has anyone checked out any of the books? I think I might get them at some point. |
Yeah I have, there are two of them. Ghosts of Ascalon and Edge of Destiny. Ghosts of Ascalon is worth a read but the Edge of Destiny is done by a different author and it's bloody awful! They're not really sequels anyway.
Woot! The thief has been revealed/leaked!
And it's got some videos of the norn starter area (with Guardian gameplay) and some thief gameplay videos with it!
Rainbird whats your past xpericne with MMOs?
And how hardcore r u? Will u be in a casual guild or a hardcore 24-7 guild in GW2?
Slimebeast said: Rainbird whats your past xpericne with MMOs? And how hardcore r u? Will u be in a casual guild or a hardcore 24-7 guild in GW2? |
Well, I played the first Guild Wars for over 2600 hours, I tried WoW and was bored and I tried LoTRO and was bored. Plus I tried a few free to play MMOs, but nothing much.
And I don't really know about guilds, it depends how many of my friends will be playing, as I don't usually get into guilds where I don't know that many people. So casual guild probably, but I could see myself go hardcore once in a while.
Rainbird said:
Well, I played the first Guild Wars for over 2600 hours, I tried WoW and was bored and I tried LoTRO and was bored. Plus I tried a few free to play MMOs, but nothing much.
And I don't really know about guilds, it depends how many of my friends will be playing, as I don't usually get into guilds where I don't know that many people. So casual guild probably, but I could see myself go hardcore once in a while.
Okay that's definately hardcore.
Well Im asking because MMOs are such an investment and often associated with lots of frustration. You have to dedicate a lot. Time and energy.
Myself I played DAOC in 2003-2004 and I put too much from my life into that game. I like MMOs but they frustrate me because you have to be competitive or else you will feel inferior. And in order to be comptetivie u have to spend lots of time. Which I dont have anymore.
Still I nurture this naive idea that I will invest in an MMO one day (Elder Scrolls Online, YAY!). But im always thinkng, will i take a casual apporach or will I invest heavily and be in a good guild? Does the game demand that I use voice chat to be effective? Etc
So r u gonna play with voice chat?
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