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Forums - Sony Discussion - God Of War 3- TOP DRAW reviews....Poor Sales?

jbrist said:
Well let's look at this, yeah?

360 Users = FPS Fanboys

Wii Users = Casual Fanboys

PS3 Users = Variety Fanboys

360 Exclusives = FPS

Wii Exclusives = Casual

PS3 Exclusives = Variety

If there's 300 people, 3 consoles, that means 360 has 100 users, Wii has 100, PS3 has 100.

Say an FPS comes out, it sells 80-90 copies on 360, because they love FPS, whereas it only sells 20-30 on PSWii

A Casual game is released, sells 95 on Wii, 30 on PS3, and 10 on 360

And any other games is released, sells 70-80 on PS3, 20-30 on Wii, and only 10-20 on 360

Do you see what I'm getting at? because I sure as hell don't!

lol nice one

Bet reminder: I bet with Tboned51 that Splatoon won't reach the 1 million shipped mark by the end of 2015. I win if he loses and I lose if I lost.

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LOL thread.

1.81 million in 4 in almost a month isnt bad at all!!

just because it doesnt sell like halo dont mean its bad sales, when did a game selling over a million or 2 million mean its a sales flop?

You know that in "others" sales of PS3 and 360 is equal at the moment, which make "others" perfect to verify the sales of multiplatform games when it come to ratio of console vs game sales. Unfortunately for you, nearly all multiplatform games are selling better on PS3. PS3 is also selling a lot more software per month. The only type of game that surpass the kind of sales god of war 3 have at the moment are FPS particularly exclusive FPS like Halo. Halo is NOT a general rule when it comes to 360 software sales. You would be better checking your numbers and also analyzing those vs install base vs overall monthly software. Its not because you have one game that sell 7 M that your selling more software on a monthly basis.

Look at past sales for God of War I/II

Now look again of God of War III sales...

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I think it will be ok, there has been a PS3 shortage, there just now finally working out of it, Also there has been tons of Ps3 exclusives released, also a few 360 , If you are like me and have a PS3 and 360, with all these games , crap I can only spend so much money on games. There are games on both consoles I want, now PS3 is my main console, but there are still a lot of titles I want for my 360. Also you have to keep in mind we are in a VERY BAD ECONOMY, were people are loosing there jobs left and right. There are so many people out there that want these games but can not afford to buy them, or these 2-3 games out they really want, and they can only buy 1 this month and the next , the following month. So all in all I think we are doing Ok with all that is going on.

I don't have to read the original post to know that you know nothing of "bad" sales.

I survived the Apocalyps3

i have a ps3 and no job. so that means i won't be getting any games!! (although i can afford to buy it)

jbrist said:
Well let's look at this, yeah?

360 Users = FPS Fanboys

Wii Users = Casual Fanboys

PS3 Users = Variety Fanboys

360 Exclusives = FPS

Wii Exclusives = Casual

PS3 Exclusives = Variety

If there's 300 people, 3 consoles, that means 360 has 100 users, Wii has 100, PS3 has 100.

Say an FPS comes out, it sells 80-90 copies on 360, because they love FPS, whereas it only sells 20-30 on PSWii

A Casual game is released, sells 95 on Wii, 30 on PS3, and 10 on 360

And any other games is released, sells 70-80 on PS3, 20-30 on Wii, and only 10-20 on 360

Do you see what I'm getting at? because I sure as hell don't!

well done. so true.

What a moronic thread; GOW3 has almost broken the 2mil barrier despite launching a month ago outside of the holiday season and appealing to the almost-niche "hack and slash" fanbase.


When GT5 sells 10mil, will we get a thread asking this same question? FML...