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jbrist said:
Well let's look at this, yeah?

360 Users = FPS Fanboys

Wii Users = Casual Fanboys

PS3 Users = Variety Fanboys

360 Exclusives = FPS

Wii Exclusives = Casual

PS3 Exclusives = Variety

If there's 300 people, 3 consoles, that means 360 has 100 users, Wii has 100, PS3 has 100.

Say an FPS comes out, it sells 80-90 copies on 360, because they love FPS, whereas it only sells 20-30 on PSWii

A Casual game is released, sells 95 on Wii, 30 on PS3, and 10 on 360

And any other games is released, sells 70-80 on PS3, 20-30 on Wii, and only 10-20 on 360

Do you see what I'm getting at? because I sure as hell don't!

lol nice one

Bet reminder: I bet with Tboned51 that Splatoon won't reach the 1 million shipped mark by the end of 2015. I win if he loses and I lose if I lost.