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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Pachter: Slim 360, Natal and 250GB HDD to be bundled for $299

Do you guys think that MS will be releasing a non-bundled, stand-alone 360 slim at a lower price point?

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you don't know their finances. period. end of discussion. /thread. good day.

gekkokamen said:
Also you're missing the point talking about PS3 profitability. They could cut the PS3 to $250 this fall and still make , albeit little, profit. Bundle Move for $300 with the console. Yeah they will be losing some money, but that's not as bad as risking not moving anything at all for a higher price. When you're introducing a new peripheral like Move, the first important step is to create a large installed base quickly. Then you can recoup any losses selling the games and EXTRA controllers.

If you really think this is the strategy that will go down, then MS is just as likely to offer a Natal 360 Slim bundle with 250GB HDD for just $199.  Sure they would lose some money but it would all be made up in software and Xbox Live revenue.

I understand that Sony has said with software their PS division should soon be profitable, but as of the last financial report that division still saw a a multimillion loss.  The next financial results should be available soon and if they are beginning to finally be profitable on the PS3 venture you may be right and they may risk taking a loss.  But seing as how they have yet to be profitable at all and the 360 has been profitable for the last year or 2, I think it would be MS that is more willing to take a loss on hardware than Sony.  After all, it is the investors that everyone on here likes to talk about, and the investors supposedly will want to make a return on their investment sooner rather than later.

gekkokamen said:

you don't know their finances. period. end of discussion. /thread. good day.

I do.  It is all publicly available knowledge.

You however, do not seem to know how to argue in a logical and educated manner.  Period.  So I hope you finally give up rather than make yourself look entirely more out of your element.

^where are the finances? and do you know about their CURRENT finances and fiscal year projections? You're telling me you know their numbers? PROVE IT. You know nothing.

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gekkokamen said:
^where are the finances? and do you know about their CURRENT finances and fiscal year projections? You're telling me you know their numbers? PROVE IT. You know nothing.

Again, I said their most recent numbers should be out soon.  All past numbers are publicly available.  If you would just take 10 seconds to do your own search you would find this to be true.  You, I'm afraid, are the one that knows nothing.  Desperately hoping that you will eventually drive me away from this discussion with your dodge tactics.  I still love how you have yet to comment on any of my actual arguments and just keep fixating on this finances issue.  Sony's financial reports are just a google search away.  You do know how to use Google, don't you?

and how would you know their marketing plans or what their finances will look like in 6 months? Do you have any idea what they're doing on the manufacturing front? you state as a given there'll be a 360 slim when there's nothing but vapor about that, and you're certain about how these companies will handle themselves? dude, you're just theorizing, and that's nice and all, but those are not facts. And I'm certain as hell not providing any facts either. You have come to conclusion based on your wishful dreaming.

You take your 10 seconds and provide YOUR proof, you're the one spouting nonsense as facts.

We have a lot of dreamers in here lol

gekkokamen said:
You take your 10 seconds and provide YOUR proof, you're the one spouting nonsense as facts.

Nope, I'm making claims with evidence.  You are the one spouting nonsense claiming I know nothing.  It is your obligation to prove me wrong or arue against me.  So far you have just thrown mini tantrums and told me I can't possibly know something that I can in fact know.  Please, stop making this thread go to pieces because you are unwilling to do some of your own simple research.  I realize I am making PREDICTIONS and not factual claims about the future, but what you are doing isn't even that.  You are simply saying I'm wrong like a child would when they don't understand something.  Take your time to develop some actual counter arguments based on your own evidence and then we'll talk, ok?  Until then, please stop derailing this thread.