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Forums - PC Discussion - Consolitis... Ugh

Goldeneye and Halo were great FPS, at least for their time. I do agree though FPS are best served with the keyboard and mouse setup. Dual analogue sticks just feels like a very primitive and awkward way to control these games where you have to look, move, and aim in 3-D environments so rapidly.

Not that games like Halo 3 and MW2 aren't good on consoles, but the controls can get annoying.

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JaggedSac said:
shio said:

checks user ratings... 6.4


User ratings are almost as worthless as metacritic rankings.

Exactly. Like PC gamers rating the CONSOLE versions low as well as the PC version of MW2 (though that game truly was a disappointment).


Or even LBP and Gears 2 getting hit by the fanboys.

Rockstar: Announce Bully 2 already and make gamers proud!

Kojima: Come out with Project S already!

max power said:
dsister44 said:
I mean, when Halo was finally released for PC, it got mediocre-crappy reviews... and deserved all of them. The game simply wasn't that good. I think the only people who were impressed with the game, were those who had never played an FPS before. o.O

What's your definition of good reviews?

90+ at least

Think of it this way, an 83 on metacritic doesn't deserve to be anywhere near any top 10 lists.

Worthless comparison.

PC version came out 2 years later and had technical issues.


Only real mistakes from that top 10 is the appearance of Doom 3 and that HL2 is not 1st.

I mean, when Halo was finally released , it got mediocre-crappy reviews... and deserved all of them. agreed max power. but Goldeneye is simply the best ever. none like halo. it just works. nice rant. i trully ahte halo, but when was the tast time u played a console shooteer.

im pc and console shooter fan. honorable menions (killzone2 and doom)

The very best ones usually come from mods, no the actual game, think on that for a little, Team Fortress first appeared as a Quake mod, CS first came about as a HL mod. Quake+Half Life sparked a lot of crazy ass mods on the side, that was the true golden age of innovative FPS era. Without these user contents or the people who made those mods, you wouldn't even see a lot of the modern FPS design at all.

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Metallicube said:
Goldeneye and Halo were great FPS, at least for their time. I do agree though FPS are best served with the keyboard and mouse setup. Dual analogue sticks just feels like a very primitive and awkward way to control these games where you have to look, move, and aim in 3-D environments so rapidly.

Not that games like Halo 3 and MW2 aren't good on consoles, but the controls can get annoying.

perfectly understandable. but aiming in the 3d environment rapidly is the true challenge. but the only thing u haft to wonder is are u hitting the person ur shooting at. when they fall u'll know. can only play in the blue corner on fight night round 3. the red corner gives me to may problems

as a pc and console shooter i can't say one is better then the other cause i use the same prinsiple for both. striffing

I disagree. I've been playing FPS since I was 4 starting with Wolfenstein, Doom, Quake and the like (Blood, Blood 2, Heretic, Duke Nukem, etc.) and I was thoroughly blown away the first time I played Halo:CE. It did a few new things and a lot of existing things right.

It maintained FPS staples at the time (lots of great and unique weapons, 1 man army aesthetic, included scripting making you feel like a part of something bigger going on borrowed from Half Life) and threw in some great twists (two weapons at a time, multiple grenade types with simple access, amazing vehicle segments, excellent AI, good variation in enemy types, melee dynamically fitting in with gun combat). Its control sensitivity was also designed around the slower handling console thumbsticks. The player didn't move at an extremely fast pace and neither did the enemies unlike many PC shooters at the time so it worked well with the limitation of the controller. A lot of games still released don't quite get this right on consoles.

As others have said, the PC version of Halo had quite a few technical problems. In addition to that, they didn't change the way the game flowed. They kept the console-centric design of motion so PC players (myself included) found it a sub-par experience with the mouse and keyboard.

Goldeneye I've only ever played once and enjoyed it when I did so I can't comment on how great or bad it is with my limited exposure.

As for newer generations of gamers liking things that you personally don't care for... does it really affect you? Because it shouldn't. If you love all those older games that much then you can still go back and play them over and over despite all the new stuff that's being released on PC that doesn't interest you.

With the exception of Killzone 2 and Halo on consoles, there aren't any console FPS games that I care for much in terms of gameplay. I do all the rest of my FPS gaming on PC. Why? It's just what I was exposed to first so I got accusomted to it most and I find it more comfortable and more fun. Everyone around me at my age seems to be into all the newer stuff. They've just been more exposed to the Modern Warfare kind of thing. Their first experiences have been with it and so they enjoy it as it's new and exciting for them. It all depends on how your tastes first developed. You enjoyed the older games? More power to you as you've gotten to enjoy gaming for a longer time and have a greater scope of the gaming landscape.

when u are striffing and shooting at the same time leading ur target is the hardest thing but im a legend at doing it. i just don't die in shooters!

huxley the only true shooter left for pc's

priteshmodi said:
I disagree. I've been playing FPS since I was 4 starting with Wolfenstein, Doom, Quake and the like (Blood, Blood 2, Heretic, Duke Nukem, etc.) and I was thoroughly blown away the first time I played Halo:CE. It did a few new things and a lot of existing things right.

It maintained FPS staples at the time (lots of great and unique weapons, 1 man army aesthetic, included scripting making you feel like a part of something bigger going on borrowed from Half Life) and threw in some great twists (two weapons at a time, multiple grenade types with simple access, amazing vehicle segments, excellent AI, good variation in enemy types, melee dynamically fitting in with gun combat). Its control sensitivity was also designed around the slower handling console thumbsticks. The player didn't move at an extremely fast pace and neither did the enemies unlike many PC shooters at the time so it worked well with the limitation of the controller. A lot of games still released don't quite get this right on consoles.

As others have said, the PC version of Halo had quite a few technical problems. In addition to that, they didn't change the way the game flowed. They kept the console-centric design of motion so PC players (myself included) found it a sub-par experience with the mouse and keyboard.

Goldeneye I've only ever played once and enjoyed it when I did so I can't comment on how great or bad it is with my limited exposure.

As for newer generations of gamers liking things that you personally don't care for... does it really affect you? Because it shouldn't. If you love all those older games that much then you can still go back and play them over and over despite all the new stuff that's being released on PC that doesn't interest you.

With the exception of Killzone 2 and Halo on consoles, there aren't any console FPS games that I care for much in terms of gameplay. I do all the rest of my FPS gaming on PC. Why? It's just what I was exposed to first so I got accusomted to it most and I find it more comfortable and more fun. Everyone around me at my age seems to be into all the newer stuff. They've just been more exposed to the Modern Warfare kind of thing. Their first experiences have been with it and so they enjoy it as it's new and exciting for them. It all depends on how your tastes first developed. You enjoyed the older games? More power to you as you've gotten to enjoy gaming for a longer time and have a greater scope of the gaming landscape.

Pretty much every "new" thing that Halo did was done before.

Two weapons at a time?  Counter-strike
Multiple grenade types?  Team Fortress
Amazing vehicle segments?  I have to disagree, but I'll get into that
Excellent AI?  Half Life 1


The PC version's technical flaws were that it required a modern PC to play a game that came out on a console 3 years earlier.  Aside from its high technical requirements for 3 year old graphics, there was nothing really flawed about it. 

Most of Halo's innovation had been done before, and I HATED the vehicle segments, due to the horrid controls.  Point the camera and have the vehicle steer itself?  WHY ON EARTH DID THEY DO THAT?!?!?!  Anyway... the biggest flaw with Halo was the level design.  The game would've been decent at half it's length, but clearly they did some copy/paste with the levels.  I'm sorry, but the game was absurd in its repetitiveness.  This is not even up for debate.  I was playing through it and was very close to quitting after fighting the same enemies in the same room followed by the same bridge 3 or 4 times in a row, with no signs of stopping. 

Some of the levels were good, I really enjoyed the ending (despite the horrible vehicle control), and the score was fantastic, but it all added up to a mediocre experience. 

I think the best way to sum it up is, "If this were released on PC, it would've been met with mediocre reviews and largely forgotton."  Fortunately, they did exactly that a few years later, and that's exactly what happened. 

Anyway, that's my Halo rant.

The answer to "How does it effect me," is MW2 and other PC shooters getting the short end of the stick because of consoles.