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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - CVG: Crysis 2 is the best looking game on console. Boom

OT: Crytek is the developer to beat this generation when it comes to graphical fidelity, and there doesn't seem to be anyone taking their "Graphics King" title so far. They've developed arguable the best looking game ever made so far - PERIOD (Crysis), and now are to bring that tech to, i can't wait!

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Ping_ii said:
Barozi said:
Ping_ii said:
Slimebeast said:
Boutros said:
I'm not sure I understand the meaning of the article.
So Uncharted 2 (or God of War 3) will still be the best looking game on the PS3?

No, not according to the article. Crysis 2 is the best looking console game.

"But however you react, Crysis 2 is what it is. It's the best looking game on console. Or rather, the best looking game on 360."

Read the headline of the article:

"Why Crysis 2 is the best-looking game on 360 (and PS3)"

So why did they come up and say "or rather, the best looking game on 360"? I dont get it....

Because Crytek chose to show a 360 demo version and only a few seconds of PS3 gameplay.

And that PS3 gameplay was a side by side comparison with the 360 version and they were apparently identical

Trailer left me a little cold. The plaintive piano has been done to death. The 911 inference was heavy-handed. I wonder if 'Lady Liberty' will be destroyed? Again.

Why fight the helmetted hulks condo to condo? Nuke it from orbit to be safe. Game over. What? It's a game! I'm sure the Jets are all safe. The Met and Guggenheim are in Albany.

Hopefully some of the aliens have more imaginative designs. The new engine will be welcome.

ps3 theoretically pumps 1.8 tflops while the 360 is closer to only 1 tflop , ps3 first party games will continue to look better while cryengine 3 will remain the same on both platform, accompanied with bluray space there really is no comparison which console has greater potential.

they created a midware engine to be used on all platforms the only one that will look better is the pc version due to scalable options.

either wat ps3/360 will look the same , just from the videos ive seen and pics ps3 looks better in some places while 360 looks better in others , in the end its just nitpicking.

I like this thread. HAHA.

on topic: I never played the first, as I was out of my "PC phase" at the time, though even if I had, it would not have been at max resolution. Regardless I will keep my eye on this as it's availability on consoles mitigates any concerns I would have over my PC's ability to run it.

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I still remember the Final Fantasy XIII graphics saga on both consoles.

Let me see the retail version and then we'll discuss whether or not it surpasses Uncharted 2 and GoW3.

If they use the PS3 as the console to show Crysis 2 off on, they get a bunch of Sony's... ardent fanbase saying "yeah, that was pretty good, but I like Uncharted 2/God of War 3/Killzone 2 more."

If they use the 360 as the console to show it off on, they get to rile up a bunch of console enthusiasts whose hearts belong to Redmond, eager for another champion to sally forth in the name of hardware superiority!

Which option would you choose? I'm sure they just flipped a coin, as per the article. And all at once, as if by coincidence, thousands of keyboards across the world started clicking.


And then the site came crashing down and I somehow double posted. 


RAZurrection said:
Man, so many haters. I guess it's not long before Crytek becomes the next Valve.

By that you mean game developing gods... right?

Doobie_wop said:
Scoobes said:
I find it quite funny that you bolded what you did. I thought the most important point to bold was:

"It's worth nothing that Crytek's reps take time out of their Crysis 2 presentation to focus on CryEngine3 and all the fancy new stuff it can do. It's during this demonstration that we catch the briefest of glimpses of Crysis 2 on 360 and PlayStation 3 running side by side. Deep breath. Ready? Both versions look exactly the same. And relax."


He's just trying to push people's buttons. The quote you chose was what the thread should have been about.

Even that quote would have likely pushed people's buttons.  Particularly the people who think it will look/run better on PS3 and still think that 360 games can't possibly ever touch PS3 games in graphics.