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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Wii - first impressions from a (mainly) PC gamer

Vengi said:

Heheeh your STILL in denial???

On the colder nights it's the only thing that keeps me going

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Its interesting to hear a PC gamer enjoys MP3, I do agree that in some sense the wii remote and nunchuck is the best option for FPS, especially if you try the new medal of honor where it seems very refined.
Control on the PC may be more accurate, but control on the wii is far more intuitive. twisting the nunchuck to lean for example is far easier to perform than assigning the same controls to Q and E (or whatever it typically is on a PC FPS).

It should be noted that to truely appreciate FPS on the Wii, you need to play a FPS on a dual shock type pad.

I am pleased to here you got a Wii, since it is your first console, you will enjoy the Virtual console, you really really need to do yourself a favour and download games such as The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time and other classics you have missed out on.

Vengi said:

Did you find it was harder to adapt to the nunchuck for movement then the Wiimote for aiming?


Not really, at first the Wiimote aiming was a bit confusing, but I quickly got used to it. The movement was fine from the very beginning.

shams said:
BTW - I'm not sure if you have a choice/option in terms of "what" TV you get - but with component cables, MP3 looks gorgeous on a decent Plasma set. I wouldn't recommend a LCD (of any size) for play with a Wii - Plasma is the way to go.

I'm thinking of getting a 32'' CRT actually. Philips 32PW9551 is the one I'm almost decided to get. It has HDMI and component inputs, 100 Hz and all that, is cheaper than LCDs or Plasmas, and can play Wii games at native resolution, with no upscaling or any trickery. Of course, it's heavy and big, but that's not a problem for me :)

If it sounds stupid do get such a TV, by all means tell me :)


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

the flailing about only Can work in tennis.

and then only if they have the flailing about time right, but any semi decent wii tennis player should be able to kick their butt easily,

my son -6- is a semi-flailer, and it worked til he hit about 6-700 or so on the pro scale...then he started to get annihilated by the opposing teams.

my 3yr old son just started wii tennis..does ok.

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NJ5 said:
Vengi said:

Did you find it was harder to adapt to the nunchuck for movement then the Wiimote for aiming?


Not really, at first the Wiimote aiming was a bit confusing, but I quickly got used to it. The movement was fine from the very beginning.

shams said:
BTW - I'm not sure if you have a choice/option in terms of "what" TV you get - but with component cables, MP3 looks gorgeous on a decent Plasma set. I wouldn't recommend a LCD (of any size) for play with a Wii - Plasma is the way to go.

I'm thinking of getting a 32'' CRT actually. Philips 32PW9551 is the one I'm almost decided to get. It has HDMI and component inputs, 100 Hz and all that, is cheaper than LCDs or Plasmas, and can play Wii games at native resolution, with no upscaling or any trickery. Of course, it's heavy and big, but that's not a problem for me :)

If it sounds stupid do get such a TV, by all means tell me :)


Should be an awesome looking TV set. I have a 36" Sony Trinitron Wega XBR HDTV, it's awesome. Best picture quality for HD that I've seen. I work in TV broadcasting, around the newest tech stuff too. So when I picked my TV I knew exactly what to look for. The washed out problems on LCD's as well as the horrible way it handles scaling turned me off them. Plasma's burn in too easily. A CRT still gives the best picture quality.

I'll only upgrade my TV when it dies or when a Laser TV comes down in price. Till then I'll be HD gaming with the only true way to watch HD! :) Also, the Wii looks awesome on it. Metroid Prime 3 just POPS outta the screen.

If you look up my TV model, it was discontinued due to being too awesome.  It would have ate away at Sony's LCD sales easily.  The model I have has the 2 HDMI inputs into it and the higher end scaler.

Prepare for termination! It is the only logical thing to do, for I am only loyal to Megatron.