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Vengi said:

Did you find it was harder to adapt to the nunchuck for movement then the Wiimote for aiming?


Not really, at first the Wiimote aiming was a bit confusing, but I quickly got used to it. The movement was fine from the very beginning.

shams said:
BTW - I'm not sure if you have a choice/option in terms of "what" TV you get - but with component cables, MP3 looks gorgeous on a decent Plasma set. I wouldn't recommend a LCD (of any size) for play with a Wii - Plasma is the way to go.

I'm thinking of getting a 32'' CRT actually. Philips 32PW9551 is the one I'm almost decided to get. It has HDMI and component inputs, 100 Hz and all that, is cheaper than LCDs or Plasmas, and can play Wii games at native resolution, with no upscaling or any trickery. Of course, it's heavy and big, but that's not a problem for me :)

If it sounds stupid do get such a TV, by all means tell me :)


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957