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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Wii - first impressions from a (mainly) PC gamer

As I've mentioned a few times around the forum, I recently ordered a Wii. It arrived today in the mail.

This is the first console I bought, ever. I was mainly a PC gamer before I bought the Wii. However, I have played a lot of Mega Drive (Sega Genesis for you Americans) back in the day, and a bit of PS/PS2 too. The Wii is the first console which I really had an urge to buy, based on reports and on learning how the console works throughout the (long) time I've spent at vgchartz. Go ahead, call me a newb, I don't care ;) You can consider me as a part of one of the new demographics that Nintendo has tapped into with the Wii. 

Even though I don't have a TV yet at my new place, I managed to try it for a short time a few minutes ago. I played it on a very old 26'' SDTV. In case you care, here are my first impressions :)

I gave Wii Sports a try, and it turns out that my girlfriend can play it much better than me (none of us ever touched a Wii before). I guess people may be right when they say that unexperienced game players can have an edge with the Wii!  I felt the controls as a bit unresponsive at times, but it was such a short test that I couldn't really complain yet.

Then, I proceeded to try on what I was really looking forward to - Metroid Prime 3. My first impression was that the graphics were great, much better than I thought possible on a SDTV with simple composite cables. Then I started playing. I maneuvered around the starting area, and after a few minutes it struck me - this controller scheme has to be tried by EVERYONE. Really, I never felt so immersed in a game before (being an experienced player of PC FPSs and all). The controls couldn't be more intuitive, and they feel so good, that I can only imagine the smile on my face. I am now positive that I will really enjoy this console, and my mouth waters from thinking about the innovations that future software can bring to the console.

That's about what I can say for my first impressions. I really look forward to getting a TV installed and being able to really dive deep into Metroid Prime 3, which is the only game I have now (besides Wii Sports of course). Super Mario Galaxy was sold out at the place I bought it, I guess I'll buy it in a few weeks. I'm also considering getting Zack & Wiki when it gets released in Europe, but there's plenty of time to decide until then.


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

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If you are a PC gamer Zack and Wiki is not an option. I would also recommend Trauma Center for its immersive gameplay and controls.

Satan said:

"You are for ever angry, all you care about is intelligence, but I repeat again that I would give away all this superstellar life, all the ranks and honours, simply to be transformed into the soul of a merchant's wife weighing eighteen stone and set candles at God's shrine."

Congrats on your Wii.

A word of recommendation....In Metroid Prime 3....go to the Visor in the menu and turn off the hint system. For some reason Retro has always made "Hints On" the default and I think this gives people the impression that the games are easy.

Nice beginning! Wii really have great experiences, the bigger ones from Nintendo games. I could recommend a lot of games to you, but I'm sure that a lot of people will do it here, so I'll pass. I'm so lazy today ^^

^Click on cards to level'em up!!!^ =D

It's funny you mention the inexperienced players part.

On thanksgiving I had my wife's Dad and his wife, my mom and her husband, and a few other siblings all younger than me. After we ate our dinner we were all talking and got on to the subject of creating Mii's for our parents.

Now, to give you an impression of what we had here, her father is about 65 and his wife is about 50. They are both Arabs who were not born here but immigrated here in 1968. Neither of them have ever touched a video game. My mother is 47 and played a few games when I was a kid, i.e. my Atari 2600 and NES. Her husband is in his 50's and hasn't touched a video game from about the same time according to him.

First I introduced them to the Mii's and help them create thier Mii's. Everyone was laughing our asses off as I put them together throwing in the occasional girl's eyes on a Mii for a old school Arab manly man.

Then we moved on to Wii Sports and bowling. These 4 played first. The entire time we were all cheering them on and everyone picked up the controls very quickly. In fact by the time we finished playing bowling her father, the 65 year old man who had only bowled in real life once and never played games before ever, was undefeated and had a high score over 200. Throughout the rest of the evening as we played all of the sports and various Wii play games both couples had mentioned multiple times that they should buy one. Though I don't think her father will, I know my mom will. She said she will also pickup Wii Play and after showing her on the internet Wii Fit; she said she will buy that as well.

I know for a fact I would have never seen this on ANY other game console. Wii is definitely the only mass market game console.

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well you have picked up why the wii is so popular. it might not have many so called hardcore games but it does get people together and enjoy themselves. many a time ive had people who have never played games come over and i have asked them to play it. their normal response is "na i can never work out what to do with the controller" but with the wii it isnt an issue.

by the way many people are saying that the best combination of systems are the wii and the 360 but imo the wii and pc is. most games out on the 360 also comes out on pc. it might have been expensive to buy a pc before but now with consoles becoming expensive machines the pc is looking beter and better

I want wii fit and I want it now


Resident Evil 4 Wii Edition is a great guy at $30. It plays fairly well, at least the point and shoot parts, even if you can't move around quite as well as typical FPS's. The Wiimote feels awesome, though, regardless of that. RE4 is also one of the highest 'quality' games in terms of presentation of last generation.

First Wii game I ever owned.

Numbers: Checker Players > Halo Players

Checkers Age and replayability > Halo Age and replayability

Therefore, Checkers > Halo

So, Checkers is a better game than Halo.

Welcome to the fun =).

For my money the Wii + PC combo is the best way to go.

To Each Man, Responsibility

@RolStoppable: Indeed, I had much fun NOT reading them ;) Fortunately it only affected the game's booklets, all the Wii instructions are in several languages.

Thanks for all the replies guys :)


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

I prefer Wii + PC as well for a combination, though I found Wiimote to be a much better... eh... mouse (*drowsy)


Edit: Oh, welcome to a rare club... as far as I can tell.

Edit2: And I mean Wii + PC only club or whatever you prefer.

I am a PC gamer, and also have a NDS now, but without access to a Nintendo Wii until End of 2007.

Currently playing: Super Smash Brothers Brawl(Wii), Mystery Dungeon: Shiren the Wanderer(DS), Dragon Quest Heroes: Rocket Slime (DS), WiiFit(Wii)

Games Recently Beaten: Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: My Life as a King (Normal; Very Hard after the next DLCs become available)

1 word: RTFA