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It's funny you mention the inexperienced players part.

On thanksgiving I had my wife's Dad and his wife, my mom and her husband, and a few other siblings all younger than me. After we ate our dinner we were all talking and got on to the subject of creating Mii's for our parents.

Now, to give you an impression of what we had here, her father is about 65 and his wife is about 50. They are both Arabs who were not born here but immigrated here in 1968. Neither of them have ever touched a video game. My mother is 47 and played a few games when I was a kid, i.e. my Atari 2600 and NES. Her husband is in his 50's and hasn't touched a video game from about the same time according to him.

First I introduced them to the Mii's and help them create thier Mii's. Everyone was laughing our asses off as I put them together throwing in the occasional girl's eyes on a Mii for a old school Arab manly man.

Then we moved on to Wii Sports and bowling. These 4 played first. The entire time we were all cheering them on and everyone picked up the controls very quickly. In fact by the time we finished playing bowling her father, the 65 year old man who had only bowled in real life once and never played games before ever, was undefeated and had a high score over 200. Throughout the rest of the evening as we played all of the sports and various Wii play games both couples had mentioned multiple times that they should buy one. Though I don't think her father will, I know my mom will. She said she will also pickup Wii Play and after showing her on the internet Wii Fit; she said she will buy that as well.

I know for a fact I would have never seen this on ANY other game console. Wii is definitely the only mass market game console.