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As I've mentioned a few times around the forum, I recently ordered a Wii. It arrived today in the mail.

This is the first console I bought, ever. I was mainly a PC gamer before I bought the Wii. However, I have played a lot of Mega Drive (Sega Genesis for you Americans) back in the day, and a bit of PS/PS2 too. The Wii is the first console which I really had an urge to buy, based on reports and on learning how the console works throughout the (long) time I've spent at vgchartz. Go ahead, call me a newb, I don't care ;) You can consider me as a part of one of the new demographics that Nintendo has tapped into with the Wii. 

Even though I don't have a TV yet at my new place, I managed to try it for a short time a few minutes ago. I played it on a very old 26'' SDTV. In case you care, here are my first impressions :)

I gave Wii Sports a try, and it turns out that my girlfriend can play it much better than me (none of us ever touched a Wii before). I guess people may be right when they say that unexperienced game players can have an edge with the Wii!  I felt the controls as a bit unresponsive at times, but it was such a short test that I couldn't really complain yet.

Then, I proceeded to try on what I was really looking forward to - Metroid Prime 3. My first impression was that the graphics were great, much better than I thought possible on a SDTV with simple composite cables. Then I started playing. I maneuvered around the starting area, and after a few minutes it struck me - this controller scheme has to be tried by EVERYONE. Really, I never felt so immersed in a game before (being an experienced player of PC FPSs and all). The controls couldn't be more intuitive, and they feel so good, that I can only imagine the smile on my face. I am now positive that I will really enjoy this console, and my mouth waters from thinking about the innovations that future software can bring to the console.

That's about what I can say for my first impressions. I really look forward to getting a TV installed and being able to really dive deep into Metroid Prime 3, which is the only game I have now (besides Wii Sports of course). Super Mario Galaxy was sold out at the place I bought it, I guess I'll buy it in a few weeks. I'm also considering getting Zack & Wiki when it gets released in Europe, but there's plenty of time to decide until then.


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957