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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Do you fell the 360 is the closest to the ps2 this gen?


Do you fell the 360 is the closest to the ps2 this gen?

Yes 78 22.74%
No 207 60.35%
Maybe 16 4.66%
I dont know 5 1.46%
Can you repeat the question? 24 7.00%
Your not the boss of me n... 13 3.79%

While no console can become like the ps2 this gen because I think that was the last dominant console we will ever see in terms of third party exclusives and sales advantage over the competition but the 360 has came the closest in the ways that matter to me.

The 360 has been the most aggressive in securing the exclusive/timed exclusive jrpgs which is my favorite genre. Lost Odyssey is still my favorite game so far this generation on any system. As a result the 360 is my favorite console this gen like the ps2 and ps1 were my favorite in previous gens because of the rpgs on the system.

The 360 is also the only console that has the excellent Mass Effect series.

I think that right now the 360 has the hardcore gaming crowd and the Wii has the casual crowd. The ps3 has a mixture of the hardcore and casual but neither base on the system measures up to the 360 hardcore or the casual on the Wii. The Playstation 2 was able to capture both markets.

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leo-j said:
actually its 22 vs 23..

and bayonetta is one of the AAA games on the 360, while its AA on ps3..

Let me guess... you counted the GOTY versions of the games esencially counting the same game twice?

And bayonetta wasnt included in that is at a 89% for the 360.

But that doesnt matter as you have just proven with gamerankings(a site that you said had more AAA ps3 games) that the 360 has more AAA titles than the ps3.

N64 is the ONLY console of the fifth generation!!!

CGI-Quality said:
jesus kung fu magic said:
CGI-Quality said:

In terms of exclusives, no.

In terms of amount of games total, no.

In terms of market respect, no.

3rd Party support, no. The PS3 gets enough to where the 360 could never pull away as the PS2 did.

Failure rate, well I guess they're comparable.

All-in-all, it doesn't have to be at this point. But the PS2's market/fanbase is split. There isn't a console like the PS2 this gen. Some similarities, sure, but they'll probably never be a console like the PS2 ever again, in terms of console dominance.

The J man thinks that no one thinks a  system will get the dominance the ps2 had but the point of this is that without dominance in the equation , the 360 is very similar to the ps2.


The first two you have to understand that that is based on time. 360 has been on the market for 5 years while the ps2 has 10(Although the second point could show similarities to the wii)..........and what is market respect? Can I evaluate that?

I'd argue that the Wii has more similarities and more important ones too.

Wii - Market dominance, weakest specs, most varied library, critical acclaim, fastest selling console of all time

PS2 - Market dominance, weakest specs (of course, after the Dreamcast was discontinued), most varied library, critical acclaim, (last gen) fastest selling console of all time.

Now, is this to say that the 360 and PS2 share no similarities, of course not. But in terms of the presence in the market, and console similarities, theWii is closer to this gen's PS2 than the 360 IMO.

Read my first sentence in the OP.....sales is not a feature or something a console can bring to the table.

N64 is the ONLY console of the fifth generation!!!

jesus kung fu magic said:
leo-j said:
actually its 22 vs 23..

and bayonetta is one of the AAA games on the 360, while its AA on ps3..

Let me guess... you counted the GOTY versions of the games esencially counting the same game twice?

And bayonetta wasnt included in that is at a 89% for the 360.

But that doesnt matter as you have just proven with gamerankings(a site that you said had more AAA ps3 games) that the 360 has more AAA titles than the ps3.

If you decide to tilt the scores, the PS3 clearly has more AAA (aka 89.5 +) then again you likely wont do that.

Even then, it doesn't matter, since no matter what you say PLAYSTATION 3 will always be the sucessor to the PLAYSTATION 2, saying the XBOX 360 is like the PS2, is like me saying the PS3 is the same as the gamecube.



The XBOX 360 does not offer the variety in games that the PS2 had either, or for that matter the PS3..


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leo-j said:
jesus kung fu magic said:
leo-j said:
actually its 22 vs 23..

and bayonetta is one of the AAA games on the 360, while its AA on ps3..

Let me guess... you counted the GOTY versions of the games esencially counting the same game twice?

And bayonetta wasnt included in that is at a 89% for the 360.

But that doesnt matter as you have just proven with gamerankings(a site that you said had more AAA ps3 games) that the 360 has more AAA titles than the ps3.

If you decide to tilt the scores, the PS3 clearly has more AAA (aka 89.5 +) then again you likely wont do that.

Even then, it doesn't matter, since no matter what you say PLAYSTATION 3 will always be the sucessor to the PLAYSTATION 2, saying the XBOX 360 is like the PS2, is like me saying the PS3 is the same as the gamecube.

Ill do you one even with 89% or greater on the ps3 and 360.

PS3:30   360:38


I predicted someone was going to say that , read the first sentence in the OP.



N64 is the ONLY console of the fifth generation!!!

CGI-Quality said:
jesus kung fu magic said:
CGI-Quality said:
jesus kung fu magic said:
CGI-Quality said:

In terms of exclusives, no.

In terms of amount of games total, no.

In terms of market respect, no.

3rd Party support, no. The PS3 gets enough to where the 360 could never pull away as the PS2 did.

Failure rate, well I guess they're comparable.

All-in-all, it doesn't have to be at this point. But the PS2's market/fanbase is split. There isn't a console like the PS2 this gen. Some similarities, sure, but they'll probably never be a console like the PS2 ever again, in terms of console dominance.

The J man thinks that no one thinks a  system will get the dominance the ps2 had but the point of this is that without dominance in the equation , the 360 is very similar to the ps2.


The first two you have to understand that that is based on time. 360 has been on the market for 5 years while the ps2 has 10(Although the second point could show similarities to the wii)..........and what is market respect? Can I evaluate that?

I'd argue that the Wii has more similarities and more important ones too.

Wii - Market dominance, weakest specs, most varied library, critical acclaim, fastest selling console of all time

PS2 - Market dominance, weakest specs (of course, after the Dreamcast was discontinued), most varied library, critical acclaim, (last gen) fastest selling console of all time.

Now, is this to say that the 360 and PS2 share no similarities, of course not. But in terms of the presence in the market, and console similarities, theWii is closer to this gen's PS2 than the 360 IMO.

Read my first sentence in the OP.....sales is not a feature or something a console can bring to the table.

I read it, and nowhere does it say sales are excluded from the conversation, otherwise I wouldn't have used them. But for shits and giggles, let's take out sales. I still included other important factors when determining crucial similarities.

The 360 has it's similarities to the PS2, yes. Is it "this gen's PS2" (or close enough to it), no.

Where in the OP did I state as the Title CGI... "the closest"......that means out of all the consoles this gen the 360 is closest to the ps2......that doesnt not mean the 360 IS close to the ps2

N64 is the ONLY console of the fifth generation!!!

I m a Pikmin and i hate Clony Systems, but i must accept the fact that the level of gaming the PStwo reached will never be surpassed by any system.

I m not talking only about the sales, may be the next system are going to surpass it as the market expands, but the PStwo set a new standard in the industry with the creation of gems that no other system can ever dream about, even the Wii can not acomplish the level the PStwo set.

I honestly think the Wii is like the promise that never came into reallity, huge potential, but ignored by the masses and the industry itself, the Xbox 360 may have a chance with Natal, but i honestly doubt it, Xbox 360 is focusing too much on Action/FPS games and their market can not support generes as important as the JRPG. As i said, Natal could change that, but if Nintendo couldnt make it on their own system, i barely expect something better from Microsoft.

And not forget the way the PStwo almost killed the whole industry, if we watch the past, we can be 100% sure that the SEGA Dreamcast would never had a chance, even the Game Cube with the strong Nintendo First Party struggled with sales and the Xbox would have vanished with its 5 billion loses if it werent backed by Microsoft(not to mention that those 5 billion invested in the Xbox fighting SONY in the early 2000s are worthless compared with an hipotetical 5 billion invested fighting Google in the earlies 2000s).

Honestly, the will never be a system as the PStwo.

jesus kung fu magic said:
Joelcool7 said:
jesus kung fu magic said:

To be clear , the J man is talking about what each console brought to the table so no "PS3 is closest to the PS2 because sony made it"



1 year head start

Failure Rate

More third party exclusives than the rest

More AAA exclusives than the rest (based on metacritics)

Less features than the competition

External Memory Card/HDD



PS2 was the weakest of its gen technically while the 360 isnt

PS2 was a god compared to the 360 in both First party/Third Party exclusives

Online play was not a big selling feature of the PS2 while with the 360 is.

What have you been smoking, Nintendo Wii has the most exclsuives. Almost every game on the Wii is exclsuive to the Wii. Now you can argue that some games are made for all three platforms but the Wii version is always different from the rest of the versions.

More AAA exclusives? again who are you to decide that 360 has more AAA titles. Almost everything made by Nintendo is an AAA title then add the other third party AAA titles. Then the PS3 has a few AAA titles too. P.S the PlayStation2 did not have the most AAA titles the GameCube did.

Your right about less features then the competition and stuff but come on the Wii is the current Gen PS2!

Most THIRD party exclusives....meaning not first party. And the underlined really makes you lose all credibility.


lol Wii has the most third party exclusives. Almost every title on the Wii is exclusive. Agrueing against that ruins any credibility youy have.

Also according to G4's X-Play and reviews on the run the GameCube did have the most high ranked titles. The PS2 was covered in shovel ware while the GameCube had tons of first party AAA titles far more then PS2 had third party and first party combined!

Now I am obviously a Nintendo fan, but considering your comparing the PS2 to the 360 indicates your a Microsoft fan. So why would you blindly support the PS2?


"In God We Trust - In Games We Play " - Joel Reimer


CGI-Quality said:
lostintheodyssey said:

I think that right now the 360 has the hardcore gaming crowd and the Wii has the casual crowd. The ps3 has a mixture of the hardcore and casual but neither base on the system measures up to the 360 hardcore or the casual on the Wii. The Playstation 2 was able to capture both markets.

In other words, you agree with some (myself included) that the 360 isn't this gen's PS2, correct?

It's like I said, I don't think they'll ever be a "PS2-like" console again. But the console with the most similarities to it, IMO, is the Wii.

Yeah I agree that the 360 isn't this gen's PS2 but like I said in my earlier comment it comes the closest to the ps2 this gen over the other consoles in the ways that matter to me.  It gives me the jrpgs that I love and it offers me games that the ps2 never had like the excellent wrpgs from bioware.