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jesus kung fu magic said:
leo-j said:
actually its 22 vs 23..

and bayonetta is one of the AAA games on the 360, while its AA on ps3..

Let me guess... you counted the GOTY versions of the games esencially counting the same game twice?

And bayonetta wasnt included in that is at a 89% for the 360.

But that doesnt matter as you have just proven with gamerankings(a site that you said had more AAA ps3 games) that the 360 has more AAA titles than the ps3.

If you decide to tilt the scores, the PS3 clearly has more AAA (aka 89.5 +) then again you likely wont do that.

Even then, it doesn't matter, since no matter what you say PLAYSTATION 3 will always be the sucessor to the PLAYSTATION 2, saying the XBOX 360 is like the PS2, is like me saying the PS3 is the same as the gamecube.

