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jesus kung fu magic said:
Joelcool7 said:
jesus kung fu magic said:

To be clear , the J man is talking about what each console brought to the table so no "PS3 is closest to the PS2 because sony made it"



1 year head start

Failure Rate

More third party exclusives than the rest

More AAA exclusives than the rest (based on metacritics)

Less features than the competition

External Memory Card/HDD



PS2 was the weakest of its gen technically while the 360 isnt

PS2 was a god compared to the 360 in both First party/Third Party exclusives

Online play was not a big selling feature of the PS2 while with the 360 is.

What have you been smoking, Nintendo Wii has the most exclsuives. Almost every game on the Wii is exclsuive to the Wii. Now you can argue that some games are made for all three platforms but the Wii version is always different from the rest of the versions.

More AAA exclusives? again who are you to decide that 360 has more AAA titles. Almost everything made by Nintendo is an AAA title then add the other third party AAA titles. Then the PS3 has a few AAA titles too. P.S the PlayStation2 did not have the most AAA titles the GameCube did.

Your right about less features then the competition and stuff but come on the Wii is the current Gen PS2!

Most THIRD party exclusives....meaning not first party. And the underlined really makes you lose all credibility.


lol Wii has the most third party exclusives. Almost every title on the Wii is exclusive. Agrueing against that ruins any credibility youy have.

Also according to G4's X-Play and reviews on the run the GameCube did have the most high ranked titles. The PS2 was covered in shovel ware while the GameCube had tons of first party AAA titles far more then PS2 had third party and first party combined!

Now I am obviously a Nintendo fan, but considering your comparing the PS2 to the 360 indicates your a Microsoft fan. So why would you blindly support the PS2?


"In God We Trust - In Games We Play " - Joel Reimer