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Forums - Gaming Discussion - 5 reasons why FFXIII is the best in the series. Agree or disagree?


5 reasons why FFXIII is the best in the series. Agree or disagree?

Yes, Agreed. 77 13.68%
No, Not exactly. 385 68.38%
It's FF, I love it regardless! 97 17.23%

This game is not even close to the best.
The battle system is repetitive and redundant. The upgrading system is horrible. The story is super boring until ch 7. There are no early sidequests, I wanted challenging monster hunts like 12.
I preferred being able to stop time on 12 to control all the characters during boss fights.

I might not finish this beautiful looking game.

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I loved the battle system a lot at first. Now I kind of hate it. You just pick a Paradigm, click Auto-Battle; that's it. You practically have no time to think and micromanage your party. Even FFXII is superior, you could prioritise a Protect before a Haste. Also, battles take forever, best battle system was FFX's, easily.

Overall, FFIX beats this game to the groin. Character balance is the one thing these two games have in common, and I loved in both. In general, I feel SE focused too much on presentation and caters beyond the classic FF demographic, it hurts the game. Play this game in 4 years, tell me if it holds a candle to FFVII, FFIX, FFX, FFIV, FFVI.

By no means a bad game, but far from the best in the series. I'd put it above only FFXII and FFV and prior due to the glorious presentation. And while the game springs some of the best worlds ever in a FF, the story is way too slow, linear and eventually dull.

badgenome said:

No, not at all. I was pulling my hair out over how long it took them to allow me to make my own group.

Me: Wow, Snow looks like he'll be a beast. I sure wish I could put him in my party.
Square-Enix: He's in your party. You just can't put him in a Battle Team™. But he's there and leveling up and stuff!
Me: This sucks! Why do I have to use Hope?
Square-Enix: Hope is a good character, and you only have to use him for the next 15 hours!
Me: Fuck you, Square-Enix! You are dead to me!

I'd say it's better than FF12 and FFX-2 so far, but I hated those a LOT.


Sorry ,but whoever thinks this game is the best of the series hasnt played the rest or have played only X and XIII. IV ,VI,VII,VIII,IX are legends.They cant be compared to this empty game.

AngelosL said:
Sorry ,but whoever thinks this game is the best of the series hasnt played the rest or have played only X and XIII. IV ,VI,VII,VIII,IX are legends.They cant be compared to this empty game.

This! this is where im at.... FF Xlll is awesome game I cannot deny that, but the only ppl that wouldn't is 1. ppl who never played or didnt all the other, o r Tetsuya Nomura whores who give anything a AAAA thats hes involved just amazing some ppl feel that way.

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I almost agree, if you just changed one word in the question, I would have agreed.

Simply replace "best" by "worst" and you'll get my vote

perpride said:
badgenome said:

No, not at all. I was pulling my hair out over how long it took them to allow me to make my own group.

Me: Wow, Snow looks like he'll be a beast. I sure wish I could put him in my party.
Square-Enix: He's in your party. You just can't put him in a Battle Team™. But he's there and leveling up and stuff!
Me: This sucks! Why do I have to use Hope?
Square-Enix: Hope is a good character, and you only have to use him for the next 15 hours!
Me: Fuck you, Square-Enix! You are dead to me!

I'd say it's better than FF12 and FFX-2 so far, but I hated those a LOT.


AngelosL said:
Sorry ,but whoever thinks this game is the best of the series hasnt played the rest or have played only X and XIII. IV ,VI,VII,VIII,IX are legends.They cant be compared to this empty game.

Actually FF13 is far better than 7,8,9, and slightly better than 4, 10. Its much much much more fun to play, has far better characters & a much more interesting world than any of those games had.

Its trumped by only FF6 due to FF6's plot & music being much stronger.

At no point did FF13 seem empty to me.

It is not the best of the series, but then again I hold FF6 on almost MGS4 levels, so its kind of impossible to get to that point as I'm biased towards them.



All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

darthdevidem01 said:

Actually FF13 is far better than 7,8,9, and slightly better than 4, 10. Its much much much more fun to play, has far better characters & a much more interesting world than any of those games had.

Yeah, all those corridors sure are interesting.

"Hey, look! This hallway is a jungle or something!"

badgenome said:
darthdevidem01 said:

Actually FF13 is far better than 7,8,9, and slightly better than 4, 10. Its much much much more fun to play, has far better characters & a much more interesting world than any of those games had.

Yeah, all those corridors sure are interesting.

"Hey, look! This hallway is a jungle or something!"

World = Lore, myth, fal'cie, l'cie, pulse, cocoon (reason for its creation), how they were made, legends within that world.....and so much more

a much more interesting world than any other FF and somehow unique compared to the others.

Besides the chapter in FF13 where its not a corridoor isn't even the best one

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey