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I loved the battle system a lot at first. Now I kind of hate it. You just pick a Paradigm, click Auto-Battle; that's it. You practically have no time to think and micromanage your party. Even FFXII is superior, you could prioritise a Protect before a Haste. Also, battles take forever, best battle system was FFX's, easily.

Overall, FFIX beats this game to the groin. Character balance is the one thing these two games have in common, and I loved in both. In general, I feel SE focused too much on presentation and caters beyond the classic FF demographic, it hurts the game. Play this game in 4 years, tell me if it holds a candle to FFVII, FFIX, FFX, FFIV, FFVI.

By no means a bad game, but far from the best in the series. I'd put it above only FFXII and FFV and prior due to the glorious presentation. And while the game springs some of the best worlds ever in a FF, the story is way too slow, linear and eventually dull.