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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Reggie: Move is “Wii-too”

Wagram said:
Nintendogamer said:
Wagram said:
bazmeistergen said:
Wagram said:
Wii is bringing me titles that I love all the time? Where reggie? I have two games.

  Try buying some more games then? Maybe? There's plenty of excellence about.

I will when they make something that isn't mario. Zelda/Xenoblade/The Last Story look to be my only purchases for the remainder of the year.

There's plenty of those, try metroid other m.

Looks like the only one i'll like. But I hear it is basically almost on rails, so i'll probably rent it.

It sounds like you're hearing what you want to hear, then...

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

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Wii too. lol. That's golden.

This guy sums up what I think about the Playstation Move

While some may say that NATAL copied Eye Toy, the whole controller-free thing never really took off. Eye Toy had very few games for it. NATAL didn't invent controller-free but it's trying to pioneer controller-free game by giving it a huge amount of support. The Playstation Move on the other hand is trying to ride the coat tails of Wii Motion success.

The man speaks the truth. Lol @ all the PS3 enthusiasts making fun of him, I can't even imagine the humongously monstrous mountains of reeking mud both Sony and Microsoft would fling at Nintendo if their positions were reversed, it's hilarious. XD Nintendo's so humble it's almost criminal.

Nintendo Network ID: Cheebee   3DS Code: 2320 - 6113 - 9046


I don't really care... Ill have both of 'em.


"There is nothing that they showed that is surprising. There is nothing that they showed that is innovative''

Sad, but true.

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Khuutra said:
Wagram said:
Nintendogamer said:
Wagram said:

I will when they make something that isn't mario. Zelda/Xenoblade/The Last Story look to be my only purchases for the remainder of the year.

There's plenty of those, try metroid other m.

Looks like the only one i'll like. But I hear it is basically almost on rails, so i'll probably rent it.

So you're saying you haven't read anything about Metroid: Other M?

Have you considered that yoru familiarity with the Wii library may be low enough that you're not really qualified to comment on it as a body?

Yeah, what about Silent Hill, Tatsunoko, Endless Ocean, No More Heroes 2, Fragile Dreams, Monkey Island, Excitebike, Cave Story, Lost Winds, World of Goo, Swords and Soldiers etc etc etc... there's many a game...

Yes. - contribute your stuff... satire, comics, ideas, debate, stupidy stupid etc.

M.U.G.E.N said:
Innervate said:
M.U.G.E.N said:
SuperAdrianK said:
The Wii too comment was unnecessary, but anyways I agree with him unless natal and move show something friggen crazy.

It already has shown some crazy tech already tho....and we are not even at E3 yet!

It would be funny to see if someone just say hey he is alright...he tells the truth but in return and bash on MS and Sony PR :D Hypocracy at it's best imo...they are all equally bad

It's one thing to be shown tech demos, it's another to be shown actual software. Sony's GDC wasn't impressive, and the impressions show that Sony has a lot of work to do before they release Move.

Ugh yeah GDC and Engadget are TECH DEMO places targeted at game developers and tech shown were incomplete pre alpha wait until E3 to judge the games pls

And again, Move has shown it can do so much already that the Wii can't do, if your gonna argue on the capabilities then your just biased or malinformed imo

  What can't the Wii do other than the rather pointless (for me at least) augmented reality? Nothing that I've seen shows any other 'improvement'

Yes. - contribute your stuff... satire, comics, ideas, debate, stupidy stupid etc.

hang on he deleted some of the games I've listed :/

Buying in 2015: Captain toad: treasure tracker,

mario maker

new 3ds

yoshi woolly world

zelda U

majora's mask 3d

atma998 said:
"There is nothing that they showed that is surprising. There is nothing that they showed that is innovative''

Sad, but true.

What about the 'use a motorboat propeller to blow birds into the nest' game?

Don't forget the haircut game. It's all about precision.


Nov 2016 - NES outsells PS1 (JP)

Don't Play Stationary 4 ever. Switch!

Kick 'em Reggie!