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Forums - Sales Discussion - So does anyone still think the PS3 will sell under 8M?

i dont think it will make 8 million by the end of this year, but i think that it will be close.

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I think it will just pass 8 million by years end.

Somewhere between 7.8 - 8.2 million I guess.

I think the worldwide PS3 sales at the end of the year will be closer to 8.5 million than 8 million. This is my theory:

Total sales are currently at 6.375.000 units. If you look at the worldwide sales of the week ending at november 24th and multiply that by the 5 remaining weeks of this year you'll get another(5 x 333.000)1.665.000 sales this year. 6.375.000 + 1.665.000 = 8.040.000 units at the end of this year and everybody knows that sales in december will be way higher than sales in november. Trust me, sales will be closer to 8.5 than 8 million at the end of this year.

Well, it depends on how much those 174K of ps3's were given to black friday sales last week. I don't think that any of the consoles, Wii especially, will maintain such high sales. Someone mentioned that GT will give a boost in sales in Japan. I would beg to differ as you can plainly see that the GT series is THAT popular in Japan. The last GT4 game barely over a million units LTD. Concept games of the series fared even more poorly, so i'd watch it with the predictions there. Besides, it rather look sto me that UT won't give much of a boost, it's not a system seller IMO. Rather, it will give a nice software boost to ps3 stats.

OT: i think it'll be just under 8 million, with wii coming at 19 million and the xbox360 at some 14,5 millionunits sold by new years eve.

Deep into the darkness pearing

Long i stood there




I think that a lof of people underestimate Holiday rush. Xbox 360 sold in last 5 weeks of previous year around 2 mil. consoles. PS3 is selling than 360 at this point last year and needs only 1.64 mln. 8.5 million prediction isn't in any way high or optimistc nevertheless lots of people here don't belive in 8 mil PS3 at the end of the year.

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im going for 9m for PS3 by the end of the year.

Think it will come up short. Through November 24th the PS3 sits at 6.36M.
Weeks after black friday will slide a little in the US until the week directly before Christmas. This doesnt mean that November sells worse than December. December sells better because more Holiday shopping weeks.

So with 4 weeks (not 5) averaging about 325K that is an extra 1.3million. That has the PS3 at 7.66M. Last week of year (post Christmas) add in another 150K and you sit at 7.81M.

I think it comes in 100-200K short.

Libraries sell systems not individual games

It won't matter cause in 2008 the PS3 will be cancelled and Sony will leave the videogame business.

On other fronts, Wii Fit will outsell Halo in its first week and the Wii will reach 750 million after launching in China and India.

Thanks to Blacksaber for the sig!

thx1138 said:
Think it will come up short. Through November 24th the PS3 sits at 6.36M.
Weeks after black friday will slide a little in the US until the week directly before Christmas. This doesnt mean that November sells worse than December. December sells better because more Holiday shopping weeks.

So with 4 weeks (not 5) averaging about 325K that is an extra 1.3million. That has the PS3 at 7.66M. Last week of year (post Christmas) add in another 150K and you sit at 7.81M.

I think it comes in 100-200K short.
You're not accounting for sales increase in Japan.  The week after christmas in Japan it will sell at least 100k. 


currently playing: Skyward Sword, Mario Sunshine, Xenoblade Chronicles X

And don't forget about "Boxing Day" up in Canada. It's their version of "Black Friday".


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My pokemon brings all the nerds to the yard. And they're like, "You wanna trade cards?" Damn right, I wanna trade cards. I'll trade this, but not my charizard.